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This ever happen to you?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion st.bot.32
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 886
I recently had a 3 hour trip on a very mild batch, just over 2g. These were MILD, so I wasn't expecting anything, but I still prepared, hadn't eaten, went for a good walk and it kicked in fast and hard. Incredibly visual, lush, great trip. But seriously, after peaking it was all but gone 2 hours later, just the nice and lush post-mush headspace. Awesome trip, just surprised at it's speed and intensity.

i once heard you have to watch out for the "potent" mushrooms ... :P don't know if it's true though

peace. :D
I do not have time now, to place which shroom act (have more acting substances) more and which less. But YES, some spice are more potent then others. But nature has made them harder to grow?! See similarities? Azurescens, Mexican, Hawaiian one are "stronger ones".
But I do not know for sure. Small shrooms which are growed with straw are "the one".
st.bot.32 a dit:
I recently had a 3 hour trip on a very mild batch, just over 2g. These were MILD, so I wasn't expecting anything, but I still prepared, hadn't eaten, went for a good walk and it kicked in fast and hard. Incredibly visual, lush, great trip. But seriously, after peaking it was all but gone 2 hours later, just the nice and lush post-mush headspace. Awesome trip, just surprised at it's speed and intensity.


Interesting. Can it be that you were already more relaxed and at ease than other times? I find mood and intention before ingestion heavily affect how far the shrooms will take you.
Yeah, it's very possible.. i had taken the same amount a while before from the same batch and pretty much nothing happened, but I was in a much better headspace that day, the weather was beautiful, I had been eating better to prepare, etc. Also wondering if the exercise may have had something to do with it..

Mainly though, just surprised at how short, yet visual the trip was, up then down in 3 hours? Like the salvia of mushies ;) And I'm not complaining, in fact it was the perfect length for that day.
I have had one like that, but a little longer, 4 hours. But when that 4 hour mark came, I was down completly. It was odd. I ate 3 grams, had a pretty visual trip. Went for a car ride, and it was raining, so you could see all the reflections of the city in the water on the ground, oh man, that was my first time too. And yes I was NOT driving.

Anyways I think the short mushroom trip is due to your system just cleaning them out really fast and a low dose. Low doses usually only last less than 4 hours, where as higher doses tend to stretch to 6-9 hours, for me at least. Also because you didn't eat, you body may have digested the mushrooms faster, because there was nothing else to be digested in your stomach at the time. How fast was the onset?
Very fast, at about 30-40 minutes I was already getting pretty vivid visuals, the ground outside was swirling like liquid. At about 1 hour I guess I peaked. I had completely lost track of time and couldn't believe it was only an hour when i saw the clock..

Yeah, probably being hungry, my metabolism sped up from walking, etc, it kicked it in all at once.

Something to remember should i ever get a mild batch again someday.. ;)
If you deplete all your mineral, vitamins, salt/sodium and pretty much all nurtrition in your body, it switches over to starving mode. At that point, everything you take in is absorpted rapidly and the body has hardly no power to detox while the substance is transported to the blood. And therefore, the shrooms are pretty much dominating in the blood and veins in the brain since it's presence alone and not blended with much else.

It wears off more quickly because the metabolism goes quicker too. Especially with hardly any salt and drinking water.

If you take any substance right after long-lasting endurance training (1,5h + cardio at 140 heartbeats/min), it hits you excessively intense.

If you consume about 4 pieces of fruit, lots of carbohydrates right after taking them, the shrooms are noticeable less intense.

Salt holds liquid forms, this is why idiots consume lots of salt before drinking tequila, it gets harder for the body to break down the alcohol and it attaches stronger in their system.
I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity here to ask: It's recommended to ingest the psychedelic on an empty stomach but with substances such as LSD that last several hours, doesn't one get hungry?

My guess is one would normally get hungry but the LSD/shrooms make you forget about it... Am I right?
Well Psilocybin Mushrooms only last around 6 hours, so one will be hungry after the experience, at least in my experiences. The food tastes so good when you come down from a heavy trip. But with LSD, from what I heard, a light meal durning the trip is usually necessary. Usually one consumes the LSD on an empty stomach, and then after a while when they have came up, they have a light meal. Then once down, they eat a nice meal, that has never tasted so well.

hehe thanks :)

I guess I can get the brownie and soda combo sold near the beach 8)