United Nations manipulates drug research facts

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The United Nations is manipulating figures to show that the Dutch progressive drugpolicy, doesn't work, according to Tim Boekhout van Solinge, criminologist of the university of Utrecht.

"it's not a coincidence. De UN wants to make the impression that it's gone completely out of hand which isn't true. The opposite: the Netherlands are doing very well.

An example according to Boekhout van Solinge, is the World Drug Report of 2000 where we could read that the Netherlands had the largest number of drugaddicts in the EU at that time. "The UN had rewritten the list with 15 EU countries, consolidating Luxembourgh, Belgium and the Netherlands together.

This was already dubious because that way, the country with the largest amount of drugaddicts, Luxembourgh, was put together with the country with the least amount of drugaddicts, the Netherlands. Besides that, the data was not related to the number of people but simply averaged. The message to the outside world was clear: Dutch drugpolicy does not work.

The UN are a selfproclaimed supporter of the war on drugs. This war against growers, dealers and users has to lead to a drugfree world. All experts are saying for years that this war can never be won. It's only getting worse according to Boekhout van Solinge.

At this time, the UN values Sweden as the big example. Since 1977 Sweden is battling drugs with great repression. This is a great succes, that is, according to the UN reports. Sweden has the lowest number of cannabis user of Europe. But also in the case of Sweden, facts are manipulated. Like the Netherlands has less drugsaddicts as Sweden for example. Or that 8% of the Swedish youth is sniffing glue and also, Sweden has the largest numbers of fatalities in combination with drugs.

The UN's vision on drugs is untrustworthy and unscientific.

There are other international organizations manipulating opinions and reseach as well to justify the war on drugs. The criminologist: at a conference of the WHO about cocaine, all experts agreed that the great majority of cocaine users. where able to balance their use of this substance. Cocaine is not a big problem, was the conclusion. Under pressure of the US government, this was kept away from the public.

Another example? One WHO report about cannabis drew a dramatic picture of that drug. But if you study the underlying documents you will also find that part of the research was looking at what would happen if cannabis was as widely used as alcohol and tobacco. The conclusion was that cannabis was less destructive. This was kept out of the report.

Source of this article :

http://www.depers.nl/buitenland/150306/ ... jfers.html

It's in Dutch only so I summarized/translated most of it for you :)
das wel lekker hard bewijs van het sjoemelen :D

maar wat kun je eraan doen? :(
Seems the United Nations have not learned to be less gullible yet...

"You may think this vile contains President Bush's cocaine for today, but it's actually antrax made in Iraq."

"Our oil compa... I mean our Intelligence has made these pictures of a facility where WMD's are produced. We also believe Osama bin Laden is driving that truck you see there, but we'll have to invade Iraq to verify this. You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists."
I knew they would be coming with this. They have to, they can't afford to have some progressive policies making them look like a bunch of repressive, wrong-headed, greedy old men.

CM- LOL, true....( I don't know what Colin Powell, or Condi Rice were thinking....how ANY minority or ANY woman can work for these people is beyond me. Talk about selling out your own kind.)
spice a dit:
I knew they would be coming with this. They have to, they can't afford to have some progressive policies making them look like a bunch of repressive, wrong-headed, greedy old men.

CM- LOL, true....( I don't know what Colin Powell, or Condi Rice were thinking....how ANY minority or ANY woman can work for these people is beyond me. Talk about selling out your own kind.)
condi rice is just a powerhungry lapdog. Nothing more nothing less.
I totally agree, she is crap,a fake sell-out.

Colin Powell isn't any better. He was the 'condi rice' ( the token black) of the first bush rumphumping.

What I want to know is how these people can go home to face their contemporaries. How do you tell people you grew up with; " Hey, I sold our entire race out for some cash and a fancy nameplate on my office door"....

...and I mean, it isn't like they were hoodwinked into fronting for these people, either, they all know exactly what these neo-con hacks are all about.

BUt this is what you get when you create a culture that worships the dollar.

Everything is for sale, principles, ethics, hopes, the futures of unborn generations.
what was that quote from the bible? i think it's in the Genesis...anyway i couldn't find it in my Bible (too big)...but i've looked up on the Internet and this is what i found
if you read all the article you can see a very interesting allegory...
No Way! COOL!!
but i prefer my old cartaceous copy...makes it more misterieus... :wink: anyway is in the Genesis (the hebrew one not the catholic one) the allegory of corrupt people, in Sodom and Gomorrah, can be translated to the powerhungry people who run countries, polititians, and whatnot...also many commoners are vipers in your bosom and often they are the ones you least expect it from.
Yeah lets quote a book which are proven to be part hoax, part plagiarism and for the biggest part wrongly translated.

No translation or online version of the bible is trustworthy. at all :)
HeartCore a dit:
No translation or online version of the bible is trustworthy. at all :)

NO bible is trustworthy, it's the underlying message that counts.
this has been the mistake of the church (ofcourse they did misinterpret the bible on purpose because they were greedy for power)
Meduzz a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
No translation or online version of the bible is trustworthy. at all :)

NO bible is trustworthy, it's the underlying message that counts.
this has been the mistake of the church (ofcourse they did misinterpret the bible on purpose because they were greedy for power)

No I am actually refering to the blatant errors that are made during translation, which have been pointed out by Allegro fifty years ago and over the years, those errors have been validated by a lot of scholars.

I am not talking about interpretation because that only becomes interesting once the basic translation can be agreed upon.

It's really interesting research somehow escaping the mass.

Edit: Also keep in mind that everything written by Paul in the new testament, has been proven to be forgeries by many scholars and this finding is not being argued against.
oh...it's a sacred book for God's sake*! it's always going to be translated in the wrong way!! do you think the Q'ran or the Baghavad Gita are translated properly? hell no you have to read'em in the original language and still it would undergo your subjective interpretation!
so fuck the interpretation and translation and look at the meaning and symbolism of what i'm citing without questioning "Oh it's the least reliable blah blah blah..."

Don't look at the finger look at the goddamn moon!!!! i was citing the bible because even under the re-editing o the semitic organizations it still holds traces of universal truth. it's a message of warning that comes from over 4000 years of history. and i'm not saying we should "oh my doG! what are you doing? let me talk to you about a book called the Bible" but in the end is wisdom that permeated through the eons and it still tries to reach out to us through the veils of deception posed by the churches...to a certain extent it's the Bible a really cool rabbi studied and meditated upon over 2000 years ago and made a revolution so powerful that people started talking about him and legends about this person were born!!! and if we didn't have print nowadays i wonder what we would say about ol'Uncle Terrence (he was adducted by aliens and rose to the skyes leaving us to wander what is it of him)
I'm not pro bible or gospel, but as i say about the Q'ran with ignorant bigots, there's got to be some good in it.

*intended as the Japanese Sake....it's diWine :P

It's not a sacred book AT ALL. That's being made up by those christians while as a matter of fact, most christians haven't got a clue about the history of their religion and the bible.

The bible is a bunch of bullshit, its not real, its never intended that way and it's mistranslated. The authors that are said to be the authors, are not the authors. To give one example, how can Moses write Exodus and describe his own death?

Anyway, just do a google on bible & forgeries and be amazed.

The bible isn't special, it isn't holy, it isn't full of some mysterious code and it sure as hell isn't dictated by God. If it was, then you would think all apostles would kind of agree on a fixed birthdate of that fucker that never existed in the first place. I mean, one apostle wants us to believe Jesus was born 30 years after the other apostle said he supposedly died.

Original language? There isn't an original bible in an original language. It all was made up centuries after those sick literal bastards started to kill each other and everybody else who opposed their view.

Let's do ONE fucking bookburning correct for a change....
HeartCore a dit:
Anyway, just do a google on bible & forgeries and be amazed.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
What I knew seems to be the tip of the iceberg...
i knew i would be misunderstood...
let me try to clarify
NO BOOK BURNING is RIGHT wether it's bullshit that burns or not it still means that you are hindering, or trying to, free thought
as it should be rightfully ours to do it is for christians to dwell in their error even iof they kill for that mistake.

it is a holy book wether you like it or not indipendently from how much you hate it.
even the Q'ran wasn't written by muhammad
nor any other ancient book was written by it's given author and usually they are given authors of legendary status (of course, otherwise no one would even give a shit if it was ME writing it, do you grasp?). not even Homer (NOT THE ONE FROM THE SIMPSONS!!!) wrote the Odissey
remember how the arc was made of mimosa??? in the mistranslation they forgot to mention that moses described his EGO death couldn't it be
the bible has been changed by hebrews and Christians over the eons to fit THEIR interpretation of a messeage that was meant as a way to save the people. particularly to save them from autodestructive practices such as eating pig in a desertic environment...you've got to consider where it originated from
the bad things are not in the book per se...but in the people around the book and how they want YOU to interpret it.
it is a holy book because it is meant to control the masses every holy book is meant for that task to instill a fear of God weather good or bad and make people become obedient to a given law wether it is written or not. even the tribes of the Natives american instilled the fear of the gods upon the people to ensure survival, because in the end only that counts. survival intended in biological sense.and religion was born to aid the purpose of survival by keeping the masses in order by giving them something bigger to fear. because we are nothing but naked monkeys that need to be nurtured from above because like kids we can't keep together for more than a week without rousing.

unless under the influence of something like Cannabis or Opium or Psilocibin or MDMA

on either sides we can't manage on our own.