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Thesis on the unconscious

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JohnP.
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Glandeuse Pinéale
I'm thinking of doing my high-school thesis on dreams and the unconscious and anything related to them, could you please suggest me some good books about these topics to read? Thanks in advance 8)
Yes Mckenna, but don't limit to invisible landscapes, the others are brilliant as well.

Read food of the gods for an very interesting theory about the development of human consciousness in evolution.

Some others:

Stanislav Grof, all books, especially the Holotropic mind and deathm, birth and transcendence.

And don't forget the pioneer in this field, CG Jung ;)

Freud - 'The interpretation of dreams' is THE classic, maybe you can look into some of his other works as well.
There are of course his disciples, of whom especially Jung is famous for looking at the unconscious and even extending this to the collective unconscious, which is an interesting theory. I do not know a specific work of his that deals with this subject, though, Jung isn't my favorite writer.
You can also read some analytic authors of anglo-american origin (Searle, Austin), but I wouldn't know where to start.
Ooh, if you don't care too much for scientific accuracy, I would recommend the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, which is in a sense about everything, but can be and is applied to human (un)consciousness and dreams. It's a good read and it will make you start to think about things in a new way.
There's tons of material on this *very broad* subject, and there is a lot of rubbish among it, so I think you will do good to narrow it down a bit. In that way, we can also give you more precise hints.
HeartCore a dit:
Yes Mckenna, but don't limit to invisible landscapes, the others are brilliant as well.

Read food of the gods for an very interesting theory about the development of human consciousness in evolution.

Some others:

Stanislav Grof, all books, especially the Holotropic mind and deathm, birth and transcendence.

And don't forget the pioneer in this field, CG Jung ;)


It's the only one I've read so far from McKenna, if I'd read others I'd (probably) name them as well :)
Still have to get my hands on that one, food of the gods
Still have to get my hands on that one, food of the gods

You should also get true hallucinations, this is the story that initiated invisiable landscape. Very interesting journey to the Amazon where Terence and his brother Dennis are looking for Ayahuasca.
thank you very much for the replies i really appreciate it. Of course my starting point is Freud since i rcently studied him in school, though it's better if i read a few of his books since i only studied him on my textbook. Since it's a school thesis it's better if the content of the book has a scientific approach to this subject, i can't be too random or abstract, but i will definitaley look up on Talbot's book anyway.
My exam is coming closer and closer my friends! Could someone please tell me where i can find good sources about the pineal gland expecially things regarding the production of DMT in the gland and how it supposed to influence the conscious/unconscious?

Thnx in advance once again...
I have to write an essay on the unconscious and psychology. The subject is very difficult because science is empirical. How do you describe the unconscious?
I believe the unconscious is also part of a system. This is a common thought, touching the religious theme. Our instincts, are the part of the same unconscious?
Do you all believe psychology should be more 'soul touching'?
@ JohnP.

The theorie about DMT being produced in the pineal gland is initiated by Rick Strassman, stated in his book DMT - The Spirit Molecule. I've just ordered it, so I'll expect to read it any time soon.

Good luck!


It's hard to get scientific on this area because our conscience and unconscience produce very subjective value, that can hardly be measured to a constant or standard (which can hardly be defined, so ..). The problem aswell is that we are dealing with things that are hard to proove within our current 'borders of science' and once we cross that border it's so speculative that too many explanations can be applied (things like souls, transcendence, gods, karma, chi, global unconscience, spirits, telepathy and many, many other things we may objectively doubt).
i finished the exam and it went great!
I inserted Rick Strassman's book in my thesis and i did the right thing!

Answering to petfles:
Mor or less Siq answered fully to your question and i add: just think of one thing; even though science in a far future could (absurdly) descover the rules and laws over which the unconscious operates, for example a theory that tells you exactly what perceptions and with which criteria the unconscious uses in forming dreams, it doesn't and it will never cover the metaphysical side of this. It will never cover the answers of questions that dig in the deep like: why we dream? why do we NEED to dream?

In other words science will never cover the meanings of the operation of the universe, it will never get into the "trascendal" side of knowledge.

But regarding specifically to the unconscious, as for the empirical side you could talk about the method with which psychoanalysis tries to cure mentally ill patients (things like the free associations method, Freud's works as a doctor, ecc...), but for the spirit side of the unconscious there's tons of info.. The best thinker about the spirit side of the unconscious is the one given by C.G. Jung in my opinion.
As for the instincts, most of the psychology greats think that they're, for definition, part of the unconscious and it does make sense; you can't have an experience regarding an instinct, they're part of us, they're innate.
For the last question it's more of a personal idea and i personally think that psychology should be more soul touching, actually i think that psychology should only be used as knowledge and not as a healing method used by certain doctors.

Sorry for the long post!