crazy story lol... hmm i think it's also a spiritual thing... because the oil from under the ground is supposedly dead compressed life lol... maybe it means something what is made out of that "life" later?
like how life is a infinite cycle...
i think the most important role in the healing of the planet will have the water cycles. because water is almost everywhere... it's in the air and under the ground.
the crucial thing here is pressure and electricity. and the idea of charging and discharging combined with either a relative capacity, a absolute capacity or no capacity. and direct current or alternating current.
maybe for example something like that...just think about it.
in my opinion the best solution would be if the notions/concepts of gravity and light could be integrated possibly symbollically and/or not symbollically. because it's about energy and energy is according to einstein supposedly based on relativitivty.
for example how light/dark was this or that and/or how grave/not grave?? something like that... get the point??
and now a simple mind excercise, if you like. imagine that you become an object after you die. or many objects... etc etc... what object would you want to be at what time?? it's a philosophy like that... lol :-o :retard: :lol:
for example some people supposedly remember what they have been in a previous life and maybe you can also know/feel what god would make you to be in another lifetime and why??
the problem is that all this can be infinitely complex etc etc.. so my suggestion would simply be, to try to see more through feeling and i hope i don't have to hope that you know what i mean.
i guess it means that natural chaos and order have been disturbed in a certain way. the intricate balance of the natural order could have evolved differently and well you could say everything is there for a purpose.
but still the greed of "human people" seems to be a point.
i just thought of "world of warcraft", where it's also about corrupted nature.. it's really fascinating...
but of course there are also many movies and other games etc etc that have synchronicities with the real world for a reason.
if you ask me, it means a matrix argument also... it means that people have become batteries "in a certain way" or "in their own ways"... for example tobacco is supposedly radio-active...
but it's a lot more complex... think of human emotion and lifestyle... humans are creatures of habit and herd.
and yeah of course, the oil is not the only factor... not evolved enough energy recycling systems, radioactive shit from wars and power plants, depletion of the ozone layer and much more. basically a bit like in the movie "the matrix"... machines have taken over the power and these are symbollically and not symbollically the results of the attempt of our civilisation to make the step to a next level civilisation so to say.
maybe but only maybe it can be compared with a rocket with many boosters, because the levels of the civilisation-steps also mean a lot of waste, at least it has been so until now.
so this means that the more a civilisation advances, the better energy/waste and energy-waste recycling it needs. and for this we need to understand how the cycles of nature work. believe me, it is truly fascinating. but you don't have to believe me... just look for yourself.
we were given shit, but used it without enough responsability. interesting that electricity is about energy cycles and circles, also...
maybe you have also seen colors in the clouds.... just look and you will see that sometimes, too...
it may seem absurd, but it's logical if you consider how much chemical shit is in the atmosphere. to me it seemed sometimes as if it were lenses or so.
orgone energy is the key... it means empathy... what you haven't known about empathy.
how empathy really works... the idea of pressure can be applied in a lot more ways than maybe you might have thought before. it's like we get back what we give emotionally, possibly in other forms or so.
i guess the first step would be to heal the atmosphere and as i said if we all pull on the same string(s) symbollically and not symbollically for example with more breahting meditations by very great groups of people then this can be done. it will heal automatically over time but only if we do the breathing meditations clearly with positive energy and intentions.
well not like we are forced to do breahting mediations anyway hehehehe lol...
alternative and/or addition could be that chemistry advances and we could then with machines and certain chemicals mixed produce something that solves to ozone as it ascends through some gravity spiral mechanism or so... the tricky steps to do here are to combine physics and chemistry, because gravity is like light more commonly referred to in physics than in chemistry.
it simply means colors symbollically and not symbollically in the quantum space. colors=energy, energy transititions
quanta of light are portions of light energy. that's what it means.
it's interesting that the atmosphere consists of 3 layers basically. as far as i understood it the lowest layer is for the world weather, the next is like some sort of stability and balance zone or so and the upper layer is more concerned with the raw energetic connection to the solar system. so it's about the mixing ratio of what is in these layers and what should be in there and what not...
now the earth spin momentum and also the wind somehow swirls it all around the world constantly and distributes the stuff up and downwards or mixing it on a plain.
that's where big and small spirals play their roles and it would probably help to become more aware of such spirals globally and interpret them. the atmosphere is simply the amount of gas on the earth that is in the grip of planet earth's gravity. :-o
from some perspective gravity equals amount of pressure. translated this could mean how much pressure is applied to the colors in the quantum realm, of course symbollically and not symbollically.
well but i guess not only the sky needs healing, but also land and sea. but yeah of course it's all connected. one example for that could be desertification of various areas
on the earth.
as far as i can tell from my experience, real healing can only happen with real love... :heart: :!:
actually, i would say we have as a human race created our own hell on this planet...
but then again it's of course different for everyone. the question is how much is it collectively and how is it for every individual a hell. for example how choking is the atmosphere??
i guess for some it's more a hell and for others less. "maybe" we are being watched by one or many alien races, because we were so irresponsible with our planet and ourselves.
god is the solution, but in some sense interestingly enough it could or may be that we have to allow that we can get help. maybe it's like a heart process or so... hmmm... in the sense that we recognize that we had gone wrong honestly... then it can be changed...
and well considering the hell idea, i guess it says everything that we polluted our air, water and earth. and then maybe also the idea like in the military that when one makes a mistake the whole team has to suffer for it.
why do we have to learn it the hard way so often?? sad story really... :crybaby:
i heard somewhere that if we could simply let go of all the bad shit it could help change to happen. because if we cling to the negative past, isn't it logical that it's then less likely to go away?
i can tell you a basic aspect of what we have to learn is that people can be like animals and use that right.
hitler had thought of that idea but used it not very right. and that is a understatement also.
i think that what happened to the world at that time could have happened much later much more terrible and was not only in the way mentioned before a lesson to humanity.
maybe similarly it could be said about the mistakes with oil and nuclear power etc etc... so it's like we have to learn something before we can move on...
like to recognize that we do that to ourselves basically... i mean think of yourself as a planet earth.
try to use the feeling more than the intellect.
i guess at this moment we are a lot like vampires in that sense. various nations of vampires and zombies lol..
i guess what i am trying to say is simply that if the earth was a human being, it had been made sick.
i think if we can remember where we truly come from, we can heal the planet. it's like we are the planet.
it doesn't always help if we see ourselves as separate. why don't we use the power of thought more?
for example take this lol: supposedly fluidity is more often found on the ground than in the sky, but consider that solidity, fludiity and gas can all happen in the sky, on the ground and under the ground/sea level in their own ways.
or this as a imagination help: imagine tubes around the earth and now imagine what can happen if the tubes form too much knots or maybe not enough knots??? hmm but i guess the word nodes would probably fit better ...
i guess you all know how clouds form... integration and disintegration of a lot of shit and WATER.
if you can differentiate between electro-magnetism and electricity then you can maybe figure out something about energy... that it always flows...
that's what i mean... energy constructs... and even though they may not be visible they're still there! :Oo:
it's a bit like in the movies... for example star wars... how human emotion can create good and bad shit.
i would say everything has its own spirit and then there is also the spirit from where all these spirits come from.
the idea that sickness and health are basically the same thing says it all.
because if you can possibly at least approximately see how this could be so, then maybe you will get a different perspective on the "level" of thought.
for example if you say you can only create good shit, then from some perspective it would certainly mean that you can only create bad shit.
what for one is good for the other is bad. but then again, it doesn't have to be like that etc etc i guess you already know that. that could be an interpretation of "common sense" literally.
a lot of people should ask tehmselves more often and properly from a good common sense perspective, what they are really doing. because we are a great mass as a whole human race and metaphorically, symbollically etc etc a lot of shit can be done very fast if we pull together on the same string.
and this only means that we haven't learned enough from the seemingly so primitive ants.
the concept of critical mass could mean that there is a energy threshold or so between what it is and what it could be.
how retarded is our planet?? and why?? in ant language this could mean something like: the people with important functions should be watched properly. this is common sense, but what if the watchers are corrupted too??? most of us have learned already that politics tries to trick or fool us relatively often and we know why too.. greed and power... and well if the power is abused it should be taken away.
=>but the thing nowadays is that people are so much played out against each other or too dumb to rise up against the rulers/controllers.
it should be obvious, that it can mean many things when they don't want to speak about things openly.
i think every person has the natural ability to rate, express the true feelings of their experiences.
what is to be done is easy... it's simply to use groups of people that know what they are doing and let them use the right kind of pressure... they need to see what processes are good and what processes are bad and act accordingly.
think about how nations can be like corporations and how politics always has the notion of money to it.
and how this can be good but also has done a lot of harm.
i am only saying this because of the authority paradigm that a lot of people seem to mix up automatically with truth, know what i mean? so the point where we should all be ready to say until here and no further could be for example when they want to tell us what health is supposed to be.
and if we know by ourselves what real health is, that could mean then that we can use our own brains without fooling ourselves.
you will see it with some people more and with some less obvious that they don't want you to know how to use your brain.
and again... you don't have to believe me at all... :roll:
maybe the crucial question that could be asked at any time and in any place by the creator is: why and how is it or should it be a "and/or" for example emotional/spiritual/mental/whatever etc etc cycling or recycling??
given that the creator wants to care more and/or better about energetic differentiation + cycles etc etc.. in other words whether and how the creator wants to help us... it's relatively logical lol. we simply have to pay attention!
hmm btw sorry if it all seems a bit confused and if it's too much text.. maybe i will have a clearer impression later... however of course it could be somewhat of a brainstorming topic for sure, too...
just got a last idea lol... maybe recycling is also cycling something... for example if you put something out there it will have an effect and from some perspective cause=effect.
the most basic example.. if you go out others will perceive you in a certain way... and in that sense it's all energy that affects the planet also... have you ever thought of it that way??? poor planet lol...
all that drama lol... seriously....... :retard: