RS: The pineal has mostly been implicated for its role in melatonin production, which is important in seasonal and age-related reproduction issues. Also, there are some mood, sleep, and body temperature effects. Some skin coloration ones in reptiles and amphibians. I have suggested it's involved in DMT production, because the precursors and enzymes necessary for its formation are quite high in the pineal. However, there are no hard data to suggest this actually happens.
Even if the pineal isn't shown to produce DMT, there are plenty of other organs that have been proven to produce it; e.g., blood, brain, lung.
I'm not doing any hands-on psychedelic research right now. Mostly I'm gearing up to start writing a fictionalized series of riffs on the implications of the questions and answers we were left with at the end of the DMT research. Mostly, what does the presence of endogenous DMT in all of our bodies mean?