Simply; no.
But I had 1 gram of cubensis yesterday and in meditation it was sufficient to notice that if I should go over 3 grams again I wouldn't learn something new (I already got the message) and neither I'd have that wake up perception again which I clearly experienced after my very first dissoluted identity experience. I actually tried to get that several times again in vain, which landed me in shroom experiences which drove me to the edge of utter mental discomfort. I don't like the sedation, the absence of logic and that friggin' irritating low blood pressure.
I have known LSD, even though I think the vibrations and energy are still grand, I may use it again, but it's nothing new anymore. And it has no spirit like plant components have.
I really love San Pedro, to me it has all elements and it gets me exactly there where I want to be. Serene, placid, translucent, bright, dreamy, erotic, euphoric and a long duration with a relative long come down which comforts me because there's plenty of time to perceive beauty with patience without the fear of falling into sobreity. And it's the only psychedelic that actually makes me feel I'm in my body.
DMT is also a good one, nice and brief, reminds me instantly what an integral shroom trip is and goes so beyond everything that it comforts despite the short flashing phases of immense fear. But the love and colours are so terrific that both with mescaline it'll be my ally for evermore. A quick reset without the risk of hours left that are only drifting.