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Urgent hash Post! (3g of keif on the line)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 954
Hey guys I'm(was) in the process of making hash out of keif crystals, I have been collecting for a very long time (6months to a year) and attempted the 'put keif inbetween 2 peices of plastic and heat/apply pressure' tek

So I was doing that and all was going fine until I added heat and pressure and the plastic melted together (and the keif to the plastic). HELP! Currently I'm working on recovering , I have cut the bag open to get all keif open and covered with 70% iso alcohol.
Will this work? Have I wasted all this hard work? How can I recover from this big stumble?
Note I have alcohol on very low heat at the moment and keif appears to "fall" off not too badly. I'll soak for a couple of hours to make sure to get as much as I can. Any suggestions?

Also it looks like I may need some instructions on how to make hash with iso alcohol.
you should be able to wash it off with alcohol.

celophane is what you need to press hash. cigarette packet wrappers work fine, or the celophane used to wrap boxes of teabags etc. hash sticks to polythene in a horrible way
Awesome, thanks douglas. I'm assuming once the Iso alcohol evaps I'll be left with something along the lines of Honey Oil?
yes you should have no problems there. there may be a slight IPA taste left over. dont be tempted to heat your oil to drive it off as this can lead to polymerization
If the stuff you have is good you can press it in your hand with no heat . If its not so good you will need a little heat . = wrap it in celophane and then a news paper and iron it . If it still doesnt press wet the inner layers of the news paper and then iron it with more preasure for longer .

Morocan kids just put the shit in celophane and put it in their shoe and walk around for a bit .

Making and pressing good hash was one of my specialitys so ask , ask , ask .
"Morocan kids just put the shit in celophane and put it in their shoe and walk around for a bit ." Had me laughing. :P

Yeah I mean I suppose this was entirely my fault for being ignorant. :P I should have done much more reading before I attempted (this was my first attempt to make hash other than Honey Oil via butane) so I will definately ask! The only problem is it took me almost a year to obtain the amount of keif I had as my grinder has a very very fine screen and give it a few good shakes after grinding so in theory only the best of the keif made it through.

Kinda makes me wanna bang my head on the table, I studied chem for 4 months and have done countless hours of reading about hash, etc and I still fucked up. :D

Also, I had to remove the dish from any heat source and I noted that the keif wasn't disolved like I would expect. Basically I panicked when I melted everything in to the plastic and knew THC was soluble in alcohol so I just threw everything in the dish quickly without really knowing anything about the process.