THC both beneficial and destructive, depending on age.

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once again, at the end of the article..

"The ‘joints’ that are available now are much stronger in terms of their THC content than those that would have been around when people were thinking of cannabis as being quite a soft drug.
some research on adolescent marijuana abusers shows brain damage in neural circuits that are still developing at that age.

If that were true and the damage would be long-term, I'd be pretty fucked :roll:
The trick for scientists will be to isolate the active ingredients in marijuana that are beneficial and develop drugs that can be applied in the proper dose for the specific age of the patient.

This is what people should read and understand. The pharmaceutical industry hates Cannabis for two reasons:

1) it actually works
2) it's very cheap to produce

Both points are counter-intuitive to the pharmaceutical industry which does not exist to heal us, but exists to sustain itself by the means of making sure we stay customers to them. For the pharmaceutical industry, the whole plant is not interesting, the margins of profit are just to low. It's the same bullshit you see in our food culture where most of us eat surplus fed back to us in the form of chemically 'enhanced', food alike substances which does a lot of things but is very poor at what it is supposed to do: make sure we get our needed nutrients.

Of course developing kids should not be given recreational or psychedelic drugs and of course nursing mothers or pregnant women should stay away from them as well. This is a no-brainer and has been established for some time in our culture related to smoking and drinking alcohol.

Controlled regulation is indeed the only way to go, make sure that people who are hurt by it (kids), don't get it and promote use among people who benefit from it (adults). Unfortunately we live in a pré-adolescent, overwhelmingly stupid and ignorant culture.

Kids shouldn't smoke weed.

How much of a fucking grant did she get to tell us that?

The pharmaceutical industry is a bloated, stinking giant, making *wonder drugs* by the thousand, passing them off to those economy-priced WHORES at the FDA (who FAIL in their duty to adequately test them) who then fall all over themselves in the rush to market it with a million dollar ad campaign, then two years later, scramble to the defense table as they get their asses sued off because people are dying and falling ill because the side effects were way worse than the FDA or the pharma company was admitting.

Doctors in this country are CRAP, because they are allied with the pharmaceutical companies in the form of PROFITS, and the FDA caves in, time and again, to the lobbying power of big pharma.

HeartCore a dit:
The trick for scientists will be to isolate the active ingredients in marijuana that are beneficial and develop drugs that can be applied in the proper dose for the specific age of the patient.

This is what people should read and understand. The pharmaceutical industry hates Cannabis for two reasons:

1) it actually works
2) it's very cheap to produce

You forgot point three:

3) it can't be patented,
due to the fact there are so many unknown active chemicals in mary Jane
Doctors in this country are CRAP, because they are allied with the pharmaceutical companies in the form of PROFITS, and the FDA caves in, time and again, to the lobbying power of big pharma.
The additional problem here is that it is a global issue...Also here you can get contrary advises, depending on which company the doctor is payed from. I fully agree with your post, HC. It is an interesting example of how the world works today. The main 'goal' of capitalism was progress, nowadays it is profit, which often disrupts any kind of progress (mental and technological)