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Transporting My Peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 008
Hello all,

I was wondering if any of you had any idea how to tranport 15 peyotes across Canada? I'm tucked away in Southern Ontario, and the USA is all around me. Peyote is illegal in the USA, so if I drove, then I would have to avoid the whole USA. I'm going to British Columbia for school, and don't want to leave my peyote's behind. I'm just faced with the problem of getting them there.

Thanks, PEACE
Going from Ontario to the outer West. Yeah, avoiding the US border results in making many more miles.

Man, the idea that idiots like Bush take your cacti makes me wanna puke already. In fact, the nature in Texas is acting illegal since it's naturally occuring there.

I don't knowing anything about the checkpoint in the States. But think about packing them with plain fruits, vegatables and other plants which are commenly recognised and look quite similar to them.

Can't you just leave them in your hometown and inform relatives about the required care they need? I personally wouldn't risk the descruction of peyotes. :cry:

Or take only 7, be creative with the packing, and if they're investegating your car, don't rush or be brief, act like you have enough time on your hands.

And if they get them, tell that it's decoration and part of your Indian item collection at home, you were never aware of a psychoactive potency.
Thanks Brugmansia. I was wondering if I could bring it on the plane? I mean, if I take off in Canada, and land in Canada, it's not breaking any laws. Peyote is just a cactus just like any other, so how would people transport cacti when moving such vast distances? If worse comes to worse, I will sneak it on the plane. (I think taking the plane is the best option) I will get in contact with Air Canada too see if they will allow this, and if they don't fuck them i'm doing it anyways :D


Also Peyote should be legal in the USA, this is complete BULLSHIT. It's a cacti native to their land, and its fucking illegal!?!? People need to grow up, stop hiding the truth about drugs, and let people use them if they choose too. I mean, isn't it our personal freedom to decide to consume a certain substance or not? If I choose to eat this mushroom or cactus, it should be 100% my choice, and not someone others who has no knowledge on the substance!
It's our personal freedom as the government sees fit, you must have never read the fine print.
Try shipping them from your home town to your dorm room, you can use like UPS or something, just pack them good. You can send anything through UPS.
Could they get damaged? Would marking them "fragile" be good enough. These peyote are like my children, and packing them up and shipping them off is like shipping my children. I love them so very much, and to loose them, I proababaly would cry....lol. How would I go about packing them. Should I keep them in the pot, or go bare root? Keep in mind I 90% of my peyotes are only 8 months old right now, and I have one that is a little over a year old. So they are still young. They won't be shipped till August when I leave for University though.
You would post them as CAUTION LIVE PLANTS and FRAGILE and hope that it would help. As far as packing them I'm not sure you could look in to the best way to do that with a Google search most likely.
You could also take it to like a Packaging store and see if they would do it and insurance etc.
Alright, So I'm going to email Air Canada soon, and hopefully get approval to bring my 'cacti' on the plane. I am planning on transplanting most of them into one big pot, so that is all I need to bring. The pot will still be small, cause my cacti are still small. I just had a few questions. Could alitude affect my cacti? They will only be flying for a few hours, so could they get damaged durning this process? Also what do you think is the best way to 'package' them? I was thinking getting a clear thick plastic box, and drilling many many holes in it, and then anchering the pot to the plastic box. Also would it be better to ship them dry root, or in the pot? Thanks
Don't use UPS or any transport company's. I worked for a view days in such transport company like UPS. My job was, to get the truck loaded, and i tell you, they won't be careful. They trow dose boxes in the truck and because everything needs to be done fast, they won't care about your peyote.

Trust me about that!!!!

user_1919 a dit:
Thanks Brugmansia. I was wondering if I could bring it on the plane? I mean, if I take off in Canada, and land in Canada, it's not breaking any laws. Peyote is just a cactus just like any other, so how would people transport cacti when moving such vast distances? If worse comes to worse, I will sneak it on the plane. (I think taking the plane is the best option) I will get in contact with Air Canada too see if they will allow this, and if they don't fuck them i'm doing it anyways :D


Also Peyote should be legal in the USA, this is complete BULLSHIT. It's a cacti native to their land, and its fucking illegal!?!? People need to grow up, stop hiding the truth about drugs, and let people use them if they choose too. I mean, isn't it our personal freedom to decide to consume a certain substance or not? If I choose to eat this mushroom or cactus, it should be 100% my choice, and not someone others who has no knowledge on the substance!

i think theres something about enviroemnt u cannont bring plants or something life i dont find the right word srry not using english like active language
Sorry USER.1901!, for next time if you will have this kind of problem. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!!! Just place cacti out of pot and rid it of remaining soil. This way cacti can survive 3-5 years!! You would not believe me but when I have replanted my Lophophora spices (more of them) I were forgotten one of them! After 2 years I found cacti in 'the place-can't say where' cacti was soft and out of life. But 2 months after I plant it in desert soil he flourished and you want believe, 3 years old cacti starts to produce seeds!! This means that he flowered in mean time! Without water and soil!
JustinNed a dit:
It's our personal freedom as the government sees fit, you must have never read the fine print.
Try shipping them from your home town to your dorm room, you can use like UPS or something, just pack them good. You can send anything through UPS.
Yeah, unfortunately JustinNed is right. Freedom in my country, the U.S. is just a marketing lie. We're basically free to do everything that isn't illegal, just like in every other country!

If you can legally grow peyote in Canada, then ship them via your Ontario post office to your dorm. That would seem to be the solution.

Or, dip them in chocolate and say their chocolate truffles? j/k :wink:
Dont take them on the plane = a BIG chance that you get busted , or use UPS , do what Goran said . Take them out of the pot , clean the substrate off with water . Let the water dry and then wrap them in news paper and put them in a box with screwed up news papers as packing and post them . Put a sticker on the box saying "FRAGILE" ( wich doesnt usualy make much diference they will still get thrown about like Mysticwarrior said ). Then repot them .
I might just leave them with my dad, because I will be returning to Ontario in April after my first year of University is done, but eventually will have to bring them outwest as I want to move out soon enough.
GOD one thing for you and for everyone! If you pick cacti out of pot and clean it from the remaining soil, NEVER BUT NEVER water it to clean the rest of soil! This way cacti root can easily gain fungi or some other kind of disease! Sun (light) and water on cacti roots can be fatal. Remember that. Especially if cacti have some chance to be out of soil for more than 3-7days. This is similar to the cacti cloning/regrowing (older cacti with big roots cuted, then you wait sprouts to grow out of roots and green part of cacti to make new roots so you can replant it=2 cacti out of one). You would (I believe so) never water cuted part of cacti cause it needs to dry itself and become hard-wooden. REMEMBER THAT, THIS IS ONLY NEW TIP FOR YOU AND FOR YOURS CACTI GROWING KNOWLEDGE GOD. PEACE :) 8)
High Goran . Thanks for the tip . I read about washing the dirt of the roots so you can replant in a hydrophonic medium in books . They said to do it and then put the cacti on news paper in the shade till they were dry . Then wrap them in news paper to transport them or till you can repot them . I wrote your tip down and will try it .
Look if you water cacti root and than dry it with newspapers I believe it's OK. But have you ever try that? Rubbing roots will for sure cut little veins and small roots. And those smallest vain like roots are the most important one. When I replant my cacti from one pot to the other there are always some broken-cut of roots. Hard shock for cacti, so hard that it can slow grow rate to minimal or even produce statis form for that year! No shit! And imagine moister roots and paper=glue! :wink:
Ask or post theme before you do something with cacti. I am looking at cacti theme-forum (here on psynauts forum) all the time-once per day minimum, like some pseudo-moderator?! :) :wink: