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Too much LSD

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion THC Dawg
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THC Dawg

Matrice Périnatale
alright so about half a year ago i ingested around 30 normal hits of lsd me being a dumb kid and all (im 17 now but was 16 at the time) anyway i didnt know the power of drugs and no one does until they have done as much as me well anyway i took the lsd and within 20 mins was trippin pretty damn hard like ona 6 to8 hit trip and it kept getting harder and harder by the minutes but i dont remember much except for losing sense of all reality and going down the street asking people to call the hospital for me bcuz i had no idea wat was goin on around me and ya just scary shit being taken from our reality and put into the lsd reality. I believe that i reached the point of trippin no harder and im definately never doin that much again until im like older but i think people are only suppose to be in that reality once in a lifetime and i fukd my chance up and if i get there again ill be stuck there but just thought id share my story and i woke up in the hospital a few hours later but man oh man thats intense shit and now i know why albert hoffman and others say this is the most powerful substance on the planet and ive done dmt b4 and lsd is more powerful if ur crazy and do as much as i did bcuz ill try to put this so u might be able to understand wen u do enough lsd u r no longer urself u r lsd and lsd controls u.
How can you be yourself when you have experienced the most eye opening experience in your life?

How can you relate to people who are to hard wired into the illusion??

You are certainly not controlled by the LSD, Your in connection with the light and your mind is free.
Free to see the truth, However shocking it may of been :shock: :? :rolleyes:

What made you think 30 was a good number man?
i was just a dumb kid back then thats y it was 30 but r u sayin uv done this much? cuz if not u dont even know
No I have not consumed 30 blotter but was preparing a few years ago to partake in a thumb print experience, Unfortunately life took a funny turn and that plan was put on hold. I plan to take the thumb print still but the most I have consumed in one sitting is 2 micro dots.

I would like to know more about your experience and why you consider the LSD to be in control of you, Please share some more information with us about your experience?
"nobody does until they have done as much as me"

Well, sounds like it didn't do anything for your ego, that is for sure...

And, to batter your ego a little bit, if you are out walking around, it wasn't that powerful. :D

There are people who have taken a crystal of LSD. AKA a gram of pure LSD.

But, more commonly, there are people who do ayahuasca. If you do ayahuasca you aren't going to be walking around asking people to bring you to the hospital... because you aren't going to be walking anywhere.

Point being; don't put yourself on such a pedestal. You seem like you didn't learn much from the experience, couldn't embrace the experience, and weren't ready for such an experience. Belittling the rest of us because you did a lot of LSD isn't going to get you anywhere either. And if you're 17 - you're still a kid. Dumb or not.
IJesusChrist a dit:
"nobody does until they have done as much as me"

Well, sounds like it didn't do anything for your ego, that is for sure...

And, to batter your ego a little bit, if you are out walking around, it wasn't that powerful. :D

There are people who have taken a crystal of LSD. AKA a gram of pure LSD.

But, more commonly, there are people who do ayahuasca. If you do ayahuasca you aren't going to be walking around asking people to bring you to the hospital... because you aren't going to be walking anywhere.

Point being; don't put yourself on such a pedestal. You seem like you didn't learn much from the experience, couldn't embrace the experience, and weren't ready for such an experience. Belittling the rest of us because you did a lot of LSD isn't going to get you anywhere either. And if you're 17 - you're still a kid. Dumb or not.

One step at a time IJC...

Piece by piece, There is no need for mental dissection.
THC Dawg would have realised his inflated ego in his own time and certainly has alot more to discuss whether he knows it or not ;)

Alot of people on here lately have a very abrupt manner with one another, I think its down to tensions running high due to a split in the perception of the world.

Devide and conquer, Ring any bells??? :lol:

But, dude, seriously? 30 tabs and that's that?

Such an experience should be prepared for and not taken lightly. You will loose the meaning of it when you spend all of the trip being scared because you are in a bad environment. I've not taken 30 tabs, I've only gone up to 5 tabs of high quality (~140 ug each). It was bliss.

It is nonsense to think this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing. It is not. But it is special and should be treated that way.
I've taken 10 of these 'mindfuck' tabs, they were little tabs with blue sperm on them. And Jesus Christ. That was stronger than when I smoked dmt. And it would never go away. I remember being in QT about 50 minutes after it kicked in, and there was smoke everywhere, and there were different patterns in the smoke, swaying around and moving back and forth, in and out of each other. And my girlfriend was getting a drink, as I hid behind shelves because I was practically a wild animal. Then I went and got a big long thing of laffy taffy, and was gonna take my girlfriend hostage at the counter, and wrap the thing around her neck in the middle of her purchase, but I pussied out and snuck around and waited until the lady wasnt looking, and gave her the weirdest look as I sneakily hid the laffy taffy ion my pocket :) From there it was fucking lord of the rings. With a twist.

I never freaked out, but I know that acid was very VERY strong, because a buddy of mine said he took 2 and he was frying for 15 hours. I was definitely fucked for 2 and a half days. And this was only a week or two ago.

You just got to control yourself.. Which I honestly cant say with 30 tabs lol I mean I have freaked out before I know what its like. Just never on acid, its my happy drug :D
alright and with my ego and how it did nothing for it no it did alot for it bcuz i dont judge cuz its not right people are people for there own reasons i still realize that theyre just living a lie but if they like it idk i live my own life and with my ego i know who i am and im just myself now and fer me being out walking outside ya that was only fer 10 mins b4 i blacked out and went into my mind and yes it is high quality dose that i did and the only reason this trip didnt last like 4 days was bcuz the reason i ran out of my house to go to the hospital was bcuz i had heard of this shot that makes people that are freaking out and shit stop tripping that only paramedics have so thats y but it actually wasnt a bad trip except for the part where i started to lose my mind
Was it one of your first times? I mean I see how you were thinking, but normally people just decide on 'chilling out' when 'going to the hospital' is an issue lol
i didn't read a lot of ego flexing in that post. and really what he said is true for the most part, considering his vocabulary and age. one simply will not understand the power of entheogens, until they take "too much".

just because he doesn't act more scholarly than he is (or use much punctuation), doesn't mean he's being egotistical. that type of stuff is generally more easily sensed in the responses after the inital post anyhow, which im not really sensing either. (he's not angry or calling you names for trying to call him out, which would be a sign of taking it personally)

quick to judge today, we are.

i can understand and relate to the feeling. although as some others have mentioned was possible on higher amounts, i was immobilized by the drug. i was so far gone, that i had no concept of "hospital" or "self" for that matter. the dose one takes is, for the most part, irrelevant, as everything is of varying potency...
ya with the being so far gone thats wat i mean and having no sense of anything plus wen i was in the ambulance i had completely forgot the fact that i had taken lsd so im glad i got them wen i did or theyd think i was just some crazy kid cuz i remember voices while i was blacked out asking my name and address and shit and then telling me i was on a ridiculous amount of lsd and i had been in the hospital for a few hours and when they told me that i remembered i had done it but after i lost my mind i was just a crazy kid who wasnt in reality and no this was not one of my first times i had done lsd around 30 times b4 this
I'd imagine that my single, solitary major experience with psychedelics was on the lesser side with regards to dosage, but it still took me two year to recover from it and now it's just another profound lesson to me; I can honestly say that I doubt I'd be the confident person that I am now if I hadn't have learnt to build my mind back up from its relatively shattered state.

Seeing you, Dawg, and how you're talking right now is reminding me of how I saw my pills... just things that make me see things. I reckon the best trip you could find right now is some time off from everything mind-altering and some quality reflection time.

...Okay, maybe some weed too.
circa the mid-90's, last century

I was at a techno club in New Orleans LA in a place they call 'fat city' where our little group used to meet and dance all weekend, as they never closed from friday night to early monday morning....I had a good lsd connection and we were doing it all the time. I do NOT mean 'all the time' as in daily and immune to it, I mean all the time as in every other weekend sometimes every weekend but always when tolerance wasnt an issue. There were plenty of fake-ass 'explorers' around me at that point in time, people who act like they know 'where it's at' but are terrified of a real psychedelic, ego-losss type experience.

I had cut up half a sheet of the stuff we had into confetti sized particles and capped them up in double-zero clear gelcaps. There were 3 caps, which is about 17 doses per. This stuff was everywhere in the deep south at this time, white, stiff cardstock paper, no design or perforations. Well, I ate one of them, my friend chickened out, he was the guy that introduced me to the whole X world.....after about thirty minutes the lights and music in the club began to irritate me so I went outside and laid in the bed of someones truck (no I didnt know who....lucky I didnt come to in Houston)...anyway, I lay there staring at the full moon which looked to be the size of a dinner plate.....I began to get nauseous and even gagged a little, but I got out of the truck and went to our vehicle and got in.....the synesthesia began in waves but it started with a real bang....I began to 'smell' my ego dissolving, it had a unique 'burned' smell and it was a dark brown-green as I saw the vapors of it rising from my chest..... then it began to resist the dissolution as it always does, but of course I had taken too much and knew it wouldn't last....this reistance presented itself as persistent smell and visual cues that I mentioned and then it just stopped. I began to grow then, not vertically but HORIZONTALLY until I filled the car. There was so much of me in there I could not breathe.....then that stopped and I returned to my 'real' reality, sitting sweaty in a car in a parking lot unable to move.......finally we left there and went our separate ways as we sometimes did on Sunday mornings. I got home and was still really tripping hard. The interstate I drove home on (I-55) was a video game and the trees were telling me things for 80 miles.....I began to read, and noticed something REAL weird; I normally read pretty fast but this 'trip-reading' was very unusual in that I found I was intaking PARAGRAPHS the way I normally did SENTENCES....I have tried and was unable to replicate this, it appears to be a tantalizing glimpse at best, but it lasted the remainder of my trip, and I read for hours.

PIHKAL, of course

Look, you didnt even scratch the surface,OP.

Get some books from the 60's and learn about something called 'set and setting' if you really want to get what psychedelics have to offer.

Good luck
I never freaked out, but I know that acid was very VERY strong, because a buddy of mine said he took 2 and he was frying for 15 hours. I was definitely fucked for 2 and a half days. And this was only a week or two ago.
hour0862 a dit:
I never freaked out, but I know that acid was very VERY strong, because a buddy of mine said he took 2 and he was frying for 15 hours. I was definitely fucked for 2 and a half days. And this was only a week or two ago.

if you were actually still feeling the effects of the drugs after 10 hours this was not LSD...

What you took - did it have any taste to it?
on a double dose of lsd i've gone for 12 hours plus (with the help of weed) a long 'after effect' of coming down

15 hours is kinda pushing it, did you re-dose or something?