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The Beginning of a Dream

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion goatchild
  • Date de début Date de début


Hello guys,

I used to post often on the old Azarius Forum a few years back. I think I only posted once here.
The use of psychedelics is very important specially today because of it's power to shake people up and make them face their core being, or unconscious creativity, which can lead to some sort of awakening afterwards. If I hadn't take 5 dried grams of Cubensis a few years I wouldn't be here today I'm sure.
I'm trying to find some common ground between diverse fields of thought from religion to philosophy, psychology, occultism, psychedelics, quantum physics etc. Anyway some things have happened and I decided to make a blog where I can share and exchange ideas and hopefully to inspire people.

So here's the link and full text, hope you enjoy it:

From Dreaming in the Void


In this first post, I will make a brief summary of what I intend to accomplish with this blog, and touch briefly on the main theme I want to address. I want to try to create a channel for communication and interaction between me and the chaotic/synchronistic ocean of information and awareness that is the Internet and it’s users. I intend to explore concepts and ideas that have been present in my mind for a long time, and feelings of Love and understanding only recently discovered in my Being. I will sometimes write spontaneously without much planning, other times I will use my notes and also some ideas from authors and artists that influenced me, and others that I will discover along my path. All this in order to share with you a Dream of mine, and to find individuals who, like me, are able to imagine and dream of a world where everyone can live without fear of speaking their minds, without fear of creating and loving. A world where the forces of greed and fear that control and influence our hearts and minds are erased and gone for good, and where the forces of Peace, Understanding and Love inspire us to dream and to create. A world where we can all live together like one big Family, rather than as enemies.

I will not use a vocabulary too complicated or too abstract ideas. My goal with everything I write is not to create the idea that there is something to find and conquer out there, away from our Being, or too complex concepts and theories that become sterile and empty. What I intend to demonstrate is that all there is to say, think or do is irrelevant. Words, symbols and thought that creates them, as well as time and memory alone, without the Heart, become empty, vague and Lifeless. My philosophy is simple: right thinking and right action are those that redirect us to our Being, to ourselves, to the ability to Love, to the Heart, the temple of the Soul. All our words, theories, images we create of ourselves, others and the world are irrelevant, but sometimes necessary, if used wisely. When wisdom is achieved, we find the key that will open the door to our Hears. Once we find the way into our hearts, we will meet inner Peace. A Liberation that will allow us to use our creative Consciousness or the Soul, true imagination, inspiration, and the capacity to dream. Dreaming not only while we sleep, but more importantly, to dream while awake. That is, to use our imagination, Love, Understanding and intelligence in a creative manner and make our Dream become a reality, first in ourselves, then with those we Love, and maybe one day on planet Earth. But first we have to face our inner Being, our suffering, our fear.

The only fear we feel, the one we project in the outside world, is the fear of our inner Being, of our suffering and sorrow of the Heart, traumas, memories, resulting from the self-betrayal of the soul as a child and throughout all our lives. A self-betrayal often imposed upon us by our blind families and society. It is a continuous betrayal, which occurs every time that we avoid expressing our deepest feelings of true Love and understanding for ourselves and for those around us, and when we are asked and forced to do and say what in the depth of our Being we do not want to.

This pain in the depths of our Being, can sometimes be so strong that it makes us give up and we just sink, overwhelmed with sorrow, and surrendered by the submission to the authority of others, and we feel the suffocating weight of time passing in our consciousness, making us feel small, insignificant, almost dead and void of any creative force, or the possibility of self-expression. But it's all a matter of perception. Our fears are the result, firstly of a wrong perception about ourselves, others and about life. Perceptions are justified and supported by ideas and concepts acquired from childhood to this day, inserted in our minds thanks to a poor education system, and by a society subjected to the male myth of power, which uses fear to control and impose it’s so called order in us. An unnecessary state of affairs, that impedes a true spiritual evolution and is responsible for all the suffering on this planet. It becomes necessary to unlearn everything.

One of the greatest treasures that any man or woman can aspire to have, is their physical, psychological and spiritual sovereignty. To be able to keep our entire Being (body, mind and soul), Free and pure, which since childhood struggled to escape subjection to the outside world, to give voice to the Soul, which is the real Voice. A Silent Voice, which is present in all of us in the depths of the unconscious. To hear that Voice, we first have to face an obstacle, our pain and fear.

The pain, when faced not with struggle, not with violence, not with fear, not with lies and evasive maneuvers in order to deceive ourselves and others, but with care, calm, silence, courage and Love, is capable of being understood and transformed. The pain tries to tell us something. We must not avoid pain, not reject it, not forget it with anti-depressants or entertainment. We'll have to relive our emotional traumas, fears, insecurities, memories, and forgive all our past errors committed against our Soul and against other Souls. After walking the desert of emptiness and suffering, the Truth will be revealed. It will be necessary to meet our ultimate fear, our demon, the cause of all suffering, the unknown, the dark abyss, Mr. Mystery. If we have courage to open our EYE and roar to the demon, like a Lion who has just broken out of it's chains, we see that we were the demon, that the whole time we were being confronted with our reflection. After reaching this insight, God will reveal itself to us. And we understand that God was always present in us, helping us out, sometimes in ways that seemed not so helpful, but rest assured, EVERYTHING happens for a reason, that is true Karma. We are all God literally. God or Nirvana, allows us to breathe every moment, to feel the breeze, the sun's heat, the sound of the ocean, the taste and touch of the lips of our loved one. Nirvana or Allah, is the atom, the cell, the grass, the stars. Allah or Atman is Life, creativity, intelligence, the infinite ocean of Love and consciousness, and we are but drops of that water. And when we realize at last who we REALLY ARE, we will see that there never was, there is not, and there will never be any reason to be afraid of nobody or anything, EVER, because everything and everybody IS you, there is no separation, everything is interconnected, we inter-are with each other and everything else. True happiness is finally revealed, the true Peace achieved. First individually, then, if we accept the challenge to share with others our Peace, it will also be achieved collectively.

In the vastness and emptiness of the universe, the only refuge we can find is in ourselves and in each other, from the smallest insect up to be more powerful and incomprehensible Being that may exist in other worlds. On this planet, and in all other planes of existence that exist above and below ours, the only Law is the gift of Love and Understanding. That is our role: to Love and understand, the rest are just details.

Life on the physical plane, is a short ride, during which, for us humans, we are supposed to learn to understand and Love our Soul and those of others, which in reality are just One. There are two fundamental ways of perceiving the world. We may see the world through the eyes of fear: close ourselves, become slaves to our opinions, to hate and ignore our Soul and mind, to avoid and hate others who are different, to buy weapons and thus living in a constant tension, anxiety and anguish, fear and hatred. Or living an illusion of consumerism and escape from an authentic responsibility and Peace, pursuing and fighting for the conquer of power and success, achieving in this manner only more illusion. The eyes of Love, however, understand and feel the Heart, and all living Beings, the planet and the Universe as One Consciousness. I'm trying to live through the eyes of Love.

I wish for the sake of us all, that more and more people do explore their unconscious, face their fears, and choose to see the world through the eyes of Love. Perhaps we can in this way survive this phase of destruction of the human race, and one day achieve redemption.

I intend to interact with people who can inspire me to discover new, creative and intelligent ideas, and to inspire others to travel the path of inner Peace, so that together we can walk and live the Dream of Peace and Freedom, and achieve our legacy: to Create. We are creative and divine Beings, whose aim is only to maintain harmony in the Universe, contributing to the Cosmic Song of Love that sustains Existence. We are Angels in evolution.

The Universe, inner and outer, is our origin and goal, and awaits our return.

Thank you,

But how to get to there from here?
Consider Buddha's parable of the burning house - maybe its better to merely provide a better class of illusion?
dirk.bruere a dit:
But how to get to there from here?
Consider Buddha's parable of the burning house - maybe its better to merely provide a better class of illusion?

You get there by not trying to get there.
Samsara is Nirvana.

What I mean is this:
This insight is not reached by seeking outside of you. There is no answer awaiting us in the clouds or anywhere else. It is already inside of us, behind our pain. Our fear and inability of confronting the pain makes us search for this "Nirvana/Kingdom of Heaven" outside, in temples, in dogma, rituals, complex ideas, philosophies, violence, anger, etc.

Consider this quote from Jesus:
"the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father."

AIUI that Jesus quote should actually read something like "The kingdom of god is amongst you".
Anyway, telling people that nirvana, perfection, the kingdom of god etc is right there for the taking by not taking etc is pointless for most people. Those who understand it don't need it, and those who do not understand it ignore it.
dirk.bruere a dit:
AIUI that Jesus quote should actually read something like "The kingdom of god is amongst you".
Anyway, telling people that nirvana, perfection, the kingdom of god etc is right there for the taking by not taking etc is pointless for most people. Those who understand it don't need it, and those who do not understand it ignore it.

I see what you mean. Words, concepts etc are pointless in themselves. I feel It must be felt first, only then will it be understood.


dirk.bruere a dit:
AIUI that Jesus quote should actually read something like "The kingdom of god is amongst you".
Anyway, telling people that nirvana, perfection, the kingdom of god etc is right there for the taking by not taking etc is pointless for most people. Those who understand it don't need it, and those who do not understand it ignore it.

May not have been the same quote but scripture does say the kingdom of heaven/god is within us also. 90% of the 'goodness' of scripture: truth, love, peace, freedom, holyness, God/HolySpirit/Jesus, Kingdom, Heaven.. etc is all interelated so its 'all' inside us and around us. Scripture even says we are to be in Jesus and Jesus is in us. So we are both in everything more or less and everything is within us.
goatchild a dit:
dirk.bruere a dit:
AIUI that Jesus quote should actually read something like "The kingdom of god is amongst you".
Anyway, telling people that nirvana, perfection, the kingdom of god etc is right there for the taking by not taking etc is pointless for most people. Those who understand it don't need it, and those who do not understand it ignore it.

I see what you mean. Words, concepts etc are pointless in themselves. I feel It must be felt first, only then will it be understood.



This is why scripture and the matrix (highly related) both talk about the truth finding us. Not us finding the truth. If you believe there is no God or God is not who God is (from my perspective to not upset people) then yeah, finding the truth is impossible because in your paradigm relationship with reality, the truth is nothing and nothing is looking for you.

If however you see God as God or as Jesus or any type of being that is the Truth and that Truth is looking for you then you need only relax into the experience and allow reality to take its course and the Truth itself will quiet literally set you free.
Schwanke668 a dit:
goatchild a dit:
dirk.bruere a dit:
AIUI that Jesus quote should actually read something like "The kingdom of god is amongst you".
Anyway, telling people that nirvana, perfection, the kingdom of god etc is right there for the taking by not taking etc is pointless for most people. Those who understand it don't need it, and those who do not understand it ignore it.

I see what you mean. Words, concepts etc are pointless in themselves. I feel It must be felt first, only then will it be understood.



This is why scripture and the matrix (highly related) both talk about the truth finding us. Not us finding the truth. If you believe there is no God or God is not who God is (from my perspective to not upset people) then yeah, finding the truth is impossible because in your paradigm relationship with reality, the truth is nothing and nothing is looking for you.

If however you see God as God or as Jesus or any type of being that is the Truth and that Truth is looking for you then you need only relax into the experience and allow reality to take its course and the Truth itself will quiet literally set you free.

Truth comes not by trying to know it, it comes when we stop trying to find it, stop seeking it, stop searching it, then we let go, and we find it was all the time right there, right in front of us, it is us. It is everything and nothing.

"Row row row your boat gently down the stream... merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream"
goatchild a dit:
"Row row row your boat gently down the stream... merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream"

Life is but a dream but the illusion is that we are alone and that there is nothing beyond reality. There is reality, there is our perception of reality and then there is beyond both the perception of reality and reality itself. Most people stop at reality. The veil gets lifted they 'see' 'everything' and then believe they have reached 'awareness' or 'awakening' or 'oneness' 'third eye' etc.. The truth is there is another veil to be lifted and that is the awareness of what is beyond reality and that awareness only comes from letting go of everything, even the idea of what everything is or isnt.

To say that we are everything and we are nothing is to still have a 'belief' about 'something' To truly lift the second veil you must be willing to release even the concept that lifting the first veil was even important. Be willing to believe that we have any capacity to understand anything at all. To be able to completely and utterly let go of everything even including the desire to let go of utterly everything.

When we believe that we have done that we have already failed. We must move beyond believing at all. We must simply. Be. Exist. Let go completely.

Its not about letting go its about taking hold of letting go and then letting go of taking hold and allow both the letting go and taking hold to wash over you.

The last veil cannot be described, or reached by any human means. The last veil is released when what is beyond the last veil comes to you and releases it. There is no escape but there is no path either. The last veil simply is. We simply are and in the end we are nothing and everything that we wish to percieve and experience is beyond the last veil.
Schwanke668 a dit:
goatchild a dit:
"Row row row your boat gently down the stream... merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream"

Life is but a dream but the illusion is that we are alone and that there is nothing beyond reality. There is reality, there is our perception of reality and then there is beyond both the perception of reality and reality itself. Most people stop at reality. The veil gets lifted they 'see' 'everything' and then believe they have reached 'awareness' or 'awakening' or 'oneness' 'third eye' etc.. The truth is there is another veil to be lifted and that is the awareness of what is beyond reality and that awareness only comes from letting go of everything, even the idea of what everything is or isnt.

To say that we are everything and we are nothing is to still have a 'belief' about 'something' To truly lift the second veil you must be willing to release even the concept that lifting the first veil was even important. Be willing to believe that we have any capacity to understand anything at all. To be able to completely and utterly let go of everything even including the desire to let go of utterly everything.

When we believe that we have done that we have already failed. We must move beyond believing at all. We must simply. Be. Exist. Let go completely.

Its not about letting go its about taking hold of letting go and then letting go of taking hold and allow both the letting go and taking hold to wash over you.

The last veil cannot be described, or reached by any human means. The last veil is released when what is beyond the last veil comes to you and releases it. There is no escape but there is no path either. The last veil simply is. We simply are and in the end we are nothing and everything that we wish to percieve and experience is beyond the last veil.

Being trapped in duality is like being between two mirrors, each way you look there is always a reflection of a reflection of a reflection... a veil behind a veil behind a veil... a truth behind a truth etc... The Truth is... there is no Truth.
Ahh but we are not trapped in Duality. There is a Singularity and then there is everything else. You could theoretically say that the 'Duality' is the 'Singularity and the Non-Singularity' but that is not a mirror duality where either way you look is the same. One is up and the other is down and you cannot see up by looking down.
this is a great thread. i just finished watching "zen: the best of alan watts" and that, and this topic is just flowing perfectly with everything right now. i hope everyone else is having/had a night like i am/did tonight.

:heart: :D