Quoi de neuf ?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
what are they really??? Electrical pulses through the brains cells? Why do we ask questions such as this? What will the answers do for us? I heard in a Timothy Leary speech that the point of human life is self discovery and growth. What is the climax of the growth?
While thoughts are just electrical impulses sent through neurons, there is clearly more to it than we currently understand. Our appreciation for art, music, math, knowledge, and our universe as a whole cannot simply be chalked up to a greater amount of firing neurons. Computers are just "neurons" and yet they are not conscious of their actions or surroundings, they certainly have no appreciation for art etc. As for what it IS, I can't say. I expect that the truth is beyond our current model of reality. We'll likely have to change the very way we interpret the universe before we can understand what makes up our thoughts.

That brings me to what happens after. I believe (just my personal opinion mind you) that we eventually "ascend" to something higher than ourselves. This is probably after many incarnations, but I do believe we ascend. Likely to what we would call "God". After that I expect the cycle continues. The end result of course I cannot even begin to imagine.

I'm not sure if this will sate your curiosity (I really do hope not) but hopefully it will give you something to think on. Good luck my friend, I'm sure we'll all find the answer in time.
Our brains are just like computers, but the software that evolution wrote is far more beautiful than the kind humans write. Especially to humans :wink:
The answer is very simple, water.

Water feels and communicates through hydrogen tunelling and makes us more than we are, of course the phenomena is sometimes localised, sometimes hampered by environement... only highly "organised" water can feel, which is quite impossible without symbiosis with many mushroom species which I identify as intelligences a few level of magnitude over us. Mushroom in us appreciates art and creates, water feels for mushroom, we have a complex array of neurotransmitters designed to help us transend the need for attachement through letting go of freewill, allowing us to ascend our biology (more complex and more magnitudinal array of neurotrasmitters and better digestive system etc) and thus help mushroom, water AND the macrocosmos evolve into microsingularities we call lives.

Symbiosis cannot be reached by purely physical means however, as it will not colonize someone which has not displayed incredible capacity to be self-similar enough to feel highly with organised water. It has very sensible tastes... it dislikes mostly what bees dislike (meat, stress, adrenaline, addiction, alcohol, etc) but with a few more twists which are unique to each and in relation to pre-natal matrixes or family karma. For example in some individuals it will tolerate the consumption of fish (for the omega acids DHA and EPA)... but humanity has to realise that the mushroom is extreemly intelligent, perhaps not verbally but it knows that if you have good access to golden algae oil (where the fishes get the omega from), you should not even consume fish, but you shouldn't either refuse it if it's going to rot on the shelf. It never thinks in extremes and is highly balanced in point of view. It will only go as far, since my experience denotes that it will never accept that a human consumes meat even if its the only thing available, and it seems to consider dolphins, whales, and even tuna not as fish but as self-conscious animals, its not fish, it's meat. Although in a case where extreme famine occurs it will accept that you feed on an animal but you will have to eat it raw and make sure there is no pleasure in the process.

It never forgets, but always forgives, given balanced virtues and philosophies.

I should stop here since we have not yet introduced enough concepts yet for this communication to be as clear as should be.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
but it knows that if you have good access to golden algae oil (where the fishes get the omega from), you should not even consume fish, but you shouldn't either refuse it if it's going to rot on the shelf.
Yes, I'm closing my shop this month, and so now I've got hundreds of fish oil capsules, that I'd rather not throw away.

Regarding bees, I was in a bus a couple of weeks ago, and noticed a bee was trapped inside, bumping against the window next to my seat. Thinking of the importance of bees in the grand scheme of things, I first tried to capture it with a plastic bag and when that didn't work, I carefully took it into my hand, and put it inside the bag. It was really cool to later release it and see it fly up into the air.
They are easily understood by a computer, but not by a human.

Biology is much more complex than silicon physics. We are composed of about 5-6 main elements, especially in our brain.

We have carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen. Most others are less important in the thought process (Fe, F, Cl, P, etc...)

The combinations these themselves make up by chemically moving electrons is large, but when you go to the molecular level it becomes huge;
The biological level: unimaginable.

A neuron communicates with more than "yes" and "no" it has multiple options to be filled by a yes or a no. I.E. you have more than just one communicator in your brain, there is dopamine, serotonin, DMT ( :) ) among others...

The thing is consciousness, if you truly try to understand it, is a very, very plain thing. However, what it can let through, is... everything.

This subject is very broad but to answer what a thought is: it is a neuron that was previously "labeled" as an object or idea, communicates with others that are either fired at the same time, or are close together, a neuron group. These create an entire thought.

Imagineing just 1 idea is a hard task. To isolate just 1 neuron to communicate to your cerebellum (where I believe 'consciousness resides)