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What's your favorite tripping music?

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Matrice Périnatale
To me, music during trips (especially LSD and Ketamine) is necessary at certain times to explore different emotions. The auditory sense can be manipulated for the good, bad or to accompany any type of exploring the mind.

Anyways, my favorite music to listen to while tripping would have to be anything peaceful and nature-esque. 2 of my favorite more main stream songs would be:

Nine Inch Nails - Adrift and at Peace
Incubus - Aqueous Transmission
I'm into
older Infected Mushroom
General/random trance...

The easier it is, the better I like, although once in a while I like to blow my mind off with some Vicious Delicious or Andy Hunter or BT

I definatly suggest you all look up the album "This Binary Universe"
i can't for the life of me get in to Shpongle
the muisc comes across as very deeply rooted in corny conventions that are unappealing
i'd enjoy it at a dance party but it's not some thing i can actively listen to
Indian raga (ravi shankar)

ambient (alio die, biosphere, steve roach, thom brennan, robert rich, carbomn based lifeforms, tetsu Inoue, (some) pete namlook.

electronix, (kettle, aphex, boards of canada, astrobotnia, Monolake, somatic response, project V, bonobo, mouse on mars, xela, bola, global goon,)

The list goes on and on. :D
I love a lot of music, but i don't like psy trance or Goa.
@magickmumu: how do you feel about Autechre?
magickpencil a dit:
@magickmumu: how do you feel about Autechre?

Autechre is okay, they are legends.
But I never listen to it while tripping, a bit to static.

I also like squarepusher and ceephax acid crew.
There is so much music that I like, I could go on for ever.
Psyolopher a dit:
....wow alot....

Now imagine that everytinhg is just beginning-That you have an Ethereal Eternal Forest of light before you.

alio die, biosphere, steve roach, thom brennan, robert rich, carbomn based lifeforms, tetsu Inoue, (some) pete namlook.

Robert Lich, carbon based lifeforms :shock: :D

ISQH, The infiniy project, Koxbox, Jean Michel Jarre, Juno Reactor, Suns of arqa, Vir Urnis & Paul Stokes, Ozric Tentacles, Battle of the future Buddhas, Etnica, UX, Alien Mental, Procs, Ra, Return to the source VA's, Wagner, Beethoven, Samadhi, Hallucinogen, Quasar, Ocelot, Celtic cRoss

And metal:
Tristania, Negura Bunget, Taake, Ulver(space ulver), Deathspell Omega, Spiral Architect.
magickmumu a dit:
Indian raga (ravi shankar)

ambient (alio die, biosphere, steve roach, thom brennan, robert rich, carbomn based lifeforms, tetsu Inoue, (some) pete namlook.

electronix, (kettle, aphex, boards of canada, astrobotnia, Monolake, somatic response, project V, bonobo, mouse on mars, xela, bola, global goon,)

The list goes on and on. :D
I love a lot of music, but i don't like psy trance or Goa.

Woww very good tastes :P +10 for Carbon based lifeforms, pete namlook, aphex, somatic response etc! Take an eye on Vibrasphere, (best psychedelic band ever) Colour haze, meï teï shô, solar fields and Hol Baumann! If you like, ask me for some others :]
Vicious Delicious is the hardest tripping song I've ever heard...
Anyone wanna one up me?
Doesn't this type of thread exist already? I could have sworn I have seen it like 4 times.

@Drugless: i think we have some similar tastes in music
i like the "I. C. Water" video for some incomprehensible reason
mostly anything by Aphex twin...

there is nothing like laying down watching the sky on a clear night on LSD while listening to Brain Eno's Apollo Soundtrack...
Heavyweight by Infected mushrooms trippy with some electric guitar or salvia divinorum by 1200 micrograms and the beggining is the end is the begginging by smashing pumkins is an epic tripping song