The WHO Documents Failure of U.S. Drug policy

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
WHO survey of 17 countries finds that we (HeartCore: the US)have the highest rates of marijuana and cocaine use.
The United States has some of the world's most punitive drug policies and has led the cheering section for tough "war on drugs" policies worldwide, but a new international study suggests that those policies have been a crashing failure. A World Health Organization survey of 17 countries, conducted by some of the world's leading substance abuse researchers, found that we have the highest rates of marijuana and cocaine use.

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Interesting snippet:

In the Netherlands, only 19.8 percent have used marijuana, less than half the U.S. figure.
haha wow we posted about the same thing at the same time

o hey look at that

i didnt know there was a front page until just now haha
I don't like it when people pretend that their ideological policies work. Any sign of them being wrong is nice. At the same time this doesn't change their ideology, because it doesn't inspire. So why do I like to hear stuff like this? Maybe my own ideology? Didn't even know I had one. a dit:
For this we arrest 830,000 Americans a year on marijuana charges?
:? And when does this change?
for some reson it doesn't surprise me
Let's print 500 copies of that article, attach them together and throw them in Bush's face!!!! (I see it in my mind and it's VERY funny :lol: )

But seriously, it's crazy all the articles of that kind that go out lately, I have hope for the future!!! Maybe soon I will walk past a police in the street while smoking a fat joint and he'll tell me to be careful not to get hit by cars :lol:
or he'll start singin'

but hay who said you can't
i did :wink:
No surprise.
But I doubt this will lead to a decline in the war on drugs.
Rather, for those conservatives still high on their last big dose of propaganda, it will pertain that they aren’t doing enough!
buffachino a dit:
No surprise.
But I doubt this will lead to a decline in the war on drugs.
Rather, for those conservatives still high on their last big dose of propaganda, it will pertain that they aren’t doing enough!

Exactly, the conservative mindset says "look at asia where they have real penalties for drug use, that's what we should do!"

Although to be fair not all conservatives lean that way (such as the late popular conservative William F Buckley jr.), but it sure seems to be part of the neocon mindset.
yeah right
as if in Asia they managed to get rid of drugs...*sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm*