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True information or false?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
Sorry for making another cannabis thread but...
Is this true info or not?
because i found this quite confusing, many sources dis-agree with each other!

All the studies they mention, are pretty old!
They shit out alot of negative stuff, some of it seems quite frighting!

Really, is there some expert on here that can confirm this?
The neurology part seems OK, though I'm not sure of the numbers. The rest seems crap to me.
Psyolopher a dit:
Really, is there some expert on here that can confirm this?
It's very simpe. Look for references to scientific studies. There aren't any on the page itself. Go to the links and resources page. Anything there? No. Just a long list of websites from other anti-drug organizations.
This link is much better:
Oh thanks, well from my own experience with smoking weed every now and then for some years, i've havent had all these problems like they described!
So i found it quite weird!
After that Mouse thing, It doesnt seem that bad compared to other drugs on there!
The only one i thought was fun on there was LSD!
(already done that to many times)
In fact, after responsible drug use without addiction, i've become a more intelligent person and i have become more aware of my thoughts!
I've noticed when comining alcohol and weed, my head feels less aware of itself!
But then again, the day after that i feel very normal!
Smoking only weed, if im not feeling the drug the day after!
I still feel just fine!
And another thing that does not cause extreme cannabis addiction, is that i also enjoy coming back to the normal state of mind!
I try to write down my thoughts, make music or draw/paint while high!
And then i take a closer look on the material when im back to the normal state of mind to see if i really used my creativity!

So anyway, The neurology part seemed ok?!
Because i don't know neurology that well, but the thing below seemed like utter crap and against the 'facts' i've read and heard before!
I mean, i can concentrate even better while high, but only on one task at a time, and that task will be done even better than in a sober state!
Well depends on what im doing really!
I cant say that im suicidal because of smoking weed, i cant say that i havent accomplished my goals and whats up with this cancer shit?!
I thought THC dissolves cancer cells!(or something in that direction)!
I also see that the Gateway theory is utter wrong!!!

And is Holland the CRIME capital of Europe?
And if it is, is that because of weed?
What i've HEARD(yes heard, i have no source for this)
Is that the crime rate went down after a few years after legalizing!
Am i wrong?!

What you think?
btw, the Jack Herer site was good!
But its mostly a comparison, does anyone know a good SCIENTIFIC and recently updated site about THC?! And its effects on the brain?
I want some Real studies for example like the mouse thing!
(But in a text form with pictures or what not....)
You know where im headin!
Because i really like to smoke weed, it helps me with my music alot!
(Dont get me wrong, 95% of the time im sober when producing music)
And...yeah i just like it!
I've never ever felt like i've gotten into any troubles with it except for its illegal!
....so....yeah....you get the point i guess!
what I know is that cannabis has been scientifically proven to retard the growth of tumors.

It has been used for all kinds of pain relief.

Scientifically proven.

I know that it is still a schedule 1 CS because the federal government (republicans) don't 'believe in' the validity of science unless it helps them to exploit us.

They decide if and when to listen to the proof, and we allow them to behave this way.

This is what I know.
spice a dit:
what I know is that cannabis has been scientifically proven to retard the growth of tumors.

It has been used for all kinds of pain relief.

Scientifically proven.

I know that it is still a schedule 1 CS because the federal government (republicans) don't 'believe in' the validity of science unless it helps them to exploit us.

They decide if and when to listen to the proof, and we allow them to behave this way.

This is what I know.
Really? Because its very similar here!
Media tells people, its bad bad bad
And people who do it are outcasts and dangerous/fucked up people!
Thus, it has no positive effect upon soceity!
And it tells you also how you're gonna destroy your life and do Heroin and get aids!

Mommy, im scared! Potheads might kill me now!
NO WHY !!!!!!

......im so sick of this idiocrazy!(New word)
Men what do you think for yourself???? this is bullshit propaganda totally torn out of context.

If you have a joint today you should not be driving tomorrow. (Airline pilots on flight simulators could not ‘land’ their planes properly even 24 hours and more after a joint and had no idea anything was wrong.)

One 20mg joint has the same effect as being just over the legal alcohol-driving limit

School grades fall, some students miss out on university places. A cannabis personality develops. Users become inflexible, can’t plan their days properly, can’t take criticism and struggle to express themselves. They feel lonely, miserable and misunderstood. Apathy, amotivation and dropping out are all common (I am smoking marihuana almsost on a daily base for 10 y and have none of these feelings and still have good grades on university, maybe these things can happens to some people or people who use a lot, everything what you óveruse is unhealthy')

craving for cannabis is very strong( simple lies, it could be habit forming with light withdrawel symtoms but no seriuous addication accept if you have a certain personality, some people get addicted to alcohol too or sex)

Cannabis causes far more mental illness than drugs like heroin. ( have you ever seen a heroin addict????then you know the truth)

they then use cannabis, the chance that she/he will develop schizophrenia rises from 1 or 2%. (I don't know the studys but you can search yourself, if you develop schizo you get it anyway only it can be shown at a earlier age)

Almost 100% of heroin users started on pot. (Ask yourself the question how many pot smoker actually start taking heroin? with almost all these statements you can inverse the question)

I can tell you from experience that it's medical use is still growing and that side effects are less toxic then most prescription drugs, you know that must people and up in the hospital because of asprine?(I know because i study pharmacy and there is a lot of study at our university and internationally)

Holland turned a blind eye to cannabis in 1987 and is now the crime capital of Europe. The country is awash with dealers, and it is a major producer and exporter of drugs especially ecstasy.(look to the facts and look how many addicts and drugs problems we have and others have)

If lying and fraud was illegal these people should spent the rest of their lives in prison

some last statement, we all like to see what we want to see, see we also are sensitive for certain proove. If you want to know what good science is study epidemiology(even a lot of so called studys good be trown right away in the garbage, you have to know how big a population is, isn't there any bias, what's the significance-interval, etcetera.) Good studys are find on cochrane and pubmed.
The problem is, that Mary can not be legal in any UN country because of a Convention. All countries are bound by international law to keep it illegal. Even in Holland it is actually illegal but limited posession is OK, so the government is actually cheating. The whole stuff is extremely ironic as e.g. in India, where MJ is culturally bound to the people, it is actually illegal, too.
by the way..I am now too tired to pick them out but there is a massive amount of official reports about cannabis that were simply ignored by the (US) government. I'm gonna look those up later.


the Homepage a dit:
Many pro-legalisers are users, or their children are.

Others are libertarians who think we should be able to do what we like with our bodies. That’s fine as long as it doesn’t interfere with anyone else. But stoned drivers can and do kill other people. Addicts and the mentally-ill need treatment at the taxpayers expense, stoned workers are inefficient and unproductive. And passive smoking does occur.

This is not a neutral statement.

Blood pressure and heart rates rise to the levels of real stress. Heart attacks have been reported. Two teenagers had strokes and died after bingeing on cannabis, another was left paralysed.

Highly questionable. 1. source? 2. the heart rate may rise but not extremely high. And teenagers don't just get heart attacks because of stress. Did you have one when you went jogging?

A study in 2001 from Dunedin found that young male cannabis users were nearly five times more likely to be violent than non users, the risk for alcohol users was around three. Violence seems to occur with the psychosis or during withdrawal.

Back to reefers Madness?????

Schizophrenia is triggered or worsened by its use, it may even be caused.

It does not cause it...

Physical addiction occurs.

OK, that finally proves that this homepage is not serious. Just forget this crap.
The site in the link you posted has some interesting points,but first let me fill you in...

I've been smoking weed for 26 years now,and i smoke about 5 joints a day..during that time i took good care of myself,healthy food and plenty of exercise...

I'm 39 years old and a thing like a deteriorating memory is just plain BS,when i'm stoned i can concentrate just as well as when i'm sober...but it could be personal.

Untill now i've never had any health problems related to the use of cannabis,if i would get problems i would quit right away,and i can cause i did quit for 3 months this year,and quited several times during those 26 years,just to test myself.

During those 3 months i felt good,but i missed lady MaryJane alot :lol: so i gradually went back to smoking every day,and i feel good about it cause i know i can control it(haha to all of those that say you get addicted,again BS),but again thats personal,it requires some discipline..

I will admit that THC can build up in your brain,when i wake up i'm still a little hazed,more then when i go to sleep sober...but thats all,no hangovers,no headache and to be honest i like the hazy feeling in the morning!

I just have some simple rules,don't smoke while at work,dont smoke when i'm just awake,and don't smoke to get asleep,this will seriously have an impact on your life,cause you will get used to it and you feel even more hazy in the morning making it difficult to function..

But don't worry about losing your brain or memory,they are just stories to scare you off..especially dont trust British 'scientists',they are 25 years behind in research and have a government mission to scare the public,they spread pure lies!!

The only thing that can damage your brain is when you combine it with other things,like alcohol..so just try to keep that down a bit and you can safely smoke weed for a long time,i'm the living proof!!

Schizophrenia is triggered or worsened by its use, it may even be caused.

This only gets triggered if you have the genetic tendency for it,no genetic tendency,no schizofrenia...

Physical addiction occurs.

As to being physically addicted,again BS!!
But some mental addiction can occur,just remember discipline is all!Compare it to loving chocolade but not eating it every day...it's on that level so easily overcome.

If you want to quit:

Just dont quit at once,build your dosage off in a week and you will be fine..you could feel a little sweaty and restless but it dissappears after 2-3 days,i can assure you you will not be feeling 'reborn' or different,cause cannabis just doesnt affect you as much as other things do,quiting smoking tobacco is way harder!!usually people that feel physically addicted are actually addicted to the nicotine in the tobacco which they put in the joint..some way they combine these feelings and blame cannabis!