ASC = altered state of consciousness
sorry for shortening it but I had to due to characters limit
so basically the idea is that if you keep your mind of certain things like food and sleep it can temporary screw up your neuro-transmitters or something like that and just make your mind start going bananas
do you think that doing all that for 3 days would enough to get hallucinations?:
# fasting
# abstaining from water (at least one day)
# sleep deprivation
# no talking AT ALL with people (including over the internet)
# no company AT ALL (being completely alone for 3 days)
# FULL chastity (including saying no to thoughts which have a sexual nature)
# to meditate a lot during those three days
# no listening to music
# no watching TV
# no video games
# practicing daily astral projection during the course of those three days
# turning all clocks off and closing all windows and doors to avoid finding out what hour it is or if it is day or night
sorry for shortening it but I had to due to characters limit
so basically the idea is that if you keep your mind of certain things like food and sleep it can temporary screw up your neuro-transmitters or something like that and just make your mind start going bananas
do you think that doing all that for 3 days would enough to get hallucinations?:
# fasting
# abstaining from water (at least one day)
# sleep deprivation
# no talking AT ALL with people (including over the internet)
# no company AT ALL (being completely alone for 3 days)
# FULL chastity (including saying no to thoughts which have a sexual nature)
# to meditate a lot during those three days
# no listening to music
# no watching TV
# no video games
# practicing daily astral projection during the course of those three days
# turning all clocks off and closing all windows and doors to avoid finding out what hour it is or if it is day or night