Listen! I have told you couple of times what to do! And you again ask questions what to do, is maybe better this, or that, or should I place cacti near or on the top of glass!?!?!
I have send you tips and tips!, what to do and how to do it!
Cutting piece of cacti place on paper, thick paper-carton! NO FREAKING BAG!!! Also cut-cacti piece needs to be in shade (sun is going to fry next days and more) but of course cacti cut needs some light like small but full "morning light radiation period"! And wait minimum 16 days before you plant it into soil. The best is to wait 30-40 days but what the hell. After planting cacti in to the pot, wait 2-3 weeks with watering plans!!! You for sure doesn't want molds and fungi disease! 15-20 day after replanting spray some water. Three or four spoons! Then wait 10 days more and give more water again. Double the watering dose from last time. 10-15 days after that you can water it normally. AND THIS IS IT BOUT CUTTING PROPAGATION OF PEDRO CACTI!!!!
No offense but word after my answer, and again word after my answer, and again I think this, I have sow this, I have Google little on Net, so what you think?, isn't productive! I will help you but please, PLEASE
I know cacti and how to grow them, use them properly, respect them in meaner of way which is bigger then mostly of 98% of "Cacti" believers here in this Psychonaut forum!
I know that you are young in cacti grow thing and you doesn't know much, but try to listen something especially if this person answer each one question! Like administrator for cacti issue!
I believe that you have not take this personal! But if you want to listen my advices, LISTEN, otherwise listen Internet and that "HELPS&GUIDES"