The mystery sage

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The BBC has a newsarticle about Salvia, it's use and effects, possible problems and the legal status. Interesting article which features Daniel Siebert answering some questions. Interesting read!


In the US and UK teenagers smoke a powerful hallucinogen, video their experiences and post the results on YouTube. The substance is legal. Its defenders say it is harmless. To its opponents it is a potentially dangerous substance that must be investigated.

"My body felt like it was a palette of paint thrown on a canvas and slowly moving down it."

This description of the effects of digesting the plant salvia divinorum sounds like a parody of 1960s mind-expanding hippies. But it is not untypical of a curious YouTube-centred subculture.

Follow this link to read the rest of the article:
this is exactly what we were afraid of when this guy posted some youtube movie on the forum here. He got flamed< and as we all know, he was not alone. And here are the results.

"Personally, I think it's awful. It was very intense, quite hard to understand what exactly was going on. It's something that I've never repeated. People will try it and not go back."

Let's hope this is true,and all irresponsible teenagers will let it go and get back to their alcohol and coke business. This is not something for them, and their irresponsible and voyeuristic behavior makes it worse for everyone.

I still don't get the whole point. why would I want to see someone under influence of SD? As long as we can't see inside this person's head there's nothing to see. And even if we were able to look in someone's head, I don't think we should. That's not for us.
I must admit i've watched a couple of those 'youtube - hey i'm smoking sally, am i cool now?' movies. It can be pretty hilarious but at the same time it makes me sad to see Sally being abused like that.

I can't imagine me wanting to put a movie of myself on sally on youtube, I mean a trip can(and probably will) be very personal. Besides I don't like the idea of a camera pointing at me while tripping.

These people should be warned Lady S isn't for fun, but for learning, and her lessons can be tough.
...YouTube-centred subculture

Okayyy, that alone makes me think if illegalization would be so bad after all, the last thing we need is stupid people doing stupid stuff and posting stupid videos about it on a stupid website...leave it for those who really try to take something out of it :?
skrudge a dit:
Let's hope this is true,and all irresponsible teenagers will let it go and get back to their alcohol and coke business. This is not something for them, and their irresponsible and voyeuristic behavior makes it worse for everyone.

I still don't get the whole point. why would I want to see someone under influence of SD? As long as we can't see inside this person's head there's nothing to see. And even if we were able to look in someone's head, I don't think we should. That's not for us.

I totally agree!

forgetoz a dit:
Okayyy, that alone makes me think if illegalization would be so bad after all, the last thing we need is stupid people doing stupid stuff and posting stupid videos about it on a stupid website...leave it for those who really try to take something out of it

That's why I think psychedelics shouldn't be available free for everyone. But all psychedelics (including synthetic), entactogens and opiates should be available to true psychonauts, who know what they are doing and do this with respect and only for self-exploration.
nice...i was unfamiliar with the word. thanks!
personally i think the source of this problem is the same people that sell it, cause of their WRONG marketing of salvia to get as more possible buyers.STAY ON THE SPICE OR PEPS, KIDOS(eeewwwww :lol: )

fortunately there are some respectfull sites n shops out there,that do their job right.
for the ''youtube salvia minicraze'' cant hide that i have looked on some and laughed my ass off.
those vids make me mad but some like that r just to funny...
I'd found this video too. This one is not so bad. They let the guy have his experience without bullshitting.