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Trick Rolls

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Matrice Périnatale
Get two small skins and and roll a joint just with no roach so its backy and weed all the way through

stick them both together to make a V shape

Next get a king skin and make it as coned as possiable ( use a roach in this one)

place the 2 smalls in the end of the king skin and then with time u should of stuck them together

if me and my mates can do it while ubber kaned ( i had to keep drinking tea and eating biscuits to get my concentration we were that baked :L) then so can u :)

Happy Smoking

would gladly like any suggestion on making more harder and better trick joints :)
tulips are real fun. i always do them when we need to get a bunch of people stoned cause it ends up with people begging you to take it from them ha ha. at the end of it almost no one wants to hit it except me and my friends. its a giant cherry (ember) so a little toke gets you almost too much smoke. most non-smokers dont like them

people post more, i love new ways to smoke. its like origami
cheers for that mate, me and my friends tired it the other night worked really well :)
some of these are almost pointless, and he does them with tobacco, but still inspires me
^I thought the same

tulips are fun to build though. I can imagine that the trick rolls of that guy taste goddamn awful after the first half. tar tar tar tar tar
i know haha like 80% of the youtube comments are "ew, why dont you joints like that instead?"