"The Tiger Meets The Jaguar"

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Psychoactivity seminars, Nepal 2009

Psychoactivity (one of our new sponsors) will organize two seminars in Nepal. This year the theme is "The Tiger Meets The Jaguar", because it will be the first intercultural meeting of shamanic traditions from both the Himalayas and the Amazon Basin.

week 1: November 29 – December 5
week 2: December 8 - December 14

The seminars will take place in the Dhulikhel Mountain Resort, a first class hotel 34 kilometers east of Kathmandu. The seminar fee includes three meals daily.

Both seminar weeks are dedicated to the world-wide shamanic heritage. The colombian shaman Kajuyali Tsamani and his son will be representing the jaguar of the Amazon, exchanging sacred knowledge with the sherpa, kirati and tamang shamans from Nepal. All shamans will be joining in eachother's ceremonies. Among the presenters there will also be Christian Raetch, Claudia Mueller-Ebeling, Arno Adelaars, and Mohan Rai, the founder of the Shamanic Studies and Research Centre in Kathmandu.

Kajuyali Tsamani will conduct one Ayahuasca ceremony each seminar. He will also focus on his 30-year connection with the Kogi people from the Sierra Nevada. The message the Kogi have for the world resembles to a certain extent the viewpoint of Nepalese Shamans.

If you register before March 31 the fee for one seminar is 1500 euro. After that the registration fee will be 1800 euro.
You can register here and find more information at http://www.psychoactivity.eu.
Is someone going? I may if I am not in south america at this time.
maybe I would if it was sometime in march-june, but december is too late, even though I'd like to stay until then ;)

edit: I didn't even know that there is shamanism in nepal. what techniques are they using?
" what techniques are they using?"

Humming , singing , dancing , drums and trance . But from what i`ve seen most of it is pure show . I`ve met one of the nepalese "shamanen" mentioned and three others . They did a demonstration and it was obvious that only one of them realy believed what he said and did . The others just laughed at him . They dont use drugs for their ceremonys .

Sorry but in also think that thats a lot of money especialy when one adds the cost of the flight to it . Couldnt it have been organised in a not 5 star hotel complex ?
Well, these shamans are all going to drink ayahuasca, and I'm sure that Christian Rätsch gathered the best shamans of the area, especially in regards to their knowledge of plants.

It's way too much money for someone like me. But I can imagine that for other people it's not more expensive than a holiday in one the hotels they're used to.

Though understandable, it's kind of funny that the tiger will meet the jaguar in such a luxurious, domestic setting.

The nepali shamen are going to take ayahuasca ? Where can i read about that ?
I didn't see the price :oops:
GOD a dit:
The nepali shamen are going to take ayahuasca ? Where can i read about that ?
It said in the email upon which the above news item is based, that "All shamans will be joining in eachother's ceremonies" and "Kajuyali Tsamani will conduct one Ayahuasca ceremony each seminar".
Thanks , but that doesnt mean that they will all take ayahuasca . It would be good if they did though .
An update:

Dear friends of Psychoactivity, of Kajuyali Tsamani and of the Serious Drinking

We decided to extend our Early Bird Discount for the two Nepal Seminars The Tiger Meets The Jaguar *one more month until *31 March 2009*. We still need participants! Join us at the end of this year in one of the most beautiful spots in Nepal, the four star Dhulikhel Mountain Resort with a stunning view on the highest mountains of the world!

Up to 31 March 2009 you pay € 1500. From 1 April 2009 on the price will be € 1800. We prefer you to pay the whole sum up front. If it is however impossible to pay everything in one time, but you are sure you want to join us in this amazing adventure, you may pay a part of the sum. If you pay an advance fee of € 500 before 31 March 2009 you will be registered as an Early Bird and save € 300.

Psychoactivity will organize two Seminars in Nepal in the last days of November and December. The first Seminar will be from 29 November 2009 to 5 December 2009. The second Seminar will be from 8 December 2009 to 14 December 2009. In these two Seminars Psychoactivity will bring together two distinct shamanic cultures. Both Nepal and Colombia still have living shamanic traditions. The Nepalese Tiger, represented by Maile Lama, Parvati Rai, Danashin Tamang and Dawa Sing, will meet with the Colombian Jaguar represented by Kajuyali Tsamani and his son Komeyi Jitoma.

We received some questions about the amount of ceremonies.

In the two one-week Seminars there will be at least five ceremonies per week. One of these ceremonies will be conducted by Kajuyali Tsamani with the traditional medicine from the Amazone. As of yet it is uncertain whether
Kajuyali will also offer other medicines in other rituals. Kajuyali is initiated
by Shamans from different ethnic groups in Colombia with different medicines.

Check the Psychoactivity web site for more background information on this.

The other ceremonies will be conducted by the four Nepalese Shamans, two of which are female and two male. All our six Shamans are quite thrilled about the idea of participating in each other's rituals. For sure there will be some surprises we as organizers are not aware of now. Shamanism is by definition full of surprises!

Danashin Tamang, one of the Nepalese Shamans said for example, after hearing of the South American medicines: "We have strong medicine too!" Since the Nepalese Shamans will participate in Kajuyali's rituals, and vice versa, all registrants will share in these surprises...

Kajuyali Tsamani is a Mamu, an initiated Shaman from the Kogi people of the
Sierra Nevada in Northern Colombia. He is the first and only Mamu who is not a Kogi by birth. The Kogi were the very first native people from the South
American continent the Spanish Conquistadores encountered. Instead of being conquered by the Spanish invaders like so many other indigenous cultures, the Kogi retreated to the mountainous jungles of the Sierra Nevada and closed off all roads and bridges. For five hundred years they continued to live according to their own rules, governed by their Shamans. They consider themselves Elder Brothers who have to keep the world in balance. "Those from across the big water" are in the Kogi world view the Younger Brothers, people from European descend. From the middle 1980's on the Mamu's noticed they couldn't keep the balance anymore. It all had to do with the Younger Brother. They sent one of their Shamans down to tell the world about it. The BBC made a documentary about it, entitled From the Heart of the World, the Elder Brother's Warning.

The Kogi were once famous for their Shamanic goldwork. Since gold is considered to be the blood of Mother Earth, only sacred objects were made from it. The Conquistadores were obsessed by gold, and most of it was robbed. Some of it stayed in Colombia. The Gold Museum in Bogotá is full of these ritual golden objects from the ancestors of the Kogi. To support the Kogi and give a sign we as Younger Brothers aknowledge their efforts, friends of Kajuyali have started to collect gold in Europe and North America to give back to the Kogi. Please take a look at http://www.kogi-gold.com for more details.

Until now we have collected more then 850 grams of pure gold, and gave it back to the most senior Mamu alive, Mamu Bernardo, who featured in the BBC documentary and who is right now 98 years old.

What struck the Psychoactivity Team last december when talking with our dear friend and partner Mohan Rai, founder and director of the Shamanic Studies and Research Centre in Kathmandu, was the almost identical view Nepalese Shamans have on the future as the Kogi. Mohan Rai said literally: " Mother Earth is getting very very sick now. We should pray to the Mother Earth. We are so stupid, we have to heal ourselves."
Compare this to what the Kogi Mamu's say about Mother Earth's health: "The
Mother is suffering. They have broken her teeth and taken out her eyes and ears. She vomits, she has diarrhoea, she is ill."

The Healing of Mother Earth is a common purpose for our Shamans, and the focus point for our Seminars.

Please take a look at our website http://www.psychoactivity.org
and don't hesitate to register

Do us a favor, and send this letter to interested friends.

We hope to meet you In the Dhulikhel Mountain Resort in Nepal in November and December!

Claudia Müller-Ebeling
Hans van den Hurk
Arno Adelaars

The Psychoactivity Team
If I had money growing on my back I'd definitely go! :roll: