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What do u smoke?

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What u Smoke?

  • Schwag

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Popcorn

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  • beasters/dro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • chronic/dank

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Matrice Périnatale
Now i know everybody and their mommas smoke weed but what kind of weed?

me i smoke chronic i just got such an itch that i need to be HIGH!!!!!!!!

where im from theres a shit load of weed. everything from sschwag to pop to beasters to chronic

below is a pic of a beatiful half pound of some sweet island skunk and a close up of it
I guess the names vary all around the world
I do like popcorn though, especially when watching a movie :roll:
Can i buy some? haha
Schwag sounds a bit like smoking knobcheese :mrgreen:

Nice bag btw!
I don't know what any of those words mean.
yeah not sure what the OP means either.

i tend to alternate between hash and bud. i use weed for its sensory effects, listening to or making music, reading literature... hence i prefer the stronger sativas although in my experience there is less of a difference between sativa and indica than people seem to think.. i notice more of a difference just switching strains, say switching from a berry to a skunk etc.. the first session with a new strain is always somewhat.. mildly psychedelic for me regardless of the strain :P

as for usage.. i'm definitely not a chronic everyday user but i like strong weed for its effects.. for me its almost like a low dose of mushrooms with a stronger headspace and longer plateau. anyway the amount most chronic users i know blow through in a week would take me months to go through if not longer.

i'm so fortunate to live in an area with some of the best in the world.. :D (so they say)
Nice bag, but it doesn't look like a half pound :p
I smoke cannabis man!

All those brand names are a bit of a wank.
They make a difference only to the dealer’s profits and those misinformed consumers who read a book by its cover. But in effect, there meaningless.

Sure you can postulate all you want on a nice sounding name for your buds, but in the end, it’s all cannabis. Strain names are really only useful to growers, and tediously certified by many generations of growth and consumption when traits can be, if merely obscurely, evaluated. Yet even so, the attributes of different varieties are numerous, sometimes quite subtle, and change with every generation that branding is simply arbitrary.
pure power plant is my fav. or northern lights
PPP has a good yield but it isnt very stable
haze variants always work
blueberry is a nice all round day to day toke
buffachino a dit:
They make a difference only to the dealer’s profits and those misinformed consumers who read a book by its cover. But in effect, there meaningless.

Sure you can postulate all you want on a nice sounding name for your buds, but in the end, it’s all cannabis.

I mostly agree.. really all strains are just different blends of the original naturally-occuring indica and sativa strains.

But where I live the difference in strains is in fact stunning sometimes. I tried a type last year that didn't even smell like weed--more like a cross between oregano and green tea, and was a light yellowish color to boot.. I wish I could remember the name of this strain, friends and I lovingly dubbed it "oregano weed." And of course some strains are 20% THC, some are 5%, some are more indiica or more sativa, etc..

To be fair though, when you can't tell the difference and don't know your source, for all you know the dealer could be giving you anything...

Additionally, if you've ever done the hot knives, pretty much every strain has the same effect IMO--instant craziness--indica, sativa be damned :o
canabis is not just canabis. i was living in CO for about 3 years, and all i got was the mexican brick shit. this was seriously the crappiest weed i have ever smoked. back home in southern canada, 1 bowl would get me pretty high. in CO, i had to smoke 3-4 bowls of the shit to get the same effects as 3 hits of canadas chron. NOW, iv moved out to western canada, where there are dozens of types of weed, all looking almost completly different. and YES they have different effects. theres indica and sativa. (and possibly another strain) but the indica im getting here if you smoke more then 2-3 hoots, your going to puke. when it comes to weed, i smoke chronic everyday. iv smoked 14G fatties, iv smoked oz's out of hookahs, but nothing compairs to the weed out here. i got my hands on some purple kush, where there were more crystals then actual plant matter. so you cant tell me theres no difference in strains. juicy fruit actually does taste like juicy fruit. and yes, white widdow is actually WHITE! :O
Ultima a dit:
canabis is not just canabis.

Yum.. your post is making me want to smoke a bowl right now! :lol:

I would actually love to sit down over a couple days with a decent 80% or higher sativa and compare it with an indica strain. Just to really compare the effects.

Sadly even most suppliers don't really know the difference. And some strains have very similar names, but one is indica, one is 50/50, etc..
I never said there were no differences;
I am simply implying that brand names are vague and inconsistent.

These traits, both in potency and growth habit, can change over generations, crossbreeds, growth mediums, nutrient and water availability, stress, handling, curing etc, etc.

So regardless of the name, you’re always smoking different bud unless it came from the same plant; even different plants from the same strain can have completely different growth patterns and effects. Yet essentially, the distinction between strains, or even batches of the same strain, are only differing ratios of cannabinoids. So cannabis is cannabis; sure there are some varieties that are better than others at getting you there, but strip it all down to the active compounds and the differences are really quite subtle.