The cure for diseases such as Cancer!

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The name of the guy who discovered the effects of the Hemp Oil is Rick Simpson.

The Hemp Oil Works effectivily on the following conditions (and probably much more, if more research would be done):
"Skin Conditions, Cancer, Diabetes, Infections, Glaucoma, Arthritis, Chronic pain, Burns, Ulcers, Warts, Moles, Any condition evolving mutating cells, Migraine headaches, Asma, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Regulates body weight, Heals scar tissues, Rejuvenates vital organs"

I don't know if this information is common sense here, but it's a Big New for me, so I thought would worth posting it.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Cancer is a complex condition requiring complex treatment.
Sometimes a single approach does the trick however. When I get cancer I will not place my bets on one approach only. I will:
- rid myself of intestinal parasites (whether the Cure for All Cancers is bullshit or not, ridding yourself of parasites isn't a big deal, and it will relieve the immune system from an unnecessary burden);
- support and boost my immune system with nutrients and herbs
- quench free radicals with high doses of various anti-oxidants
- make the best use of cannabis oil
- have regular check-ups at the hospital.
I'm already doing a couple of those right now, to avoid getting the condition in the first place, but I don't believe anyone can prevent it while living a normal modern lifestyle.
I actually think Cannabis is a better cure for depression than other drugs!
Speaking out of my own experience, i've tried some medication!
And it all gives me a false or a bad feeling!(plus a million side effects)!
I feel good even the day after smoking, and i think it gives me a better view on my bad thoughts!
Even if i smoke it when im down, i become more down!
But my problem becomes more obvious!
Thus i can beat it knowing what triggers bad thinking and feelings!

its gain gain gain gain gain gain!
The thing that bugs me, is that the man is trying to speak out the Information (wich it seems to be truth.. At least he has, as he said, cientific evidences, medical prove, and, the most "important"l, patients that were actually cured with this oil), and no one gives a shit about what he is saying and claiming.

So he can't give big lectures to inform people of the use of this oil nor he can provide the oil to patients that are suffering and in need of it.

As he said in the movie, he had this hand full of witnesses including medical prove, to help him in court, but the judges or whoever it is, didn't let them in so he could defend himself, the oil and the people in need. It's just so Annoying! I cannot imagine how he feels about this.. And specially patients that suffer from such diseases stated above, and know that this oil can cure them or relieve their pain.
Skin Conditions, Cancer, Diabetes, Infections, Glaucoma, Arthritis, Chronic pain, Burns, Ulcers, Warts, Moles, Any condition evolving mutating cells, Migraine headaches, Asma, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Regulates body weight, Heals scar tissues, Rejuvenates vital organs

If you look at this list it sounds extremely megalomaniac. Cancer, diabetes ,migraine, asthma, (depression) are illnesses that aren't really curable resp. one hasn't found any cure against. And now someone has found the cure for ALL OF THAT? I'm surprised you're so optimistic to trust him. And I'm sure, that if that was really true, the government would also find interest in it and would not just put it away. Be careful.
And now someone has found the cure for ALL OF THAT?
There is no panacea, but cannabis sure does come close. Nature offers many more useful substances than the cannabinoids though.
Yes, maybe, who knows?

Can we really know?

Do we have proofs against it? If it wasn't truth, someone already would proof the contrary to shut his mouth. Thats the most effective way to shut someone if he is really wrong. And I'm not talking about conspiracys. I'm talking about the "authorities" or the legal system, or whom ever that could shut him up, if he was wrong about what he claims about Hemp Oil.

But in this case, they don't. They run from it, and don't give any credit to what he has to say. 'They' Don't even "consider" it. Maybe they already considered. But this wouldn't make any profit in the current situation. If they can't get a buck out of it, they don't care. Specially with something like Cannabis.

It would have an extreme impact in peoples mind. And they don't want that.

With somethings I think it's good to be optimist.
It doesn't mean that this would be the/a panacea.

If it's not cancer or other current fatal disease, it will be a new one (or maybe an old one). And then new research have to be done to cure that new/old disease.

The effects of all this is a denigration of, if it really means something, our evolution. Our Happiness and specially our Health. Not only fisical but mental health also.

Yes, nature offers them. And will keep offering and creating new ones, as well as destroying others.
Cancer is uncontrolled growth and mitosis of a cell. The apoptosis (programmed cell death) has been prevented. Some cases a protein called survivin is the cause of the cancer. Recently they have found a canabinoid that binds to the survivin receptor and prevents the survivin to have effect.

It's one of the more elegant health effects of cannabis.
Most other cannabis treatments just take care of symptomes.