The World Psychedelic Forum, a review

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Last weekend I went to the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland. Though some of the four friends I was with had been to the LSD conference in 2006, for me it was the first time. We are all members of the online community, and two of us record material for the Psychonaut Channel.

The conference started Friday morning at 8:15 with a Tune In session. Barnim Schultze from the Akasha Project did a live performance of LSD-25, which was based on the molecule’s “octave analogous frequencies and rhythms measured within the ultraviolet spectrum.
An update: our first video is now online.

i had such an incredible time there by the end i was exhausted! For anyone who missed it, im going to be podcasting many of the english talks from the weekend, so stay tuned to psychonautica......
Hey great work man! I hope one day I'll be able to attend a psychedelic symposium like that!

I'll be watching those videos...
The forum was wonderful, very inspiring and heard lot of interesting new thoughts. I hope to see them back here in video, audio, pictures and text...
Thanks for the nice report Caduceus! You've worked really hard, running around with the camera all day from one place to another. Btw, I had no idea you consumed that 'hidden message' before we jumped on the plane :lol:

I also had a great time at the forum. Really interesting and inspiring!
I hope to see them back here in video, audio, pictures and text...
I made some screen shots of the video's. More will follow.

Allyson Grey



Arno Adelaars


Dale Pendell


Dennis McKenna


Dennis McKenna and Carolyn "Mountain Girl" Garcia


Michael Winkelman



Thomas Roberts


Caduceus Mercurius


Ok I couldn't resist.... thanks for mailing me this link Caduceus and great work! Really looking forward to all the video's and also Max's podcasts.
Thanks HeartCore. Since we last spoke, two more video's have been uploaded. One with Allyson Grey, and a short one with Tom Roberts. Allyson Grey saw the video and sent us the following message:

Thank you so much for the fine editing job you did and for including our web addresses and some great pictures popped in! We'll post a link on our blog.

It was so nice meeting talking with you at the conference.



Here is a list of the video's so far:


Kathleen Harrison

Allyson Grey

Thomas Roberts

If you have a YouTube account, please rate and leave a :weedman: comment.
Thank you very much!!

I'm a student and i live in Chile, so you would imagine that i don't have enough money or time to attend to such gatherings. I really hope that ideas like these make an impact on people, so one day no far from now things regarding this matters change.

Thank you again, your effort is greatly appreciated!