no problem :mrgreen:
there are a few video things I can really recommend;
first, the sacred weeds series. Especially the amanita tests, which made me wonder, because there are not that many people who have visual hallucinations when taking these, and both of the testsubjects have them. Still, the things they say when tripping are, compared to psilocybin mushrooms, almost the same.
The tribe series, I think some of you have heard of them. In this series a guy takes part in tribal ceremonies and lives with a tribe for a month. these ceremonies include the use of iboga and other psychedelics.
the one episode of 'extreme celebrity'. There are some people going to take part in an ayahausca experience. Interesting to see how they react, expecially the older guy who even brings his laptop to the place to download music. Whacko.
oh btw, did anyone see the movie Blueberry/ there is an excerpt of a peyote trip in this torrent, which looks awesome. I wonder what the rest of the movie is like, and where to get it