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THC helps ADHD ppl drive safer

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion spice
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Anyone remember the study from England where the "habitual stoner" drivers each smoked one joint, and then proceed to *BEAT* the sober drivers in the electronic driving competition...? Ha ha ha. It was not widely published in the newspapers there, they hushed it up for sure! (Blathering instead about cannabis causing schizophrenia as if it were a real risk, when it is nothing but a weak conjecture disproven by rigorous statistics taken from large population groups like whole nations. I hope no one buys those newspapers ever again and they go out of business- if I want to read lies I can find better ones for free.)

The stoners were then made to smoke a second joint each, at which point the sober drivers started winning.

(those joints were not grown by the US in Mississippi though, GW Pharmaceuticals in Britian grows much better pot than that! otherwise the stoners would probably still be winning after 10 stem,seed&leaf Federal Mississippi "joints"... you would have to pay them well to smoke the damn things too probably, btw!)

then another similar study (was it Australia or England) found that sleep deprived drivers and drunk drivers were far more dangerous than stoned drivers.

personally i think it should be legal to drive on however many micrograms of acid you can pass the written and driving tests, while on... if the roads are still not safe enough, then make the written and driving test harder. discriminate against those who deserve it! there is no need even for drunk driving laws to regulate the road, just bust them for swerving, speeding, failure to signal, etc... it is that easy. then the rights of the rest of us are not violated based on a faulty justification.
"Anyone remember the study from England where the "habitual stoner" drivers each smoked one joint, and then proceed to *BEAT* the sober drivers in the electronic driving competition...?

The stoners were then made to smoke a second joint each, at which point the sober drivers started winning"

i whoop ass at anything high, so long as im fresh baked on my first smoke of the day, and only until it wears off (about 45 mins at my tolerance level now. it goes up the longer i abstain). any weed after that just has a negative effect. i've known this for a couple years now. i learned half of my skateboarding tricks high as shit. then kept smoking through out the day and got tired=hurt... videogames works for sure. in online play (xbox360) they have a ranking system that matches you with players based on your past experience, so your all about on the same level. after i warm up for a game or two then smoke, i will beat the shit out of nearly anybody that they match me with (sober about 50/50), until i lose my high, then i usually level back out, or if i smoked alot, i will get worse :?

the thing about that is that the skills you learn in that state dont transfer back 100% when you are sober again, meaning, you have to be in that mindstate again to perform that way again. you dont just get better and better each time. unless you smoke each time = chemical dependancy... :( i've noticed this in my kickboxing training too. the anti-nausea properties of weed let me push alot harder, and i dont notice the lactic acid burn as much, the euphoria kind of pushes it out. training after cutting weed out for a while? i feel like i can physically push myself harder, but my stomache says FAAACK YOUUUUU! i feel like vomiting.

this is why i now preach moderation, as i can see clearly now by my own experience as well as from others, that this is the best way to maximize ones performance (aka stay balanced and healthy), as well as get the most out of whatever your substance of choice is.
Just don't apply it to other drugs. Driving whilst racing on ampethamine or coming down is a fucking horrible experience if you have any regard for someone else's safety. I've had people ask me for lifts before even when I've said a few times I don't want to drive, and then stupidly agreed to, and regretted doing so.