UK: minimum age for tobacco to 18

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Alpiniste Kundalini
The government is launching a campaign to highlight the forthcoming rise in the legal minimum age at which tobacco can be bought in England and Wales.

A website is going live, and this will be accompanied by a mass mailing to 100,000 retailers and online advertising aimed at teenagers.

From October 1, the minimum age will increase from 16 to 18 years in a bid to cut the number of young smokers.

It comes after the recent introduction of a ban on smoking in public places.

About 9% of 11 to 15-year-olds smoke, and ministers hope the forthcoming move will reduce this figure.

The government argues that raising the legal age to 18 will make it easier for retailers to spot under-age smokers.

Ministers believe that bringing the age for the purchase of tobacco into line with that of alcohol will reinforce the dangers of smoking to young people.

It will also bring England and Wales into line with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US.

Research has suggested that only a quarter of children aged under 16 who tried to buy tobacco found it difficult to do so.

Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo said: "Currently, half of all teenagers who smoke will die from diseases caused by tobacco if they continue to smoke throughout the course of their life. Raising the minimum age at which teenagers can be sold tobacco products will reduce the availability of cigarettes, and could therefore discourage young people from taking up smoking in the first place."

'Clear message'

Retailers that stock tobacco will have a legal obligation not to sell to under 18s and will risk prosecution and a fine of up to £2,500 if they do so.

Association of Convenience Stores chief executive James Lowman, said: "Retailers will be the front line defence against under 18s buying tobacco and this campaign will help them to do this job."

Maura Gillespie, of the British Heart Foundation, said raising the legal age "sends out a clear message".

But she added: "There are still a number of supporting initiatives we would like to see introduced to make smoking less attractive and cigarettes less available.

"These include closing the loophole that currently allows manufacturers the opportunity to advertise at the point of sale, and a total ban on selling cigarettes in vending machines."
Thats good news , but i cant understand why the governments have started to cut one of their main source of tax = protection money , selling hard / killer drugs to young people . In germany they used to say that the damage of tobaco costs the public 14 billion E ( volkswirtschaftliche schaden / kosten ) a year and that the government makes 17 billion E profit from it . It`s realy good to hear that cigaret maschines are being banned , i wonder when they will stop selling alcohol to car drivers and young people on petrol stations , motorways and from maschines . I just read that the same thing has happened in germany , people who are under 18 are not allowed to buy tobaco anymore . My thought is where are they going to get the money back from , that they loose by doing that , as i`m sure the price of tanks , guns and bombs that they buy themselves , from themselves in our name and with our money , are not going to get cheaper ???
here in norway every drug is R-18 even tobacco and alcohol (which is sold in monopolets)...on the other hand they are so damn expensive that they balance on the loss and people keep buyng them...people under 18 bypass that cause theyr bothers or cousins (older ones of course) buy these fro them...
Anothere example that banning things doesnt work . Education does .
I'm an underage smoker, and wished I had never started. I know I should stop smoking, but being youth, I kind of don't really take much care of my life, and since my body likes it, I continue.
Your body does not like it , you are addicted to it .
GOD a dit:
Your body does not like it , you are addicted to it .
that can easily be mistaken for liking though? I mean, it IS your body screaming for the nicotine, and your mind screaming for holding the cigarette that constitute your addiction isn't it?
Maybe . Is the monkey on my back my friend ? Friends dont kill each other , but i understand what you mean .
The law sucks. i shouldn't have started smoking. lol.