(Unnecessary) concerns about Salvia

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Alpiniste Kundalini
Indiana – Salvia Divinorum is on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of drugs and chemicals that are of concern, and laws against it are under review in some states.

The DEA is studying Salvia Divinorum and salvinorin A, the active hallucinogen present in Salvia, to decide whether the drug is considered a risk to public safety, according to its Web site.

Neither the DEA nor Sagewisdom.org cited any long-term harmful effects on the body from salvinorin A.

However, governments around the world, and in the United States, are wary of the new drug, afraid of the harmful side effects that have come with hallucinogens in the past.

In June 2002, Australia became the first country to ban the sale or use of Salvia and salvinorin A. Since then, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Brazil have either prohibited or restricted the drug’s use.

The trend is moving through the United States. In 2002, Sen. Joe Baca, D-Calif., introduced a bill to the United States Senate that would control the substance, but it did not pass, and he said he would not reintroduce the bill. So far, Missouri and Louisiana are the only states to prohibit the use of Salvia.

Most recently, the Illinois legislature saw a bill that would control the drug. Sen. John J. Millner introduced Senate Bill 2589 in January, and the bill is pending in the rules committee.

“It’s becoming mainstream,
However, governments around the world, and in the United States, are wary of the new drug, afraid of the harmful side effects that have come with hallucinogens in the past.

Yes VERY true, like we have:

- intelligent, loving people go to jail effectively ruining their lives
- People getting nasty trips due to the lack of honest education (IF you THINK you get a bad trip, odds are you'll get one)
- parents seperated from their childeren because mom or dad grows some WEED
- people changing to legal drugs which are often more destructive and more addictive like alcohol and tobacco

Anyway, I will only put more effort, love and energy in my three Salvia plants ;)

[quote:1kjbhud2]“The after effects are sometimes worse than the trip,
salvia is only dangerous for people who dont know anything about it
most people who use salvia are psychonauts and i think every psychonaut knows how to use drugs in a good way
BooYa a dit:
salvia is only dangerous for people who dont know anything about it
most people who use salvia are psychonauts and i think every psychonaut knows how to use drugs in a good way

Indeed. But the way "danger" was used in the original article I was looking for a direct danger from the chemical itself, not from the behaviour of the person using it.

Anyone ever died from salvinorin OD? Had a toxic reaction? Any internal organ damage?

The danger from behaviour is not sufficient to call for prohibition as it is caused by the person and lack of knowledge.
I used salvia multiple times out of pure interest, up to 5x in a bong. I didn't like it, never liked it. Never used it again. What's the f***ing fuzz about it? It gave me a bit of a depressed feeling after I smoked the 5x extract in a bong, but that was gone after 10 minutes. I didn't like it because it didn't speak to me, I could draw no information from the (weird) buzz. But whatever. why outlaw it? It's not even a "drug" in my opinion...