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Trans 4-Methylaminorex is legal in the USA!


Hey kids. I don’t know if any of you remember me. I used to frequent totes, wetdreams, and the-hive during the latter half of ’04 under the username BillyBoy413… until I got busted. I was charged with manufacturing a few grams of cis 4-methylaminorex (4-MAR) but was not charged for any of the trans 4-MAR I had in my lab. This could be like MDMA all over again. I seem to recall hearing about how a lot of people got rich selling MDMA before the DEA could get around to scheduling it.

I became interested in cooking meth in the summer of ’04 and frequented sites like this. Then in 9/04, I received a PM from some guy in CA advising me he had almost 100 pounds of phenylpropanolamine-HCl (PPA) and had reason to believe it could be converted into cis(+/-) 4-methylaminorex. He said he had been trying for years to find someone who could do the conversion and suffered one failure after the next and offered to send some precursors to me if I was interested in attempting it. I was. I got my hands on the original patent and made just a few grams as the synthesis emits cyanide gas. I was very impressed with the results. I took only 20 mg and was up for 12 hours. I thought it was a wonderful drug. Well I noted in the Code of Federal Regulations, specifically 21 CFR 1308.11(f)(6), that only the cis isomers of 4-MAR are regulated, and the way the regulation is written, the trans isomers are excepted. I assumed that the trans isomers weren’t regulated because they hadn’t been invented yet. The cis isomers were regulated beginning 1987 but I couldn’t find any mention of trans 4-MAR in the literature until 1994 when some folks at the State University of New York at Stony Brook published a paper on it. They synthesized all 4 isomers of 4-MAR and tested each isomer’s affect on the locomotor activity in rats, but they didn’t publish their syntheses nor did they ever attempt to patent them. So I got to work.

After a few months I discovered a very elegant synthesis for the trans isomers and they are probably 10 times more potent than the cis! I will post my synthesis under another thread. Anyway, I did 20 mg of the trans isomers the first time I took it and was up for 3 straight days with no fatigue or jitters! I had to get some klonopin from a friend to get some sleep after 3 days. It was fanfuckintastic! I didn’t get a huge burst of energy; it was more like tripping where your mind is working overtime and your body just follows along. I felt like my brain was working at peak efficiency and therefore felt very self-empowered, hence the street name Euphoria. Unfortunately my party ended in 12/04. Someone snitched on me and I received 40 months in prison.

As an important aside, I read all these comments on being careful not to blow up your lab, to be very discreet in your posts on these sites, and to be careful where you get your chemicals and equipment from. I am totally in agreement here but I want to say that I met probably a dozen guys in prison who were doing time for manufacturing. And they all got busted the same way I did; someone snitched on them. Having been arrested and done time, if there is anything from my experience that I would like to share it is this: We have become a nation of snitches. Perhaps in the ‘60s the general mindset may have been that it is better to rot than rat, but not anymore. If I were allowed to only give you all one piece of advice it would be this: do not involve anyone in your business unless absolutely necessary. The guy who snitched on me had been my best friend for a year. He was busted for possession and was only looking at 6 months county jail time. And for that he flipped on me. I’m not saying you should be less careful about posting on these sites and purchasing chemicals and equipment. I am saying you should be MORE careful about letting people know what you’re up to because that is most likely how you will get busted. Imho.

Anyway, back to my story. The prosecutor tried to charge me with all the trans I made but in the end I was ONLY charged with a few grams of the cis isomers I made the first time. I worked for a regulatory agency for 20 years (enforcing EPA regs) and successfully argued that according to the letter of the law, the trans isomers were excepted. The prosecutor then tried to argue that the trans isomers were regulated because they meet the definition of Analogue (Designer Drug) in the Analogue Act. But I argued that the language in the Analogue Act isn’t directly enforceable. I pointed out that an Act of Congress is the vehicle by which they instruct and authorize an executive agency to draft regulations that hopefully achieve the intent of the Act. Those proposed regulations then have to be adopted by Congress at which point they become enforceable. And only the language in the regulations that are promulgated in accordance with the Act is enforceable; not the language in the Act itself. The Analogue Act is about what the DEA is supposed to do, the regulations are about what the general public is supposed to do. And the judge agreed. A precedent was set! Needless to say the prosecutor was pissed!

When I was released from prison I was curious to see if the DEA had taken any steps to regulate trans. Instead I was shocked and surprised to find the following:

DEA Resources, Microgram Journal, Volume 3, July-December 2005

I believe, without a doubt, this article to be all about damage control and offers some interesting insight into how the DEA operates. The DEA generated so much publicity about my case only to have the judge rule that the trans isomers weren’t regulated under the current regulations and could not be regulated under the Analogue Act. That means the DEA can only regulate them under the older Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The way I read that Act, the DEA much first submit a report to Congress explaining why they want to regulate a new drug. An 8 Factor Analysis must be submitted and one of those factors is the extent of actual abuse in the real world. So I am guessing that the CSA may not allow the DEA to be proactive, i.e., that they can’t even begin to try and regulate a new drug unless there’s actual evidence of abuse. Idk.

Anyway, the only person from the DEA’s office that was at my sentencing hearing was Walter Rodriguez, one of the co-authors of the article and he could barely speak English. I don’t know who the other author is. Like I said, I am totally convinced this article was written because either the DEA can’t start regulating trans or they don’t want to spend the time, energy, and money when there’s no existing problem with abuse. More important, I believe there is a window of opportunity to sell this drug legally for a while.

It’s interesting to note that the article doesn’t state that I made any of the cis isomers. It states that I was charged with manufacturing “a controlled substance”, which they don’t specify, misleading readers to believe that I was charged with making trans. It appears Wikipedia didn’t check their facts about this either.

The authors go on to say that the drug is regulated under the Analogue Act and use as the basis of their argument language directly from the Analogue Act that I had already successfully argued is not directly enforceable. This is total bullshit! Possessing PPA is a felony but once you convert it to trans 4-MAR, you can currently sell it on the sidewalk like a lemonade stand and there isn’t anything they can do to you. The $60,000 question is for how long.

Like I said, I seem to recall hearing about how a lot of people got rich selling MDMA before the DEA could get around to scheduling it. I would be very curious to know if anyone knows why it took the DEA so long to regulate MDMA. Thanks.
I don't think its legal at all.
In the United States, (±)-cis-4-methylaminorex was placed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act shortly after its emergence as a recreational drug in the mid 1980s. [20] Manufacturing the trans isomer required a different process than those encountered when the substance was first scheduled, and was believed less potent than the cis isomer with a much lower abuse potential.---from Google then took me to wiki. I'm not putting this up to be an ass I know I can be wrong
drizzit a dit:
... Manufacturing the trans isomer required a different process than those encountered when the substance was first scheduled, and was believed less potent than the cis isomer with a much lower abuse potential.

Yeah, Drizzit, I read this too. It's just more DEA face-saving bullshit. They dropped the football when they scheduled only the cis isomers. The DEA published its "Intention to place 4-Methylaminorex (no isomers specified) into Schedule 1 of the CSA" on 8/13/87. Trans was not even invented until '94. If you can find any evidence to dispute this, please post. So their statement that trans wasn't regulated because it involved a different process is bullshit. And to say that trans was believed to be less potent should also show you how full of BS the DEA is. How can they make a statement like that when trans hadn't been invented yet?!?

I requested everything the DEA had in its files on 4-MAR in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. They responded. The ONLY time trans was mentioned was in the last item in the file. It is a memo from the Nat'l Institute of Drug Abuse, the folks who did the actual testing, dated March 29, 1989. It basically states they tested the drug on a mouse, a rat, and 3 monkeys and it appears to have a central nervous system stimulation effect. The last paragraph of that memo reads as follows:

"It should be noted that "4-methylaminorex" can exist as two geometric isomers (cis- and trans -), each of which is a racemic mixture. Thus four individual chemical entities can exist under the rubric of 4-methylaminorex. NIDA tested only one, cis+. It will be necessary to ascertain which substance(s) is in the illicit market place in order to make the scientific data we generated relevant."

Whatever the hell that means. But anyway, 2 weeks later, on 4/13/89, the notice came out in the Federal Register that Congress had only placed the cis isomers into Schedule I. There is nothing in the file about a different process and belief of less potency for the trans. What a ridiculous statement. You would think that if it had any potency at all it should be scheduled, right?

My point is the DEA bullshitted a lot in regards to my case because they dropped the football here and no one wants to admit it. I worked in government for 20 years. I know how important it is for agencies to do damage control.

Anyway Drizzit, I appreciate your interest.
Np's thank you for the interesting topic. I just had to look it up when I first saw your post an that's what I got from the wiki I was more interested in the effects an I saw the dea part so figured I'd say somthin. But I'm ganna have to try an find some!
drizzit a dit:
...that's what I got from the wiki ...But ganna have to try an find some!

Not even Wikipedia is always factual. The very last sentence in the article you quoted says the DEA successfully prosecuted someone for making trans. This is absolutely untrue, I was never charged for making any trans. Apparently Wiki just got their information from the DEA's damage control article in their Microgram newsletter and didn't bother to verify all the facts.

I'm sure you would enjoy some trans 4-MAR. It's the best drug I've ever experienced. Who knows, it might make a comeback if anyone could ever get their hands on norephedrine.
Hello BetterLivingGuy. This is my first post and your thread is what convinved me to join. I read through the DEA link you sent, and would like to know if you have the recipe mentioned in the article. I have been building up a bit of an archive of all those little things Big-Brother likes to sensor or block from Google archives, and would like to add that to the freshly downloaded searchable Rhodium archives (which I have also downloaded from this lovely site lol).

Also, who needs NE when you can have LPAC
McOwnageDotC a dit:
Hello BetterLivingGuy. This is my first post and your thread is what convinved me to join.


I... would like to know if you have the recipe mentioned in the article.

My synth is already posted on this forum as well as several other forums.

Also, who needs NE when you can have LPAC?

What are NE and LPAC?
Norephedrine and L-Phenylacetylcarbinol. L-PAC can be processed via reductive amination into l-ephedrine.
McOwnageDotC a dit:
Norephedrine and L-Phenylacetylcarbinol. L-PAC can be processed via reductive amination into l-ephedrine.

Yes, but l-ephedrine has that extra methyl group that norephedrine does not. How do you propose to make trans 4-MAR with l-ephedrine?
Your right. To be honest I had not known about cis/trans 4-MAR until I read your post, and can't propose a reaction mechanism to get to 4-MAR with l-ephedrine. I became interested in the process, more specifically your process, after reading the wiki and DEA articles. When I searched for further information on trans 4-MAR synthesis it turned up basically nothing :/.
McOwnageDotC a dit:
When I searched for further information on trans 4-MAR synthesis it turned up basically nothing :/.

You won't find anything on trans synthesis except for my above synth and the info in the DEA article and who knows how truthful that is.
I've read elsewhere that trans-4-mar can be synthesized with norephedrine (phenylpropanolamine) and a cyanate salt, whether sodium or potassium cyanate. I've tried that route a few times, but had trouble with the PPA synthesis. Supposedly the Akabori synthesis is the easiest way to go, but you need quite a lot of highly-suspicious benzaldehyde to go about producing it. There's also the Henry reaction with nitroethane (even more suspicious chemicals!) and bromination of propiophenone combined with the Delepine reaction and a reduction of the cathinone.

I don't have access to chemistry equipment, but this is one chemical I'm very interested in.
can absolutely be synthd with norephederine and "cyanate salt". I dont know much about the technical aspect of chemistry, but have hands on experience w/synth of 4-methylaminorex and aminorex. Was taught by organic chemist in 'gainesville in the 80's'-(if that tells you anything)...he coined the term 'ice' which got a bad name due to the emergence of 'asian ice' so for marketing purposes I actually coined the term u4euh/euphoria...yep, that was me.