We will stop raiding medical marijuana providers...

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
At a press conference on Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said his Department of Justice will stop raiding medical marijuana providers in states where it's legal.

Holder said, in response to a reporter's question, that "what the president said during the campaign, you'll be surprised to know, will be consistent with what we'll be doing here in law enforcement." He continued that, Obama is "formally and technically and by law my boss now, and so what he said during the campaign is now American policy."


Interestingly, Holder said this standing right next to DEA Acting Administrator Michelle Leonhart, who has overseen the most recent federal medical marijuana raids, including those that took place after Obama's inauguration.

Source: DoseNation
Incredible, if they actually stop doing this, and the legislation in California passes that'll really be the first big step in the 10 years or so since the first States passed the Medicinal laws.
Why should I be ill before I can get my cannabis in a legal way?

If marijuana becomes a 'real/official medicine' > there will come patents on them > then marijuana will never NEVER be legalised for the recreational user.

The more you support medicinal marijuana, the more difficult it will become for the recreational user in the future.

So Fuck medicinal marijuana; cannabis should be legal for everybody above 18. Period.
You know, I agree to a certain extent, but I think med pot is good because the next big question thaqt wil arise, I believe, after med pot is accepted, is;

Do we have the right to self-medicate?


What is 'medical need'?

These issues are growing pains for society to tackle, and at some point, we will have to address them.....I have old injuries which are 'helped' by cannabis....who's to say that I don't obtain relief from it?

This goes to the heart of their problem with it, it disenfranchises the pharmaceutical conglomerates AND the PHD (piled high 'n deep) Doctor
authority relationship.

I think overcoming industry attempts to patent and monopolize will be easy compared to getting it to the point where its legal.
Why should I be ill before I can get my cannabis in a legal way?

If marijuana becomes a 'real/official medicine' > there will come patents on them > then marijuana will never NEVER be legalised for the recreational user.

The more you support medicinal marijuana, the more difficult it will become for the recreational user in the future.

So Fuck medicinal marijuana; cannabis should be legal for everybody above 18. Period.
Hmmm this is a good point. If it gets legalized, medical marijuana will lose its value as everyone can grow it...
I don't think that will be the case. MJ is to big of a problem in other areas. If it is for prescription only, the black market will never be deminised to a managable level. The prisons will still be clogged with thousands of people for posession charges. The money will keep being waitsed on controling it and that is moeny that the US doesn't have at the moment.

I see it as a very exciting time where policy makers are rethinking more that 30 years of failure and it is up to the voters to make sure that the failures of the past are not repeated when new legislation is put forward.

This is a time where the public opinion of weed is changing and this change in opinion can be a starting point for real reform.
Though I completely agree that medical marijuana isn't a boon for recreational users, it's a philosophical change in the right direction. Hopefully it's a stepping stone rather than another nail in the coffin.
who says that recreation is not medication? if everything in my life was going as i wanted i wouldn't need to entertain myself with marijuana....not?
from the moment you take a drug, it means you are using it for some reason.
a person that "recreates" him/herself with a drug has some kind of "unresolved" that needs help being resolved. drugs give you a different perspective, it's a way of cheating around problems, which can lead to addiction, but that's due to people's inability of seing drugs as signs.
Just wait, Mexico will bring us all the drugs we'll ever need.
Etherbunny a dit:
Just wait, Mexico will bring us all the drugs we'll ever need.

Don't they already? They send bricks of anything. bricks of weed, bricks of yayo, bricks of heroin. One can even take a short drive to mexico and pick up pretty much any pill known to man.
Mexico the center of the free world . I wish i lived there .
The government is quite active raiding drug cartells in mexico- they arrested some 700 people or so, didn't they?
Maybe restin, but you gotta remember that the people they are arresting aren't gonna be the "Lords" if you know what I mean. We need to start getting our drugs domestically. ;)
LoL! the cartels LOVE to get their subdued arrested, so they have contacts all the way inside the system, all the way to the heart of it. in southern europe it's known as octopus...keep contacts everywhere imaginable.
"Santa Barbara Reacts to U.S. Attorney General’s Promise to Stop Cannabis Club Raids

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Medical marijuana advocates throughout California are celebrating this week after a serious dose of good news from Washington, D.C.

In a press conference on Wednesday, February 26, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Michele Leonhart by his side, told a throng of reporters that President Barack Obama will hold true to his campaign promises and that fed-led raids of cannabis clubs operating legally under state laws will come to a close. Specifically asked about a series of DEA raids at clubs in Lake Tahoe and Los Angeles in the days immediately after Obama’s inauguration, Holder replied, “What the president said during the campaign, you'll be surprised to know, will be consistent with what we'll be doing here in law enforcement … What he said during the campaign is now American policy.