Datura Stramonium by Andras
- I smoked leaves. The effect is very weak. After one joint I feel something like a very weak
marijuana. After the third joint I looked like a stoned man, but I didn't fell any interesting.
- The smoke with marijuana was very good. The datura made the pot stronger and more visual.
I smoked it in a party with my friends (certainly we drunk a lot

), and we laughed whole night,
and we maked a good joke with the hungarian name of datura, but it isn't translatable. The own
effects of the daturasmoke isn't too strong, but a good "pot-enhancer".
- I ate the seeds too. A dose about 15-20 seeds has got a noticable effect (like a very small dose of
morning glory seeds). 50-60 seed made me very slow and sleepy without any visual or psychedelic
effect (one times I looked a guys, and he looked like a familiar of me, but after one hour I saw he is
another). I heard about guys, they ate 100-200 seeds, and they've got a lot of hallutination.
Belladonna Atropina:
- The smoke of the leaves enhance the effects of the pot like the datura leaves.
So I think the strammonium isn't enough strong (maybe the Innoxia) for a real psychedelic experience
but good with pot.
A story:
At 20:00 we smoked a joint (silver skunk from Szeged), and we went to a bar. We drunk some beer and
some vodka. At 22:00 we went to the party. The effects of the marijuana wasn't enough strong so we smoked
a whole datura joint. The pot-effects came back with a very strong happy feeling. We thought the world is
beautful, the girls are wonderful but isn't too intresting. (I won a dance "championship" but I didn't know about it)
We sat down arround a table and we tryed to talk. It was very difficult 'cause we allways laughed. One of my
friends falt beneath the table 'cause he laughed so strong. At 0:00 this guy (Topa) slept on the flower, an
the other (Kispal) thought Topa barfed on his coat. I didn't saw any thing on his coat, but we musten go out,
and analyze the coat at a lamp on the street. Then came another guy (we didn't know him), and Kispal
asked him to help. The guy said:"You're smokers, come on!" He gave us some pot, and said:"It isn't enuogh
good for me." I gave him a datura joint and he smoked it, and said it's very good, and danced over the night.
I must finish my mail cause my boss arrived
I come back on monday.