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truffles vs other mushies

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Pringle
  • Date de début Date de début


Me and some friends want to do some mushrooms but we're all unexperienced.
I've read some info and trip reports about the Philosopher's stones and it seems as if the trips are always good fun without any bad vibes. I really do want to avoid anyone having a bad trip...so my question is ; ARE the stones easier to experience whitout getting 'the fear' than the Psilocybe cubensis?
Isn't this already in the "Mushrooms' section?
After i had some really bad experiences on mushrooms, i thought, maybe some philosopher stones will do the job for me. I`m really sensitive to psilocybin, so i toke a quarter of the normal dosis, the rest i gived away to some friends who where with me. But fuck, i wished i had toked some more from this stuff. I was stuck in a verry light trip, and had a verry sick feeling. It was a really annoying trip, and on that moment i wished i had a heavy experience on some normal cubensis or Hawaiian mushrooms. Also the taste of those philosopher stones where really not nice! The whole trip i just thought about that nasty tasted :P But some how a lot of people prefer those philosopher stones.

I used 8 times some magic mushrooms, and the first 3 times it was a little hard to experience. I had a lot of bad vibes and it freaked me almost out, these trips could be easily be labeled as a "Bad Trip", but do you know what? I just did it again and again, because the experience it self, was so fucking interesting. And after a view times i understood that i just needed to accept everything, and yes, that was working for me.

So just don't be afraid, i think those philosopher stones can do the same as the normal mushrooms. But just take where you feel best with. I`m sure if you accept everything, that you will have a good time :P
