The Peace Drug

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It's good to sometimes have good reports like these that give hope again.
Surely the road is long, but fortunately people are walking it again.
HeartCore a dit:
MDMA is such a powerful tool. Last time I used it, I got my girlfriend to get back together with me. And SHE didn't even have some....
How could it have worked if she didn't have it ;).
Faust a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
MDMA is such a powerful tool. Last time I used it, I got my girlfriend to get back together with me. And SHE didn't even have some....
How could it have worked if she didn't have it ;).
''deep talking'' on mdma... once i opened a conversation with a cop while on mdma for the horsepower of his bike... :lol: :lol: and went ''deep'' (emotional tiredness of his work and stuff..) haha
thats one of the great things about mdma, it makes you a better listener because you have more empathy; hence you actually care what the other person is saying..... it's incredible how much it can open you up.
Highly pure powder was a very different experience than pressed pills. There is so much more 'magic' in the pure powder, every raver knows 'molly'.

(and she says hello, ravers)
It's nice and all... but I've found that it can give you a false sense of security... It's sad to see them being played. Hell, I've even played people while I myself was rolling. But that was back when when I was still a child.
The empathic awareness is indeed amazing! when I did mdma I was all over my friends making sure they were ok and pleased and etc. :)
HEY WOW !!!! I´m on the front page !!!!!! Does that mean i should better end my " Jenkem " experiment , come down from the MDMA , come out of the cow stall , wipe the chocky sauce off my whole body , turn the new " Led Zeppelin - Mothership " album off and put my clothes on ??????

And i was just getting to the good bit having fun singing "stairway to heaven " !!!!
Rymmen a dit:
It's nice and all... but I've found that it can give you a false sense of security... It's sad to see them being played. Hell, I've even played people while I myself was rolling. But that was back when when I was still a child.

tell me about it.. ''false sense of security''some yrs back i was driving on md and thought i was going all cool and slow (tried to be responsible driver on mdma..) but everytime i was watching the speed meter i was shocked!! 160 felt like 60..
hey at least i dont drive on psychedelics or alcohol.. :wink:
I classify MDMA in the same categorie as Shrooms, DMT, LSD, Mescaline actually. Apart from the hallucinogen effect, but the enthogenic and empathogenic blast is stunning.

Enthogenic blasts on basic psychedelics go hand in hand with streams of thoughts, hallucinations and visuals. So you have your focus on more aspects during the experience.

This makes XTC unique, it allows you to fully enjoy and be aware of the enthogenic state of mind, since you don't have to deal with visuals, deep thoughts, hallucinations. The amphetamine component makes it even all more bright and intens. Clear vision, and not filled with patterns or anything.

Deep conversations lead to a massive objective interaction, since one is not stating his thoughts with his ego involved. Though one should always keep in mind that regretness of confessions can spoil the day after. Since that day is part of the experience as well, there's still a lot of serotonine actived, physically a deep station of relaxtion instead of energetic.

In fact, an entire E experience last somewhere from 24 up to 30 hours. The euphoria and energy 6 hours if dosed right under the right circumstances.

It's such shame that it's often used so wrong by youths, combined with tobacco, alcohol, amphetamine etc. When tired, or unplanned.
"not filled with patterns "

On big doses i always used to get gray shadowy moving patterns on the white walls in my room . Like the ones from MDA and those you get after a few days awake on speed .
GOD a dit:
On big doses i always used to get gray shadowy moving patterns on the white walls in my room . Like the ones from MDA and those you get after a few days awake on speed .

Mightn't it be that your body changes some of the MDMA into MDA on high doses (heared that before...)?? ?
Yes, it does. There is an enzyme in your liver that does that, methyl-transferase or some such....

Terence Mckenna said that certain 'intense individuals' can hallucinate freely on substances that others find non-hallucinogenic. I never really understood what he meant until I began doing mdma....when I first started, it was in the club/ rave scene, down in new orleans (Moonshine Records-thanks) and there was always so much external stimuli that I never really got to 'listen' tp the mdma, and see what it wanted to show me...

I find it a positvely, absolutely VISIONARY substance, but tht's just crazy ol' spicetalk. Everybody else seems to handle it differently. It is worthy to note that I may have primed myself this way, accidentally, because I had been doing LSD regularly for about a year or so, and I don't really think I would have gotten that much out of mdma if I was the same person I was before the LSD opened my eyes.

LSD 'turned me on' but mdma 'tuned me in'

MDA I love, but I find it only slightly more hallucinogenic. This, of course, is probably related to the way I dose, high.

I haven't done any in a while, now all the floodgates are open and there are a lot of bunk/counterfeit pills on the market, reminiscent of why I started making it in the first place.....

But that's ok, everything happens for a reason.
Yeah Mdma is definitely a Hallucinogenic, i had some closed eye visuals on them, in a good set and setting its possible.
I can imagine that in a club that wouldnt work out, alltrough i had some weird moments on M at partys, but thats just becouse your totally disorientated :P