They are easily understood by a computer, but not by a human.
Biology is much more complex than silicon physics. We are composed of about 5-6 main elements, especially in our brain.
We have carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen. Most others are less important in the thought process (Fe, F, Cl, P, etc...)
The combinations these themselves make up by chemically moving electrons is large, but when you go to the molecular level it becomes huge;
The biological level: unimaginable.
A neuron communicates with more than "yes" and "no" it has multiple options to be filled by a yes or a no. I.E. you have more than just one communicator in your brain, there is dopamine, serotonin, DMT (

) among others...
The thing is consciousness, if you truly try to understand it, is a very, very plain thing. However, what it can let through, is... everything.
This subject is very broad but to answer what a thought is: it is a neuron that was previously "labeled" as an object or idea, communicates with others that are either fired at the same time, or are close together, a neuron group. These create an entire thought.
Imagineing just 1 idea is a hard task. To isolate just 1 neuron to communicate to your cerebellum (where I believe 'consciousness resides)