Wikileaks shows EPA allowed bee's near-wipeout

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité

Thanks to Wikileaks, an EPA document has come to light revealing that the agency allowed for the use of a bee-toxic pesticide on cotton and mustard. The EPA approved the use of clothianidin--a pesticide produced by Bayer-- that is used to pre-treat corn seeds and banned by Germany, France, Italy, and Slovenia. "The pesticide scooped up $262 million in sales in 2009 by farmers, who also use the substance on canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers, and wheat, according to Grist."
The EPA also had approved corexit, and they have approved EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PRESCRIPTION PILL THAT HAS EVER KILLED ANYONE.......they are a worthless, toothless old bag of syphillitic whores who deserves death by im-fucking-palement for selling us all out.

EPA approval doesn't mean shit when the lobby has as much influence as it does, with absolutely zero transparency.
i feel this was to kill off bees because bee pollen and honey is the best natural medicine for all sorts of thinks if your stocking up on anything stock up on bee pollen and honey it might save your life and if taken regularly it strengths the immune system. stay nature stay free
thanks for the welcoming and i am so glad to be aboard now if we can just clutch this ingrates into shape.
hmm, every source i've looked into touted bee pollen as legitimately really good for you (in every way!). it appears the main concern is where it is from. everyone i've referred to says new zealand is the place, but i think many places could do just as well. the main thing is pollution. don't get it if it's made near a large city state. some sites(vendors) even go so far as to mention what trade winds cross their pollen harvesting land. gonna get some soon, ill come back and let you guys in on my experience with it. :D