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Watering my peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Could anyone tell me what to do. My peyotes soil is drying out almost daily. I dont want to deprive it of water, but I watered it yesterday and it is almost bone dry. It could be because i have it in a large pot. It is about a 3 inch diameter pot. (i planted many in the same pot but the others died or just didnt sprout)....So what should I do, water it when it gets dry, or limit it to only 3 times a week...a few times a month? The peyote is about 7 months old now. thanks...
perhaps you could put a plastic bag over the cactus when it is in full sun? dont know a lot about growing small peyote but thats wat I woud do.
i have a shot glass over it to increase humidity....and i dont think its good to replant this young, maybe when its a year old....
u would do better if u told us how big it is ....
i would say my peyote is about 5-7 mm wide.....
i have 15 peyotes just like that. i water them about 3 times a week. but if you watered yesterday and today is dry, perhaps there's something wrong to your soil (too much drainage?). if this is so, perhaps the little fellow won't get much water as it should...but this opinion comes from a guy whose peyote is bursting his skin off, so take that into account :)
i think it is because the pot is to big, and that the little water i put around it is absorbed by the peyote and the surrounding soil.....but now my question is ...since its a bigger pot would i have to water it more?
I think u should give it more water then yes .. but its never good to have a very wet soil I think .. it could cause the roots to rot so..
and putting it in a smaller pot would be silly :P
cause they originally live in the largest pot ever :) "mother earth"

just slowly build up the amount of water, and see how fast it dries out this time
k thanks alot
Buddy buy little pots and transplant those cacti. This is advice for yours peyotie grow cause lots of time will be spend on roots(you will lose bout one year). And watering problem can be solved like this: everyone are saying that cacti is watered max 3 times per month. I water my cacti (14 of them) almost every day if I see that earth is dry. But this is bad way if you want to produce mescaline-lower concentracion cause of perfect conditions for enlargement. But this baby's are far, far from eating stage.
In another forum, im pretty sure you said to NOT tranplant them because it will forsure kill them(wrinkly peyote if im not mistaken)...so now im confused? But it seems my peyote is going excellent, so im not sure if im gonna take your advice..i might keep them in this pot for another 2 or so months...they r about 7 months old now......so im not sure what to do now? transplant or not?
You need to see how much is yours cacti large and if it is ready to transplant. Cause Cati can be, if you know how to perfect your growing methods very large, or weak, and some months will need to be waited. Or not. But try to suck soil with water and than with soil from first pots(moisted) transplant them into new and smaller pots. This way you will preserve the cacti roots. :)