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Two very different highs

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I'm hot on the trail of figuring out alot of shit with my brain in the past few weeks. And alot of it has to do with cannabis. I've known for a while I get alot more intense trips while on weed than most people - I realized that when I told everyone I would way rather just smoke half a bowl of shwag than a blunt of nugs.

It goes like this: If I smoke one toke from a bowl, I feel awesome. I feel motivated, good and happy. I like to talk to people, do anything be funny, just generally an awesome feeling, but usually crash and get tired as hell like 4 hours later, still awesome.
But, had I smoked 2 tokes from a bowl, I will get pretty messed up. I won't talk much, but still be alright, thinking a little too much though.
3 Tokes and I'm fucked up. I don't talk, I just think. I analyze everything everyone does, and think I'm reading minds and shit. I get really messed. Anything over 3 and I can actually black out, I have blacked out at a party after about 2 shots and 3 bowls of good weed. I thought I was internally bleeding and blacked out and face planted on the floor. Got up, thought I was tripping myself out, but face planted again.

Does anyone else know anyone like this? My friend told me when she smokes she loses feeling - her body and nerves get really twacked, and she feels like shes passing her hands through solid objects (every time she smokes...)

What the fucks up with this :?
maybe an allergy??
Maybe sub-concious negative association leading to black out in the hight of the trip? Maybe at the point of realisation?

My conclusion for this comes from the fact that my partner when pregnant could not smoke weed cus when she did she felt sick, shaky, went white and blacked out. When she came round she often talked of irratic negative thoughts and even visions of dead babies on her final moments of conciousness. So I took the black out as her flight reaction against her will to smoke, Her fear for her son was greater.

Maybe the feeling of internal bleeding is something pressing on your mind, I think you need a break from weed. Not just based on this thread but the other thread about the mushrooms and weed as well mate.

Hope this helps,

I'm also slightly more sensitive than average: if I smoke 2-3 tokes (of average-good quality cannabis), I'm quite social, euphoric, in short your average high teenager. But if I smoke more than that, I experience a very introspective trip, with spiritual feelings, mild visuals, and even hints of dissociation. I've had some revelations about myself during these kinds of trips, and deep conversations with more sober people on the comedown. Cannabis also gives me all sorts of twitches and spasms and cramps, but I've never passed out on cannabis unless alchohol was involved. Try to avoid alcohol if you smoke up?

Anyway, I think cannabis sensitivity is not that bad, I really get the most out of each high if I'm in the right mindset and if I treat cannabis like a true entheogen (which it is). And cannabis isn't about who can take the higher dose and look all manly, that's what alcohol is for.
weed can get you really, really high - but i dont understand how you can compare that in any way to tripping.

if after smoking a bowl or 2 you feel like you're tripping -- this might be pointing to some underlying problem. like i'm no doctor but could be a borderline schizofrenic.

if i smoke too much i just get REALLY HIGH - then REALLY tired - then pass out. but never have i felt so euphoric or mind-fucked that i could compare it to how i feel on, say, mushrooms...

**actually, when ingested orally i've been able to have somewhat of a minor psychedelic experience, but definitely not from smoking.
kron420 a dit:
if after smoking a bowl or 2 you feel like you're tripping -- this might be pointing to some underlying problem. like i'm no doctor but could be a borderline schizofrenic.


Jesus, don't listen to him. there are people who smoke and just get high and then there are some people that actually trip. news flash: cannabis is psychedelic. you belong to the second group. you have a natural low tolerance to cannabis. maybe you should consider smoking sparingly, like weekly or similar. you didn't smoke daily anyway, did you?
/ true. watch set and setting maybe.

I´m also very sensible to cannabis. I´ve seen entities and carnivals also.

Can somewhat relate to since I have passed out several times too. One time, I thought one of my brain veins was bursting up... Ended in the hospital with a high pressure episode.

After this episode it was two months I couldn´t even smell cannabis smoke or I would feel my heart taking a plunge and bouncing all over the place. It was shit.

I had programmed myrself in an destructive way.

Find the source of your chest Hole. Face it. release the constrained energy and cocoon out of it...that´s what I tried to do and I think it worked.
I don't like to throw such improbable theories, but cannabis seems to have crazier effects on me as I discover parts of my mind with other substances, integrating them in the high as they come.

A few days after my first real brush with salvia, an experience with a high dose of smoked cannabis had a salvia "flavour" to it, frames of thought shifting like a wheel of fortune or something... Was great stuff too, cannabis from British Colombia lives up to its reputation! I wish I lived there...
Anyway, same thing for DXM; I've had "flashbacks" (God do I hate that word) of DXM feelings even a month after my last robotrip, especially when listening to the same music (I now have to keep Gogol Bordello for special occasions because it's too intense!). My few trials with LSA left less of a trace though. Maybe I just can't recognize it in the high, it was all very subtle.

So my conclusion is that maybe I wasn't all that sensitive to cannabis, and I learned to delve fully into it after pushing back the boundaries of my consciousness...
same thing happens to me but i am totally not a regular pot smoker. a few good bowls and i'm seeing visuals, hearing conversation as geometry, senses crossed over.

despite what some say, pot IS a psychedelic. in the 19th century pot was the hallucinogen of choice. there are bookloads of trip reports written from the 19th century that read exactly like intense mushroom trips. people would ingest levels of thc MUCH higher than what is in the average joint. honestly, i've had equally crazy trips from pot, far more emotional and primal than the vast majority of my acid/mushroom trips (less visual of course).
I also trip on weed. It is a psy, of course. That doesn't make me worry. What worries me is the blackout. This sounds very extreme.
???????? a dit:
there are people who smoke and just get high and then there are some people that actually trip.

there are people who smoke and just get high and then there are some people that actually call it a trip.
i would call it a trip when it has the effects of a hallucinogenic trip. i've done more than my fair share of psychedelics and rcs to not throw that term around lightly. a few drags off a joint isn't a trip. but with a sufficient dose, thc opens up the same doors that psychedelics open.

regular weed smokers generally don't experience this, and they aren't looking for it--staggering lots of low doses spread across a day or an evening rather than doing it all at once (which is key). the end result is no different than taking psychedelics on a frequent basis--it becomes a body buzz, with very little "psychedelia" at all

as far as smoking it goes, the first crazy trip i had where time granulated, the world changed in sound and color like ocean waves was after smoking a few small buds of good outdoor in one sitting using hotknives.. i can't openly recommend hotknives of course :D eating pot is much easier on your lungs if you want to experience that level of thc

smoke weed as terrence mckenna recommends, really explore the plateaus and you WILL have some pretty interesting experiences.
I agree.

But my point was that some people would call the effects of 1 joint a trip and some wouldn't. And although it can be pretty debilitating, it is not on the same scale as a psychedelic experience.
I have a friend that has similar experiences to yours with high doses. The strange thing with him is that he didn't used to. He had a bad experience once and since has only been able to handle low doses. I remember him saying that his first bad experience had a lot to do with recalling childhood memories. I've had some minor visuals and synesthesia but i've never had a stressful experience with marijuana. I do have the ability to remain unnaturally calm during stressful situations though.
Cool cool.
Well I smoked since I posted last and I was fine - I was just high, I don't know. I think I trip myself out before I go into it, and I'm really good at tripping myself out.

More experimenting needed, and every time I feel like I gain more control over my moods.

Btw schizophrenia is far away from what I experience - that's a totally different realm. I'm more along depersonalization/psychosis stuff, but not really... I just trip myself out.

But believe it or not, a moderate trip on shrooms is equal to a shit load of smoking pot for me - the thought process, not the visuals or the feelings, just the thoughts.

I'm too tired right now, can't think. I'm thinking possibly doing mdma + smoking a bit while rolling will do some good. What do you think?

@ForkBender - I've done shrooms and weed. and highdoses of both.
Strong psychedelics are depersonalizing.

I used to get sick, physically, when I was a teen-ager and would smoke too much weed.

It's all a mind-game, and you're the player and the emcee.

Just try to do it in the friendliest environment possible, with people you trust, and you'll be fine.

Really. :)
spice a dit:
Strong psychedelics are depersonalizing.

I used to get sick, physically, when I was a teen-ager and would smoke too much weed.

It's all a mind-game, and you're the player and the emcee.

Just try to do it in the friendliest environment possible, with people you trust, and you'll be fine.

Really. :)

yupyup... I think the really bad trip days are over, I'm glad I made it out with my sanity for sure!! A friend of my didn't... I miss him, he's in a halfway house, schizo, or something, with bipolar tendencies.

Smoking just makes me fine now, as long as its not too much, too much and I probably just want to listen to music.

Will be taking shrooms in spring, which will be the next time I post. Hope you all stay safe till then!!
"It has been known for many years that depletion of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain leads to depression"

Can lead to depression not leads to depression .

"animals were injected with the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 and then tested with the Forced Swim test"

Injected !!!! I bet they loved that . I bet it allso helped their will power to survie = swim or die . This is not science this is dachau . And they arent talking about cannabis they are talking about an obscure cannabinoid . Is that substance adequately tested on "normal" humans + plus soft and hard cannabis users ?

""endo-cannabinoids," which are released under conditions of high stress or pain, explained Dr. Gobbi."

Not just then .

"explore cannabis' potential as an anti-depressant through anecdotal clinical evidence, "

Cool , anecdotes are neutral , objective facts . I wonder how many thousand patients she had talked to .....Oh! sorry it was several patients . Well thats such a big group it must be fact .

"we had some evidence that people treated with cannabis for multiple sclerosis or AIDS showed a big improvement in mood disorders."

But she doesnt say in what doses ? Could that mean that the suposed depressing effects are only present in some depression patients ?

""Excessive cannabis use in people with depression poses high risk of psychosis,""

= having depression can pose a high risk of psychosis ? Or psychotic people often have depression as well ? Or that people with depression / psychosis tend often to abuse drugs ? To know that they would have to do long term tests with a very big control group of random people over a larg part of their lives and compaire their historys after some had got those problems .

I wonder who paid for the "study" ?

I could have written that a lot better but i dont like reading shit like that .
Injected !!!! I bet they loved that . I bet it allso helped their will power to survie = swim or die . This is not science this is dachau . And they arent talking about cannabis they are talking about an obscure cannabinoid . Is that substance adequately tested on "normal" humans + plus soft and hard cannabis users ?

its difficult for most animals to smoke a joint.

i agree though. the effects of injected drugs is rarely the same as smoked.