The Economist: How to stop the drug wars

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Failed states and failed policies

How to stop the drug wars

The Economist, March 5th 2009 - A hundred years ago a group of foreign diplomats gathered in Shanghai for the first-ever international effort to ban trade in a narcotic drug. On February 26th 1909 they agreed to set up the International Opium Commission—just a few decades after Britain had fought a war with China to assert its right to peddle the stuff. Many other bans of mood-altering drugs have followed. In 1998 the UN General Assembly committed member countries to achieving a “drug-free world
phew. I actually really dislike the economist. I mean, really, a really bad paper. This article, nonetheless is quite good, thanks for posting :D
Why don't you like it restin ? I don't know it well, have only bought a couple of issues, but I enjoyed reading it.
Because it is very one-sided, especially in international politics. They call people liars, they sell opinions for facts and you clearly see whom they hate and whom they love. They really hate Russia, Putin and the whole east. I remember them spreading lies during the oil crysis in the Ucraine, Georgia etc. and that was not unique. Black-white thinking.
That's good to know, the articles I read didn't concerned those topics, that's why I was a bit surprised.

Thanks for raising my awareness ;)
It's good to know that even people who hate russia get to read this article. :wink:
God laughs for the first time today .
Tbh, this is a very good article coming from a writer who is really against drugs and has little idea about how drugs compare to other drugs...
people are responsible for themselves, the government needs to give people the freedom to make there own decisions instead of only claiming to do so
if you want to take drugs good for you
if you get addicted its your own fault and no one else's
its as simple as that
it would save a huge amount of money for one which is exactly what the entire world needs at the moment
people that say "what about the parents of drug addicts" well what about the parents of alcoholics? theres no difference as alcohol is a drug which can be addictive and can be incredibly damaging to a persons health

im sure im preaching to the converted though..
+ 1 .

They are frightened to give us control and to let us make our own decisions . If were allowed to do that where would it end ? It wouldnt take long before we realised that we dont need them , then they couldnt wank their egos , play mister important and couldnt stuff their pockets full with our money . They also wouldnt have us victims there to pay their debts for them .
Drug traffic is the biggest market in the world and the most profitable one.

Governments get their pockets full of cash And drugs without the necessity to justifty anything to anyone. And they know that. They are the pionners for the drug traffic.

The solution would be, in my opinion, to stop consuming drugs from drug dealers. And if you want to consume drugs, buy only from scources witch you are Sure are "home-made" , or create them yourself.
That would reduce the black market. It would make the drug dealing less appealing, specially Kids witch grow in such enviorments. It would motivate people to become more educated, and search for other options to survive in this world. And I guess it would be noticed in the economy if such "movement" happened.

But I guess such thing is very difficult to happen because of people weaknesses to quit, or reduce drastically, their drug habits and fear of creating their favourite drugs.

The thing is, if this would be taken massively, they would, in theory, have "no one" to sell drugs. Though, it doesn't mean that people wouldn't consume them. And then the drugs would be ours, and in our hands with our own responsibility for them and for their use.

That's my opinion.

I would appreciate some light on this. Because, I may be having a wrong vision at the whole picture.

ps: I liked the text, but I think legalisation is very unlikely to happen if we, people, don't, somehow, "fight back" the root of the problem. Ofcousrse, the goal is legalisation.
One guy I admire is Dan Russell, author of Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: Patriarchy and, Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy

Apparently, according to Russell --and he gives many references and names many people involved--The powers that be want the so-called 'drug war' so as to keep prices up, the money forthcoming to fuel their nefarious power-building activities

The war on 'drugs' is of course not against the social-controlling drugs--known as psychiatric 'medication'--often usually used as a cosh to socially control people deemed 'mentally ill'. EVEn though there is much evidence these drugs have been cause of suicides in young people etc., and trigger for really serious violence, including family murders, and massacres, as is happening more and more with kids--usually on pharma 'medication--shooting people in schools! The very recent German school shooting, there again in the paper article I read he was seeing a shrink--which usually means 'medication'. THIS there is no war against, in fact much money is made from that industry for the industry and governments!

Also, in an article rcently here, it is shown how many times the drinking of alcohol is promoted in various TV programmes from breafast news and chat shows, to soaps, cartoons etc. At a time when impressionable children are watching, and it has been shown this constant indoctrination that drinking is alright (not of course showing the negative effects) influences the young. Obvious. There is no war on that!

Although cigarettes are becoming a sin here, the industry and governments ministers, lords, what have you, are busily pushin them in '3rd world' countries!"

This so-called war on drugs is a scam sham, and it very much involves war on psychedelics, as even Amsterdammers are finding out.

And anyone with any sense knows that psychedelics used wisely can help deeply resolve ingrained habitual behaviour which very much include drug habits, but of course they also are a big part of this irrational/deliberate prohibition. And they do this via propaganda.

Most people asked about psychedelics would either say they had no knowledge or spout out all the propaganda nonesense about them that has been cunningly implanted in gullible peoples brains via various means.

The way to defeat this irrational war is to not even recognize it/respect it and to do what needs be done for yourself and other members of the community.