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Using sound frequencies to induce DMT like natural "tri

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Malaeus
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Glandeuse Pinéale
i have just come across some infomation by word of mouth, that one can use certain frequencies of sound to resonate inside your brain etc. and it causes the pineal gland to excrete DMT in large quantities.

has anyone experienced or heard of anything on this topic?
Bwah ahah aha ha hah ahah

Can't stop laughing, sorry :D

And there is no scientific evidence that the pineal gland may release DMT.. it is still an hypothesis.

However it is well known that rhytmic sounds and frequencies triggers transe state.
i read about that too... that there are certain frequencies in the brain that correspond with different states of mind... for example alpha is a high frequency and is good for learning stuff...etc...delta low frequeny sleep state... yes some sounds are said to induce specific mindsets...for example the frequency 7,82 Hz is considered to be the earth-resonating-frequence ..
it's definately interesting!!

I've always been interesting in different frequencies. We study it in physics and chemistry a lot in school and it's very interesting. It wouldn't suprise me that a certain frequecy would trigger a DMT like trance. I know that you can buy certain CD's that will simulate a psychedelic expereience, and the only way I can see how they would do that is to use frequencies. Have you tried a google search?
I practice hemisynch almost everyday since years and it can indeed induce interresting states, especially good for relaxing, but nothing that comes close to a even mild DMT state ;)
DMT play in another league 8)
Since Strassman book, it seems that many people 'build' theories about pineal, dreams, DMT etc... so far just theories...
maru just so you know, DMT IS produced in the pineal gland, it is NOT a hypothesis. the chemical pinaline produced by the pineal gland is broken down and reformed into whatever chemical you need at the time, that inlcludes 5 MEO DMT, NN DMT, melatonin, adrenaline, etc. DMT is the base tryptamine in the human body.

and thank you for the responses on hemi-sync, in a few months i will be starting a 4 month long experiment on this subject, performing a hemi-sync during a trip of some kind, shrooms, acid, DMT, salvia, any and all of these.

also, some users report "hearing" and almost feeling a certain frequency *buzzing in their ears) during DMT trips, i seek to replicate the tone experienced to determine if ones personal frequency is relayed in such forms.
"DMT is the base tryptamine in the human body."

This is VERY interesting, do you have any links or references to back it up. Not saying I don't trust your word about it, it's just a touchy subject and I would like to see references if possible. Thanks for the information!


I also would be very interrested to see a link about the FACT you mentionned (that DMT IS produced by the pineal gland). From Strassman book I remembered that it was a strong hypothesis but not a proof.

Doing hemisynch while tripping is indeed interresting, just be aware that it can be quite scaring as it may bring you even deeper than the substance alone :shock:
Maru a dit:
Doing hemisynch while tripping is indeed interresting, just be aware that it can be quite scaring as it may bring you even deeper than the substance alone :shock:

*has an idea for some personal experiments....
DMT IS produced in the pineal gland, it is NOT a hypothesis. the chemical pinaline produced by the pineal gland is broken down and reformed into whatever chemical you need at the time, that inlcludes 5 MEO DMT, NN DMT, melatonin, adrenaline, etc. DMT is the base tryptamine in the human body.

I'm not a chemist or a biologist, but from all that I have read about dmt and the pineal gland, I'd say you have no scientific proof for that...

I just googled "pineal strassmann dmt" and on the sixth link found an interview with Strassmann in which he says:
RS: The pineal has mostly been implicated for its role in melatonin production, which is important in seasonal and age-related reproduction issues. Also, there are some mood, sleep, and body temperature effects. Some skin coloration ones in reptiles and amphibians. I have suggested it's involved in DMT production, because the precursors and enzymes necessary for its formation are quite high in the pineal. However, there are no hard data to suggest this actually happens.
Even if the pineal isn't shown to produce DMT, there are plenty of other organs that have been proven to produce it; e.g., blood, brain, lung.
I'm not doing any hands-on psychedelic research right now. Mostly I'm gearing up to start writing a fictionalized series of riffs on the implications of the questions and answers we were left with at the end of the DMT research. Mostly, what does the presence of endogenous DMT in all of our bodies mean?
from: http://www.dailygrail.com/node/8

Malaeus, why don't you give Strassmann a call and tell him that you found out it's the base tryptamine in the human body? He'll be glad to know that finally someone pulled the answer to all his research out of their ass ;)