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Water of the bong

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Elfe Mécanique
So, this question was probably asked many times, but I would like to know if yes or no, the water of the bong purifies the smoke?

It makes it more smooth and cool, but is the smoke less nocive?

I know it's much harmful for the lungs because of the amount of smoke inhaled in a short time, but in the other hand, does the water contain some of the nocive components?

I've already heard both points of view: some say it doesn't change anything, some say water acts like a filter..

Thanks for giving your opinion, and excuse my bad english..

that the smoke is cooler makes it less harmful.
the windpipe has millions of cilia, those are tiny hairs pointing upwards to remove dust and mucus. hot air (like smoke) destroys these hairs.

if the smoke is cooler, less hairs are destroyed.

about the chemical filtering: just take a look at bong water after you use it a couple of times :)
if you let the water stand in your bong for a night, you get a tar ring at the surface, so i guess some of the tar is taken by the water.
I'm fairly sure (not sure where I might have picked this idea up so if it's false I apologize) that because of the polarity of water molecules they bond to other polar molecules i.e. tar and many of the other chemicals in smoke however does not bond to THC because THC is a non-polar molecule. Therefore the water does act as a chemical filter in reducing the amount of harmful chemicals in the smoke. :wink:
I read on the Wikipedia vaporizer page that the water does filter out THC, so you need to smoke more to have the same effect.

Oh, here it is:

"A 1996 MAPS study [4] tested two simple vaporizer models against water pipes and filtered and unfiltered cannabis cigarettes (joints). The smoke produced by each was analyzed for solid particulates (tars) and 3 major cannabinoids. The various smoking methods were then rated based on their cannabinoid-to-tar ratio. The two tested vaporizers performed up to 25% better than unfiltered cannabis cigarettes (second best) in terms of tar delivery. However, both vaporizers produced more than ten times more tars than cannabinoids, which may partly be attributable to the low potency (2.3%) of the NIDA-supplied cannabis used in the study. Surprisingly, the same study found that water pipes (bongs) and filtered cigarettes performed 30% worse than regular, unfiltered joints. The reason was that waterpipes and filters filter out psychoactive THC with the tars, thereby requiring users to smoke more to reach their desired effect. The study did not, however, rule out the possibility that waterpipes could have other benefits, such as filtering out harmful gases such as carbon monoxide."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporizer

A modified Dutch version can be found here: http://www.azarius.nl/encyclopedia/76/Wat_is_een_Vaporizer/
So let me see if I got this...

Even though THC is not water solvable that the smoke that is being drawn into to the water also has tar in it. The tar is a carrier of THC and thus with the tar being filtered out some THC is filtered out?

But still if THC is water insolvable than shouldn't the water only pull out the tar and let the THC through the water filter?

And while I'm on the subject, if THC is water insoluble than drinking mass amounts of water won't clear any THC out of your system. So is THC really insolvable in water? And if so, it can't be 100% according to the article mentioned above.
JustinNed a dit:
So let me see if I got this...

Even though THC is not water solvable that the smoke that is being drawn into to the water also has tar in it. The tar is a carrier of THC and thus with the tar being filtered out some THC is filtered out?

But still if THC is water insolvable than shouldn't the water only pull out the tar and let the THC through the water filter?

And while I'm on the subject, if THC is water insoluble than drinking mass amounts of water won't clear any THC out of your system. So is THC really insolvable in water? And if so, it can't be 100% according to the article mentioned above.

Sorry I thought THC was a non-polar molecule however I suppose I was mistaken thats kind of strange that bongs actually filter out more thc than joints tho cause I always find I get way more messed up from a few bong hits than from a few draws on a spliff
Now let me just include that I'm not necessarily right, just what I have picked up from talking with people. Also, I do agree I get way higher from a few bong rips than smoking a joint.
Maybe we are just feeling a better, "purer", high because the water filters out tons of other stuff that has no psychoactive effects?
JustinNed a dit:
Maybe we are just feeling a better, "purer", high because the water filters out tons of other stuff that has no psychoactive effects?

Now if they didn't have a psychoactive effect, the high wouldn't be different, would it?
A bong is the way to go if you want to smoke.

THC is water soluble, but it has a lower solubility than many of the noxious particulates in the smoke; so smoking cannabis through water is cooler and cleaner, but it may reduce the psychoactive potency of the smoke to some minute degree.
If one is smoking high quality cannabis, then this minuscule reduction of potency is unnoticeable, compared with the noticeably cleaner quality of the smoke inhaled.
The tars and particulates do not carry the active compounds, but are accompanying combustion products; the more filtered the smoke, the less particulate concentration.

Smoking fewer and larger inhalations does less damage to ones respiratory system than smaller, shallow inhalations more frequently. Also, one absorbs less cannabinoids and accumulates more tars by frequently inhaling less deeply, while inflicting additional particulate damage on the walls of ones bronchi, because of the higher concentration of ambient oxygen compared to cannabinoids and particulates in the smoke that one inhales; resulting in more tar being smeared on the surface of your airways and less cannabinoids being absorbed.

Holding smoke in is totally unnecessary because cannabinoids are absorbed relatively quickly; holding it in only results in more damage from accumulation of particulates.
How one smokes also affects the potential for harm; slower and smoother inhalations and exhalations provide better absorption and less build up of dangerous particulates than inhaling and exhaling harder and faster. It’s all in the respiratory motion.

Joints have a lesser effect compared to using a bong because smaller amounts of unfiltered smoke are shallowly inhaled more frequently, resulting in more particulate being deposited than cannabinoids and denying further cannabinoid absorption because of this accumulation of tar. Thus the smoker must inhale more smoke to get the same psychoactive effect, further increasing this build up of particulates and deteriorating the effectiveness of the cannabis itself.

The design of a bong allows a small pocket of air to be drawn into in the lungs prior to the smoke, allowing for smoother respiratory motion because it acts as a buffer, containing the smoke above it and allowing it to pass in and out of the lungs without much resistance and less potential for deposition of particulates.

So using a bong, as a method of filtering the smoke and as method of inhaling it, is cleaner, smoother, and more effective than smoking with other methods.
And if you find it unrewarding to smoke at all; just eat a big fat nugget of bud!

buffachino a dit:
Holding smoke in is totally unnecessary because cannabinoids are absorbed relatively quickly; holding it in only results in more damage from accumulation of particulates.

Then about how long should we hold the smoke in our lungs so all of the cannabinoids are absorbed?
Wow buffachino, very nice information thanks for the post, I feel like I just learned a whole lot :D
damn buffachino if this forum had I would +rep you for that post. Very informational :) I was starting to feel bad about using my waterpipe till I read your post lol

Meduzz a dit:
that the smoke is cooler makes it less harmful.
the windpipe has millions of cilia, those are tiny hairs pointing upwards to remove dust and mucus. hot air (like smoke) destroys these hairs.

if the smoke is cooler, less hairs are destroyed.

Wow I've never heard of that. Anyone know if these hairs ever grow back? (Eew hairy throats! ;))
The water filters out thc, trust man I used to smoke mad bong seshes, but now all I do is smoke a vapo. I like the pure thc high better than inhaling all the other crapp i the weed.

But yeah, thc is filtered by the water. One thing you can turn doing is smoking a bong without water but ice. Me n my roommate bought a bong one time that held water but had a knock in the bottom of the shaft so we could pour ice cubes down the shaft. You get fat hits.
Yeah with ice you won't even feel the smoke getting in!!!!
Just feels like you breathe in frosty air and Ive been thinking about a vapo a lot lately..
I heard someone wants to get rid of his vaporizer and is selling it for only 20$... Would it be worth buying it if it works well?
what kind of vaporiser? is it such a glass smoke bubble or a full option super electric monster?
MAPS is an international organisation with more than 5000 members , most of them are scientists , doctors , professors , writers of serious books and........me . They dont publish crap or subjective opinions of bong smokers who decide that as they smoke bong and like it that bong smoking must be good . They publish reports and findings of scientists who have made neutral , objective studys like the one Caduceus quoted . That study agrees with 2 other studys that i have seen..... but sorry i cant remember where i saw them , but as soon as i see them again i will let you all know where you can read them .

Bongs are shit . They are about the worst , godless , blasphemous thing you can do with cannabis . They burn much to fast and much to hot , thereby destroying THC , and the smoke contains more of the harmfull tars and poisonous gasses . Breathing in cold , wet smoke is bad for your lungs . Water filters the smoke from some of ALL the ingredients = it makes your smoke much weaker and more expensive . Try smoking pure in a good pure pipe and you will get higher and much more for your money . There is a diference between getting stoned and getting high .

" THC is water soluble, but it has a lower solubility than many of the noxious particulates in the smoke; so smoking cannabis through water is cooler and cleaner, but it may reduce the psychoactive potency of the smoke to some minute degree. "

THC is not water soluble , its an oil . THC acids , wich dont get you high are water soluble . And the words minute and miniscule are silly . Read the report that is quoted by Caduceus , it speakes for it self , and its not the only report to say exactly the same .

" Smoking fewer and larger inhalations does less damage to ones respiratory system than smaller, shallow inhalations more frequently. Also, one absorbs less cannabinoids and accumulates more tars by frequently inhaling less deeply, while inflicting additional particulate damage on the walls of ones bronchi, because of the higher concentration of ambient oxygen compared to cannabinoids and particulates in the smoke that one inhales; resulting in more tar being smeared on the surface of your airways and less cannabinoids being absorbed. "

You have it exactly the wrong way round . Smoking fewer inhalations is better than smoking more . And as we already know from hundreds of reports about smoking tobaco smoking deeper is more harmfull than smoking less deep . You need oxygen in your inhalation to help you get the THC into your blood stream , just inhaling smoke into a lung in a vacume under preasure is much more harmfull . The kick you get from a deep suck from a bong is because of lack of oxygen and because you cover more of your lungs with oily / tary shit . If you smoke a pure pipe the smoke is cooler than a bong alows and the burning process vaporises more THC and delivers it cleaner to the lungs , its called fractional distilation .

" Holding smoke in is totally unnecessary because cannabinoids are absorbed relatively quickly; holding it in only results in more damage from accumulation of particulates. How one smokes also affects the potential for harm; slower and smoother inhalations and exhalations provide better absorption and less build up of dangerous particulates than inhaling and exhaling harder and faster. It’s all in the respiratory motion. "

Thats true ..... but how the fuck does that fit with smoking a bong ????? A bong works like a blast furnace , it creates a very high temperature very quickly , thereby destroying a lot of the THC and releasing very hot smoke filled with lots of tars and small particles .

" Joints have a lesser effect compared to using a bong because smaller amounts of unfiltered smoke are shallowly inhaled more frequently, resulting in more particulate being deposited than cannabinoids and denying further cannabinoid absorption because of this accumulation of tar. Thus the smoker must inhale more smoke to get the same psychoactive effect, further increasing this build up of particulates and deteriorating the effectiveness of the cannabis itself. "

Joints are more effective than bongs because they burn cooler , you use the burning tip to vaporise the THC while the tars get burnt and get released in the smoke comming of the end of the joint . Again you are talking about getting stoned = damaging your lungs and thinking that the negative effects are the effects of THC . If you want to know what THC realy does " smoke " a vaporiser . Every other effect that a bong gives is not high , ITS DAMAGE . With a joint the poisonous gasses have the chance to disipate from its end into the air , with a bong you inhale all of them . Why the fuck do you think that people cough their guts up and either fall over or cant stand up after smoking a bong . The pull from a joint is doseable the pull from a bong isnt so doseable .

" So using a bong, as a method of filtering the smoke and as method of inhaling it, is cleaner, smoother, and more effective than smoking with other methods. "

Smoking a bong incinerates everything in the bowl at once in one big mixture of tars , gunk , poisonous gasses and what THC it doesnt destroy . It doesnt filter anything , NADA , NICHTS . A joint is more fractional distilation . The tars and fats get either burnt off or stay in the roach , thats why the end of the joint gets realy greasy , it filters more of the shity heavier oils , wachs and fats that get smoked in a bong . Because with a bong you are pulling it in a vacume and at high preasure you get more smaller particles of the cannabis in the smoke than with any other method . Look what happens when a person who doesnt smoke or who has asthma smokes a vaporiser , or a joint , or a bong and you will see the undenyable proof .

" And if you find it unrewarding to smoke at all; just eat a big fat nugget of bud! "

EATING GRASS DOES NOT GET YOU HIGH . I thought that that was one of the FACTS that every beginner learns . The THC in grass is in the acid form , it has to be decarboxylated to make it effective and get you high . The only reason that eating a bud could get you high is because it has hash on it .

" the windpipe has millions of cilia, those are tiny hairs pointing upwards to remove dust and mucus. hot air (like smoke) destroys these hairs. if the smoke is cooler, less hairs are destroyed. "

Coating them with cold wet oils also fucks them , so does coughing caused by them being cold , oily and wet .

" Yeah with ice you won't even feel the smoke getting in!!!! "

Yes , but if you smoke a pure pipe or a joint optimaly you get more THC , less shit and it doesnt get so hot as a bong makes it so you dont need to cool it .

Before anyone comes with anymore stupid crap...... USE A VAPORISER and you will see exactly what the effects of THC are , you will see what getting high realy is and see that the efffects that are called getting stoned from smoking a bong are realy the damage that it does .