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Tripping on mushies and say 2mgs of xanax in your system?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Ok ive done some reading on people who are perscribed xanax n e ware from .25 to 2mgs worth a day. Will xanax mess with your trip and cause you to have less of a trip or little to no visuals? ive read a few things saying it can make you have less visuals for some reason but i never read somthing that brings some truth to my question. any info would be great. thanks
Not wishing to apear negative BUT , my body is a temple , not an industrial chemical waste depot . One should NEVER mix drugs when one is not 100% sure of the effects . The culmulative side effects are imposible to predict in advance .
yeh but what ur not thinking about is millions of people are perscribed xanax klonapin whatever u wana call it but im perscribed 1 mg a day. Im not using my body as a freaking wast bucket for all kinds of drugs. this is one of the three pills i take every day. the other two are for thyroid problems but my question still lingers about the lessoned effect if any when xanax is in ur body when you eat the mushies.
Why does the doctor prescribe you Xanax? Are you fearful or depressed? I don't need to know... but make sure for yourself you can do mushrooms with your condition.

Be careful :idea:
"what ur not thinking about is millions of people are perscribed xanax"

I beg to differ , its you that is not thinking straight .

What the fuck does "freaking" mean ???

It will at least lessen your trip and maybe prevent it. There is no point in taking benzodiazepines with any psychedelic because they are used to stop trips , and people with depression should be very carefull what they take . Trips magnify emotions and people with depression should only use them in controlled settings with AT LEAST an experienced sitter . Please do not play with fire .
Xanax or Valium in small controlled dosages can work great in the reduction of paranoia or any fear manifestations wile trying to fly through the new mother nature, or can also comfort of a discontorted comedown like a warm, down security blanket.
"anax or Valium in small controlled dosages can work great in the reduction of paranoia or any fear manifestations"

So does 9 grams of lead . People with depression dont live in and react with the general concensus of what relity is . People who are depressed and try to convince themselves and others that with a little bit of this and a little bit of that they can do what they shouldnt be doing only prove that they are ill and shouldnt be doing it . They should stop trying to twist reality to fit their depressed / ill ego and try to heal themselves first . Fairys that shit their trousers remain fairys that shit their trousers and taking valium and trips together doesnt change that . Less is more . Learn to live with your fear and dont play dangerous neurochemical ego games with your brain . Acept reality or it will fuck you and you will land in a mental hospital sooner or later .

Having valium near you incase you shit out is a good idea as a parachute .
thankyou thats what i needed to know im not perscribed em btw, i have a bunch of kids around me who use xannies all day n i was just interested in the whole concept of benzos and what there exact purpose. i just have close people to me who r perscribed i just wanted to know the risks and effects if has on psycadelics. just wanted to add some more knowledge into my brain. dident mean to offend n e one. thankyou for the information everyone.

i must say this sight is great!!
I can't understand why someone wants to poison his body with Xanex.
In the Netherlands no one uses Xanex.
I heard about a guy who killed himself with valium.

My advise is stay away from it. You don't need it. There are a lot of plants with a calming affect. you could use those instead of chemical drugs
like i said i have many friends where i live where they use them reguarly. im trying to just understand somthing i dident. im nt perscribes them nor do i take them. so u can get that off ur mind. this was just a question
Well, Brewmaster once gave the advice of always having a bit of Xanax at hand in case someone goes totally nuts because of acid/shrooms/whatever, as it works quite well to calm them down before they do something stupid...

This made me always have a couple of xanax pills with me when I trip (my mother is a psychiatrist), I never used them since then, but I think it can help to know that you have a way to calm someone down if he starts to panick and begins to do very stupid things while you're tripping at the same time...
^ this is very true. since where i live xans are easier to get then a loaf of bread. And after trying the lemon extract thing on an 8th of dried i must say the lemon idea is soo different then just eating them normaly and it got soo intence after a wile it was overwhelming but not scary. very cool i must say and very different but after about 4 hours i took 1 mg of xan to stop or lesson the trip so i could relax and fall asleep. and i must say it did its job very well. within 15 minits of taking it i noticed my body felt very calm and my visuals diminished quickly to back to normal. i would say if ur tripping with some noobies or anyone for that matter any type of benz IE xanax would be a safe thing to have in hand incase anyone goes freakin crazy. pop 1mg n ur set.

thanks all . peace
Realy Nutts? How Nutts is that?

Being scared is part of the trip. but if you got your setting right there is no need for xanex.
I just can't understand why you want to fall asleep.
as long as the trip is going all is well. Just ride it out.

You could use something like lavender thea to fall asleep.
instead of xanex to supress the mushrooms, why not lower the dose of mushrooms?
Or not do them at all?

Im totaly against Xanex no matter how nutts you are.
Combining Xanex whit mushrooms is looking for trouble.
Xanax does not lower the shrooms, it's just reduce the anxiety level that may comes from a 'bad' tripping.
Also many people here make a confusion between depression and anxiety.
Xanax is used to treat short term anxiety or in case of panic attack. It's no big deal as long as ones do not take too much.