First I speak french and I have no dictionnary near to help me tell my story.
I do not trip often on mushrooms. But when I do, it's always a dose that would result in overdose in friends around me. Nobody wants to "follow" me, so I'm often the only one on shrooms.
The first time, the peak I could describe is that there is no more body, the table, the walls, the floor, your legs, your friends, your hands, your thoughts, everything begins to fade, little by little, and to accelerate in "revolution", I don't know exactly how to tell, every cells around begins to vibrate, and there is always more difficulty in differentiating your self and the rest of the whole...
All is White
The body, the table, the walls, the floor, your legs, your friends, your hands, your thoughts, all is white and filled and everywhere at the same time. One by one, you begin to forget one thing, or more, to forget that it is your own. Until there is no more memomy of pasts events, or thoughts. All becomes pure whiteness. Time is gone. It is a concept that cannot be "touched" in that moment. So it seems ETERNAL. I remember a thought (I wrote alot, and have a little voice recorder) : I thought that I was not born yet, like, if I was preparing to be.
Then, a miracle happen, time is remembered, and so this State becomes temporary! Gooood, cause now that more and more thoughts are appearing again, the more you feel your ego again, the first feeling is "I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!! Please.Please.Please.Neveragain.Neveragain.Neveragain.Neveragain."
And then all is going "the way back", (but trust me, you take something with you when you get back. ooh oui.) You thank everything you see to be where they are and not to move, you are grateful to understand all more clealry and all that philosophical step information that comes with this.
And then with the NeverGoThereAnymore feeling there is another one emerging..
And then you know that you'll go there again.
I saw the Yogourt (I call it the Matrix too) 3 times, and the next time I somehow "blocked" the door, strucked with too much fear. Maybe next time I'll give "her" the oportunity to blow thy door.. like that time:
Once I purged myself all a day long with cacao. It is a MAOI, or something like that. At 7h a.m. I got to work and when I was thirst or at dinner, all I took is orange juice and cacaco drink, until 16h. All the day long I went to the bathroom, and it was very very.. cacaco. My system could'nt even assimilate all of it. Let me tell you I was not feeling strong at all, but kind of hyperactive, (and this is not me).
I took 6g of ps. cub. (here everybody take one, 2 sometimes, never never more.) I always do 4.5g, with lots of orange juice, always. It's my habit.
That trip was too long. I did not prepared the recorder. I remember of it only as feeling, no words could never be associated with it. Cacao = Chaos. now I'm very pleasant and sobre, and I trip extremely rarely. (= When I talk of that trip to my friends (to query more information) they say "Will I die??? Will I die???" "We're all gonna die at sometimes man.."
- Asshole!! Time does not exist! So you're saying to me "Hey, check buddy, you're dying."
Well, I now control my trips, they are all insightfull and not funny and cute and full of faery flowers.
Mushrooms are very weird. Some can do the same dose as me and will never hallucinate. Another one will go straight to hospital. And they never do cacao or orange juice. If you get something from it, it is because you have to experience that thing. It's in your way.
Hope I've not been too boring.
First I speak french and I have no dictionnary near to help me tell my story.
I do not trip often on mushrooms. But when I do, it's always a dose that would result in overdose in friends around me. Nobody wants to "follow" me, so I'm often the only one on shrooms.
The first time, the peak I could describe is that there is no more body, the table, the walls, the floor, your legs, your friends, your hands, your thoughts, everything begins to fade, little by little, and to accelerate in "revolution", I don't know exactly how to tell, every cells around begins to vibrate, and there is always more difficulty in differentiating your self and the rest of the whole...
All is White
The body, the table, the walls, the floor, your legs, your friends, your hands, your thoughts, all is white and filled and everywhere at the same time. One by one, you begin to forget one thing, or more, to forget that it is your own. Until there is no more memomy of pasts events, or thoughts. All becomes pure whiteness. Time is gone. It is a concept that cannot be "touched" in that moment. So it seems ETERNAL. I remember a thought (I wrote alot, and have a little voice recorder) : I thought that I was not born yet, like, if I was preparing to be.
Then, a miracle happen, time is remembered, and so this State becomes temporary! Gooood, cause now that more and more thoughts are appearing again, the more you feel your ego again, the first feeling is "I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!! Please.Please.Please.Neveragain.Neveragain.Neveragain.Neveragain."
And then all is going "the way back", (but trust me, you take something with you when you get back. ooh oui.) You thank everything you see to be where they are and not to move, you are grateful to understand all more clealry and all that philosophical step information that comes with this.
And then with the NeverGoThereAnymore feeling there is another one emerging..
And then you know that you'll go there again.
I saw the Yogourt (I call it the Matrix too) 3 times, and the next time I somehow "blocked" the door, strucked with too much fear. Maybe next time I'll give "her" the oportunity to blow thy door.. like that time:
Once I purged myself all a day long with cacao. It is a MAOI, or something like that. At 7h a.m. I got to work and when I was thirst or at dinner, all I took is orange juice and cacaco drink, until 16h. All the day long I went to the bathroom, and it was very very.. cacaco. My system could'nt even assimilate all of it. Let me tell you I was not feeling strong at all, but kind of hyperactive, (and this is not me).
I took 6g of ps. cub. (here everybody take one, 2 sometimes, never never more.) I always do 4.5g, with lots of orange juice, always. It's my habit.
That trip was too long. I did not prepared the recorder. I remember of it only as feeling, no words could never be associated with it. Cacao = Chaos. now I'm very pleasant and sobre, and I trip extremely rarely. (= When I talk of that trip to my friends (to query more information) they say "Will I die??? Will I die???" "We're all gonna die at sometimes man.."
- Asshole!! Time does not exist! So you're saying to me "Hey, check buddy, you're dying."
Well, I now control my trips, they are all insightfull and not funny and cute and full of faery flowers.
Mushrooms are very weird. Some can do the same dose as me and will never hallucinate. Another one will go straight to hospital. And they never do cacao or orange juice. If you get something from it, it is because you have to experience that thing. It's in your way.
Hope I've not been too boring.