Uncontacted Amazonian tribe photographed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
WARRIORS in a lost tribe of Indians in an Amazon jungle have aimed longbows at probably the first aircraft they have seen.
Brazil's National Indian Foundation has confirmed Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes has been spotted in the far western Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border.
The Indians were sighted in an Ethno-Environmental Protected Area along the Envira River in flights over remote Acre state, said the government foundation, known as Funai.

Funai said it photographed "strong and healthy" warriors, six huts and a large planted area. It was not known to which tribe they belonged.

"Four distinct isolated peoples exist in this region, whom we have accompanied for 20 years," Funai expert Jose Carlos Meirelles Junior said in a statement.

Funai does not make contact with the Indians and prevents invasions of their land, to ensure "total autonomy" for the isolated tribes.

Survival International said the Indians were in danger from illegal logging in Peru, which is driving uncontacted tribes over the border and could lead to conflict with the estimated 500 uncontacted Indians now living on the Brazilian side.

There are more than 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, most of them in Brazil and Peru, the group said in a statement.

"These pictures are further evidence that uncontacted tribes really do exist," Survival director Stephen Corry said.

"The world needs to wake up to this and ensure that their territory is protected in accordance with international law. Otherwise, they will soon be made extinct."

The Daily Mail reported the tribsemen responded with aggression to the aircraft flying overhead:

"Skin painted bright red, heads partially shaved, arrows drawn back in the longbows and aimed square at the aircraft buzzing overhead. The gesture is unmistakable: Stay Away," the report said.

"Behind the two men stands another figure, possibly a woman, her stance also seemingly defiant. Her skin painted dark, nearly black.

"The apparent aggression shown by these people is quite understandable. For they are members of one of Earth's last uncontacted tribes, who live in the Envira region in the thick rainforest along the Brazilian-Peruvian frontier.

"Thought never to have had any contact with the outside world, everything about these people is, and hopefully will remain, a mystery.

::Their extraordinary body paint, precisely what they eat (the anthropologists saw evidence of gardens from the air), how they construct their tent-like camp, their language, how their society operates - the life of these Amerindians remains a mystery.

Meirelles said the flight was made for scientific reasons, not to disturb the tribe.

"We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist," he said. "This is very important because there are some who doubt their existence."

Meirelles, who despite once being shot in the shoulder by an arrow fired by another tribe campaigns to protect these peoples, believes this group's numbers are increasing, and pointed out how strong and healthy the people seemed.


More at: http://uk.reuters.com/news/pictures/sli ... e=News#a=1
and a large planted area
Of course you don't want to disturb such a tribe but... would sure like to know what they're growing down there. :wink:
Brugmansia a dit:
Brazil's National Indian Foundation has confirmed Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes has been spotted in the far western Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border.

How do they know it is the last?
In terms as, all the Indian communities are slaughtered, oppressed or vanished due to violence, capitalism, and wood trade. So it's excessively unique that they there's still an unknown tribe.

According researchers, there are in fact about 100 tribes left in the entire world. Very small of course.

The Indian oppression is a very sad story, so each discovered tribe could be the last.
this is ridiculous!
probably the last wild humans living in harmony with their fellows and nature.

civilised humans fucked it up ONCE AGAIN
civilised humans fucked it up ONCE AGAIN
Think twice before you chose who is the civilised humans.
If civilisation means fuckin up the whole balance of the Nature,then,a don`t wanna be part of it.
Btw,i wanna know what they are growing to:).
probably they just plant some tomatos and paprica ;)
would be interesting if they practice shamanism though..

but let's face it: their end is sealed.
they look like they'd need Jesus, an iPod and a mcdonalds.
misery a dit:
probably they just plant some tomatos and paprica ;)
would be interesting if they practice shamanism though..

but let's face it: their end is sealed.
they look like they'd need Jesus, an iPod and a mcdonalds.

100% sure they practice shamanism :D

really hope civilazation has finally come to understand they should leave these people alone. After i've read Plotkins book Tales of a shaman's apprentice i became a lot more passionate about this topic. Its just weird (and sad) to know what indigeneous groups have done in exchange for a transistor radio...and how they've been mislead by missionaries and turned into christians :cry:

(btw i moved the pics to the bottom of the article so that the frontpage doesn't show any code)
Its the same "undescovered" tribe that they discovered last year as well !!!!!
High Lion ,

Based on fotos and scientists talking on CNN on Saterday . Dont you remember the pictures of three huts made from leaves on exactly the same river bank ? I did copy the fotos but the copys were to shity to post here .
no i don't seem to remember.
in case you stumble on some more information, let me know :]
I just looked at the CNN web site twice but its so anoying and badly made i got pissed off and stoped . I also scroogled it and was offered a flood of unconected sugestions so i couldnt be bothered to read them all . Maybe i need to put diferent search words in it , but at the moment i`m feeling to shity to do more . I will try to recover the foto i copyed with some software but the quality is realy shitty as my TV software doesnt produce good copys .
Another thought . If what they have realy are any type of long bows then they have had contact to non indigenous people . Long bows are an English invention .
GOD a dit:
Another thought . If what they have realy are any type of long bows then they have had contact to non indigenous people . Long bows are an English invention .

they use a long stick (spear), and a short stick which launches the longer stick.
This is used by cavemen back in the days...
I did say it was a thought . I was taught at school that the longbow was an English invention , but i have no idea if its true or propoganda .

"they use a long stick (spear), and a short stick which launches the longer stick.This is used by cavemen back in the days..."

But thats not a long bow .
I cant recover the foto , something must have been copyed over it sorry .

Just another thought . I thought that blow pipes were used to hunt with there ? I have never seen a south American longbow if you tell me where there is picture of them with one and i can see it , i`ve got bad eyes at the moment because of my medicine , i would be gratefull .
yes i know it's not a longbow.
did they really use a longbow? can you tell on the pics? my first guess was the thing i thought with the spear.

however i think it's bullshit that the english "invented" the longbow. don't you think?
Yes Now i looked it up i`ve seen that it was propoganda . They were invented several times around the world . Look in wikipedia ............ and then press the "Bari" link !!!!!

I cant see properly so i cant see hardly any details on those pictures .

CNN also said that the pictures that were posted here were taken over a 20 hour period . No wonder that those people freaked out if airoplanes kept comming back and circling over them for 20 hours .