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travellers garden...:S? intussen :D

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Alpiniste Kundalini
i ordered something from travellersgarden about 2 months ago, and i still didnt get my shipment...while they say it was sent a month ago. Repeatedly i asked the question when my package would come. In the first month, and the second. Didnt get an answer to a single one...

found the site through an ad on mushplanet, so i thought it would be a good site, the site looks very proffessional too.

guess they ripped me off :cry: :? or something just went wrong? I guess the last but oh well...

does anyone know if the site is any good? is it just me or do more people have problems with the site?

You're not the only one having problems with TG.
My last three orders didn't go so smoothly either, with a delay of a week or two. Two months however is way too long, and I believe they send you a new order or your money back in case something went wrong, even if something went wrong with the delivery (most online shops do), which is apparently the case here.
Well, if I were you I would call them and work something out.

I never really had problems with them before, but the last couple of years they seem to be too damn negligent, and I'm not the only one who thinks so, it's a shame, because overall they are really alright. I hope everything still works out for you after all, and I hope TG will be more punctual in the future.

Good luck
Same here man.

2 orders, first one went fine. The other one took over 3 weeks to get it in.

Yet when the shipment comes everything looks good, well packed, prices are fine. 2 month though is way too long.
I also been waiting almost two months now, on their site it states they sent it ages ago and its very difficult to contact them. The mobile is just an answering machine, and my mail also hasnt been answered by humans. Looks like maybe I lost my 40 euros.
Just want to warn people so it doesnt happen to you
i took a look on the site again and they are an official trading company in the netherlands. When nothing happens we could always report it :P :x ...
same problem overhere

i orderered three weeks ago, and payd with visa 2 days later, succesfully
now for the last two weeks the site shows that my order has been "cancelled" ... :/
im trying to mail em, phone em, and the same here, no answers from a human ....

Isnt there something we can do about it????????????
im not planning on them letting rip me off for 75 euro
:evil: there is a limit to my patience... :twisted:
heb men bestelling aangekregen !!!!
er schijnen wat problemen te zijn, maar er is zeker geen ripp off gaande

ik heb zelfs een paar extra spullen gratis gekregen :)

jaaaah ik heb vandaag ook mijn bestelling gekregen :) met een escuusbriefje erbij, ze hadden blijkbaar wat probleempjes...
Maar de spullen die ik erbij heb gekregen zijn het wachten zeker waard! een extra salvia stekje, een grammetje Salvia 5x, 2 pennen en een extra zakje rijstmeel. Ik weet niet per hoeveel de spore syringes gaan, maar heb er 5 gekregen terwijl ik er 1 verwachtte :)

zozozo, hun reputatie bij mij is zeker gered :)
Stelletje mazzelaars! Mijn brievenbus blijft leeg
Find their adress and give them a visit .
They are legit, tho as slow as horse shit. :)
I talked to TravellersGarden about this complains (because they also advertise on this site...). They said there where some problems in the past, but this should be solved now.

They also said all outstanding packages are shipped now, and that the shipping process will be speed up in the future. If you still waiting for a package please email or call them, or complain in this forum. I will tell TravellersGarden to keep a close eye on their email and this forum.
Hey thanx Dr.Leospace for talking to them. Actually it seems like I'm the only one that didnt get the package yet.
But in all fairness (I should have mentioned this before) I do suspect my neighbours are maybe embezzling my packages. Also TPG post hired some kids to deliver packages over the holidays and I think they were fucking up bad.
I should have ordered it by registered mail, anyways...
But if the guys at TG did already send it, I hope they will at least enquire at TPG where it disappeared...
All postmen are psychonauts :wink:
I do suspect my neighbours are maybe embezzling my packages

-cope-paste embezzling into google.
-learnt new word.

--------- :lol: Yeah didnt realize its such a cool word embezzzzle--------

With the extra salvia. generous portion of mimosa seeds. Free bonus Reed canari grass!? and free San Pedro seeds..and all the other shit I ordered
No more complaining from this guy..

Come to think of it, these guys at TG surrounded by all this weird plant material, are probably constantly seriously tripping in the their garden. Its a miracle they sometimes make it back to reality to get some packaging done.

Well i hope everythings gonna be alright with my order... :)

I already payed but the site says the order has been cancelled, well, we wait and see. :?
Nu ik ook Vermucilite van Azarius heb besteld en binnen heb gekregen ben ik er achter gekomen dat Travellers Garden me heel wat meer Vermucilite dan de bestelde 1 liter heeft gegeven...

Het gaat meer in de richting van 5 liter o.O

das nou ook nog es mooi meegenomen ^^