The seriously inconvenient truth on drugs

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
by Andrew Alexander -

For those who warmly applaud Gordon Brown's declared desire to toughen up the law on cannabis, raising it from a Class C to Class B drug, there is always a simple question.

How would you react if your son, or perhaps your grandchild - otherwise law-abiding and blameless citizens - were caught with that drug and at once thrown in a cell and charged with a serious offence which resulted, if not in prison, at least in a criminal record which endangered future employment?

Perhaps you would protest in your grief that you did not believe the sterner law would affect your own family.

What you would certainly not do is praise the tougher regime, declaring how glad you are that your offspring now faces up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine, or both. That'll learn them!

Such a maximum penalty, by the way, would be just for possession. To deal in a Class B drug, which might mean no more than selling some of your cannabis to a friend, could mean up to 14 years in prison.


New class: Dealers could face up to 14 years in prison if drug is categorised as a Class B

These are the sort of penalties we normally associate with conspiring to cause an explosion, violent bank robberies, armed assaults and so on.

If you say that such savage sentences would not be imposed then why are they so recently endorsed by the Home Office? This merely makes the law look an ass.

The full absurdity of the drug laws does not end there. Ecstasy is ranked as a Class A drug.

Mere possession can mean seven years in prison or an unlimited fine.

Which means that nightclubs are packed with serious criminals. My own experience of ecstasy is very modest.

I was unknowingly fed a tablet once. It left me full of beans for most of the night but the comedown the next day was tiresome.

On the other hand, it really was not as bad as a hangover. Which brings us to the next absurdity.

There is no evidence that taking drugs such as cannabis or ecstasy is any more addictive or damaging than constant and heavy drinking.

Many of us have witnessed the unattractive phenomenon of indignant - usually elderly - individuals denouncing drugs as they down their third double scotches.

Heavy drinking is at least as harmful to the health of mind and body as drug-taking. Which of us does not know of some tragic case of an addiction to the bottle destroying a marriage, a career or a life?

But no one suggests this makes the case for prohibition. Soft drugs lead on to hard drugs, some claim.

They might or they might not. Wine may also start the downward path to alcoholism.

Moreover, heavy drinking can unleash savagery in some, especially in the home; cannabis is more likely to make the drug-taker silly.

Of course, any drug-taker who drives must be punished - as in the case of a drinker who gets behind the wheel when over the limit. But that is not under debate at the moment.

About half of the young admit to using, or having used, cannabis and/or ecstasy. About half the Cabinet admit to having been users when young.

The other half may deny it but some of us have our doubts - though not in the case of Gordon Brown. He is too joyless by nature to have even tried.

However, crucially, applause by the zealous and high-minded for a drugs crackdown is quite drowned out by the noisy cheers from another quarter - the drugs suppliers; in particular, the obscenely wealthy drugs barons of South America.

Their wealth and power is wholly dependent on drugs being illegal.

This is why drugs will have to be legalised at some time - but controlled like tobacco and appropriately taxed.

Prohibition was the biggest single boost to gangsterism the U.S. ever experienced.

With huge sums at their disposal, the bootleggers corrupted the police, the courts, the judiciary and politicians.

No one was keener on Prohibition then, or the criminalisation of drugs now, than the mafia.

U.S. Presidential candidates on their war strategies

The Presidential race offers few crumbs of comfort on Iraq. John McCain talks as if a military victory were achieveable. The fact that he has now appeared to have twice confused the Sunnis and the Shias does not promote confidence.

Incidentally, we must question the readiness of his supporters to dub him a war hero because he refused to be repatriated from North Vietnam unless the same was offered to his men.

That is merely duty. Not even the most junior lieutenant would desert his men in such conditions and still expect to be called an officer and a gentleman.

On the Democrats side, Clinton and Obama look hopefully for a graceful withdrawal from Iraq. That is to chase a chimera.

Back from Iraq, the U.S. commander General Petraeus has declared that Iran is now the danger. Does this mean that the war should be enlarged to cover not just Iraq and Afghanistan but also Iran?

If you had been told in 2003 that American Forces, plus some British support, would still be struggling in Iraq after five years, you would probably not have believed it.

If you had been told the British Forces would be fighting and dying in Afghanistan seven years after their first deployment you would not have believed that either.

Things may be bad now - but don't think they can't get worse.

Daily Mail
It does seem that more and more people are "getting it" finally. There was a recent have your say on the BBC site on this issue and it was flooded entirely with angry letters calling for the legalization of mj. nearly half the population has tried it, a significant percentage of people do it regularly.. and they get on perfectly fine and lead productive lives. Prohibition is increasingly looking absurd... and it's true form has become revealed: it is an ideological crusade, going against all recent scientific findings, recommendations, research and common sense.
I agree.

These Republican criminals have wrapped John McCain in the American flag, as I predicted they would, and attempt to play on peoples misguided 'patriotism', (if that's what you'd call it, I'd call it STUPIDITY) in order to shaft America some more.

McCain said we may be there 'a hundred years'.......he needs to be at the rest home with a bib and his liquid dinner....what a dusty old fool like him doesn't understand is that he is OUT OF TOUCH with reality......

Sadly, I know many people who are crossing party lines to vote for him, because (AND ONLY BECAUSE) " I ain't votin' for no fuckin' ( insert archaic racial slur here)."

That's usually when I say (being white) Well, I AM.......that usually ends any converstion we were having... ( I can't vote, because my government, in all it's wisdom, says that people who are P.O.W.'s in ANOTHER war, the one on people who do drugs, shouldn't have ANY representative voice in politics)

But it's all good, because not one person in a hundred here understand anything about the process, except what their dad told them.....he didn't tell them that the Presidential election is not decided by the popular vote, but by Congress and the Senate, collaborating to conspire secretly to decide for us, in something blandly named the 'electoral college' really, what the common man believes about ANY of it is irrelevant, because he doesn't have the voice that he has always been told that he has.

As to what you wrote at first, about the laws and the consequences, one thing I want to add is that the scenario you outlined ( politicians/policemans
son/daughter caught and sent away) only INCREASES corruption, because here in this country anywaay, then the FIX has to be put in from behind the scenes, be it in the form of bribery with cash, or with REAL currency, makes everything and everyone touched by it even dirtier.

I am going to celebrate when Barack Obama wins.

....and every day, I will remind all these redneck Republicans that I have to interact with how they BROUGHT IT ON THEMSELVES, by being dishonest, heavy-handed and, just ignorant.

The Republicans have abandoned the principles of true conservatism long ago, and thanks to TV channels like FOX NEWS ( fair and balanced my ass), who have also abandoned their charter, people don't even know what the term 'cpnservative' even means anymore. They think it means 'don't wanna change, period'

It originally referred to 'conservative to the principles of the Constitution'.

But since that document has been changed more than John McCains diapers,
it's irrelevant as one here knows how to interpret it anyway.

Get ready for full circle, the 60's are on the way back.....just a little more time... In closing, here are some relevant song lyrics....

Black Sabbath's War Pigs

Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerers of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Oh lord, yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away.
They only started the war.
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah.

Time will tell on their power minds,
making war just for fun.
Treating people just like pawns in chess,
wait till their judgement day comes, yeah.

Now in darkness world stops turning,
ashes where the bodies burning.
No more War Pigs have the power,
Hand of God has struck the hour.
Day of judgement, God is calling,
on their knees the war pigs crawling.
Begging mercies for their sins,
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings.
Oh lord, yeah!
--Black Sabbath, War Pigs
How long will Barak Obama live after he has won......................

Kenedy , kenedy , martin luther King...............
It would be even better if they do that, because these people NEED something like that to wake them the fuck up, GOD....people are ignorant ostriches, but I'll guarantee you that if/when they kill him, ala Kennedy and King, IT WILL BE ON.

There are a lot of people who will not buy into any of that lone conspirator bullshit anymore, there is already a lot of suspicion about those events, and do you know how many minorities would just go OFF if that happens?

It'll make the Watts riots in L.A. look like a bridal shower.....

No, I don't think they'll assasinate him, they are gonna have to deal with him....
I would not mind seeing him choose John Edwards as his VP....Edwards is an extreme rarity in this country, a clean man, an honest man, who has made his living off of corralling these Republican fucks in court, and making them face the consequences of their actions.....he never took ANY lobby money, from anyone.

It really doesn't matter what they do now, they are SCREWED, believe me...
they can't outright steal the election again, they pulled that stunt too recently w/ Al Gore, and John McCain doesn't have a brother who is the governor of a major battleground state to help him do it the way W did.

There is a special room in hell waiting for Jeb Bush for aiding that crime.

I see it coming....batten down the hatches...
The hypocrisy of the practitioners of the 'war on drugs' is really obvious when you consider what the pharmaceutical industry has evolved into; these giant, multi-national, REPUBLICAN corporations that, true to republican form, develop products that they can advertise and market, rather than treat illness and diseases with....the majority of pharmaceutical products go thrpugh very minimal testing before released, and the agency that is supposed to oversee these tests,
the FDA, is inefficient, corrupt, and bloated....yep, just like the republicans that
flow all that lobby money in their direction....then, when these products begin to reveal their true nature, as POISON, the ONLY consequences these people face is paying lawsuits....for killing and injuring THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE everytime the latest wonder drug doesn't pan out as advertised.

I never killed anyone, and got 8 years in state prison, first offense, no firearms involved, no violence, threats, nothing....just science and happiness.

Wonder why I'm angry.

....anyway, these drugs we are all discussing here all the time have a much better track record than the bounty from Pfizer, Glaxo-Welcome, and SKF.

The doctors that prescribe this trash don't evven pay a fine....or face ANY's easy for them to blame iton big pharma, but in reality, these sluts are just as guilty, because of the way that the doctor-pharmaceutical salesman relationship works....these companies LOBBY doctors, just like they lobby Washington, and convince them with cash, just like Washington.....

If you ask me, the doctors should go to JAIL, they are more culpable than the industry. Why? You may ask?

Because they took something called the Hippocratic oath when they became a doctor, and that is supposed to be their Constitution, and guide their conscience.....since the culture and the society has made the common person too ignorant to discern the difference between something that is good for you and something that isn't, THEY have a responsibility.

What is the difference between 'medicine' and 'drugs'?

Approval.....and when you can purchase legal approval, it makes all this easy to see as a scam.

It's also no coincidence that the best rectreational drugs are generally fairly simple and easy to reproduce without the govt or the pharma/doctor cabals.

That's their whole problem with weed, they can't patent it as a proprietary process and monopolize it.

What kind of a philosophy is that?