Will über-aphrodisiac become the biggest club-drug ever?

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Alpiniste Kundalini
New York Magazine in a recent article says, "Is the World Ready for Libido in a Nasal Spray? Now entering Phase 3 clinical trials: the first real, honest-to-God, horny-making, body-shaking, equal-opportunity aphrodisiac.".

What is this new powerful potency potion? It name is PT-141. Here is basic facts from the Culture Blog article 'Sniff The Greatest Sex Drug Ever':

It is the nasal spray to end all nasal sprays, a new and apparently hugely effective brain-stroking libido-licking sex-drive-boosting drug called PT-141 which, if approved and if even half as effective as some of the amazing human trials indicate, will revolutionize sex in a way Viagra could only wet dream and which Ecstasy can only knowingly wink at and which cocaine and cocktails and overpriced sports cars will only deeply envy forevermore. Farewell?

NYMag article

Text for this post: Bruce Eisner's vision Thing
Am ready to get a try !
who wants to play :) :) ??
No playing, only the real job !! :lol:

Sounds very promising !

This sounds fun beyond sexual... but I can only image the plausible effects it may have to the mind, and body.

especially during withdrawal
My nose spray brings all the boys to the yard and they're like It's better than yours......
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
What's the catch?

PT-141 goes straight to the brain itself. And there it goes to work, switching on the same neural circuitry that lights up when a person actually, you know, wants to

Palatin plans to market it to the same crowd Viagra targets: male erectile-dysfunction patients. Approval as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction may follow, perhaps bringing relief to postmenopausal and other women with truly physiological barriers to sexual happiness.

So it's like when you have a sexual problem this would be a very very nice solution, but why fix something that works great?
I am very happy with my sexual experiences, if you want to go further, why not try trantric? You'll probably have to do stuff that seems very strange but it's something you will know your life and seems more valuable.

Ofcourse it's always fun try it, but deffinately not on a regular basis.

But if I have to be realistic, if this comes out it will reach the clubcircuit and we'll know within no time if it's dangerous in combination with other drugs.
PT-141 doesn't seem to interact or be affected by food or alcohol, but I'm still wondering what's the catch.

Maybe after regular use the libido decreases without the substance.
So I don't think it would be wrong to try it sometime, but don't fix something that allready works. Ofcourse it is used for enhancement of the experience (like psychedelics), so once in a (long) time it can be fun. But sex should also be fun and intense without external substances.
switching on the same neural circuitry that lights up when a person actually, you know, wants to

Then what will be the special effect if you're a man? ;)

Nah really, the moments were I really don't want to are very rare and I can live with them. We can just hope girls will like this drug, lol
No it's like with a man something happends in the brain and you're penis starts to grow and the rest happends just fysicly.
But with women information keeps streaming from the brains to the genitals and back.
That's why some (or a lot of) women can't have an orgasm, because there's something that is holding them back mentally.
Then again, most women who can orgasm have a lot heavier experience then men...
this stuff can be dangerous for people without a partner, what if they sniff and are so horney that they rape someone or live themselves out on theyre pet?