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Testing MDMA powder

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Quellin
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Matrice Périnatale
hi there,

I am a newbie here, so maybe this topic is already covered somewhere else. I did a quick check but I didn't see it immediately so I started a new topic.

Several years ago, I had a first experience with MDMA powder. Pretty much mindblowing! I took some pills on 10-15 occasions in the two years after my first experience and stopped the whole thing, as I was getting used to the feeling and it wasn't anything special anymore. I also had some experiments with other psychoactive chems. But I prefer the MDMA. Don't ask me to explain why.

Now, after some years of soberness (except for alcohol), I could lay my hand on some pure MDMA powder/crystals (about 1g), but as I have become somewhat more responsible and older, I would like to prepare my trip very well, otherwise, no use in taking it. You should know that I am in my daily life a totally 'normal' person (normal = politically correct but that is just the view they get from me), and thus I have no contact with the scene. However, I know what I want and I want this trip to be special. So I have two questions for you which you maybe can help me with:

-In order to check if the quality is good, I want a serious test on it. I considered going to a professional lab to test it. (I am living in Belgium). I need to know that it's okay, otherwise I am toooo nervous, even if I know the FX already. Do you think that it is worth the risk or do you have alternative (quality) options?

-Where can I find a balance to measure such low weights?

Thx for your advice.

btw, my first time X changed my life, I rediscovered myself, trust and love. Should be legalized immediately!
Hi Quellin , and welcome!!!

MDMA in my opinion is too soft , you don´t need a balance , I never had use it and I never never saw people do it , you need at least 0,3 to have nice effects and will work just a few hours and you don´t need a scale to do it ,
Testing it shouldn't be necessary. As far as I know the MDMA hcl market hasn't been contaminated. Some batches seem to contain crushed pills, that's it.

MDMA can be easily eyeballed. As the dose doesn't need be very precise.

Just eyeball about 1mg/kg or if you want it to be more intsene 2mg/kg.

MDMA makes itself perfect, that's the good thing thing about it.
In the Netherlands there are some (many) points at where you may test your pills, crystals or powder. This is done anonymous, so it's a safe hassle. You may test on the containment of MDMA or speed or whatever, but if you're sure that what you've got is MDMA powder, then you're fine.

The price may be an indication, compared to other 'powders', about 15-25 euro per gram, dutch prices. You may probally taste it (just a tinch) if you can compare the taste to very strong aspirine-like.

So if you know that you've got about a gram; assume so and you may take an eight (0.125 gram) for a descent experience, up to a fifth (0.2 gram) for a more intens experience. You can derive such a part by laying down a line, and splitting it evenly into the parts you want to calculate with.

A nice thing about MDMA; you can allways take more. So if you want to start off easy, just take a tenth (0.1 gram) and if it kicked in (wait for an hour or so) and you like the way this is going, have some more (increase with carefull steps). It's very easily dosable this way and remember .. once you're going nice .. you may want to take more and more and more .. erm, so you may want to put it away then :-P

I'd say: have a good one!
amoak a dit:
you need at least 0,3 to have nice effects and will work just a few hours and you don´t need a scale to do it ,

Are you crazy ???? Then yo have very weak mdma.....

Normally we take 150 mg, and if we really want to have a mindblowing experience we take 200 mg.

But 300 mg, that's when you want to walk around as a morron and have people laughing at you.
I don't take MDMA anymore , but we in Portugal took at least 0,3 , and isnst unusaly take LOT more .

150 mg can be fine to snort , and even snorted , 45 minutes later i will take another , and partys in portugal have always a duration of 20 hours , because this i will need more than 0,5 gram MDMA for a night and I had to take some lsd too
If you want to test it, you can send it to me, J.G. Farnsworth; MD, for laboratory analysis. I'll have results within a week.
Thanx to you alll for the many answers!

I will certainly do a test in The Netherlands as Siq suggested. Brewmaster, thanx for you offer, but I believe it is a bit easier for me to do in The Netherlands 8)

Indeed, a balance is not really needed. 10 lines out of 1 gram, should be roughly 100 mg/line. From my previous experiences I know that this amount already gives me a serious (=understatement) uplifting mood. So I'll start with line, and then take another.

We will be three persons in private surroundings, so we will have at max 330 mg each. Will probably be done somewhere in January. I will keep you posted!

Someone good/original ideas to do at home on MDMA?

Quellin a dit:
Someone good/original ideas to do at home on MDMA?


Depends on the other 2 persons.... :wink: making love is an excellent idea.

Offcourse, puting on some loud music and jump around can be considered :P
marc a dit:
Quellin a dit:
Someone good/original ideas to do at home on MDMA?


Depends on the other 2 persons.... :wink: making love is an excellent idea.

Offcourse, puting on some loud music and jump around can be considered :P

Love is an option, no sex. They are two very good friends (married couple) with open minds.
Jumping around will certainly be done!

Just a few ideas, I don't know if anyone has any experience with this:

-Rubbing your back/neck with 'Vicks' (= kind of salve you use when you're sick and makes you warm)
-Trying all kinds of fruit (I don't like chocolate or coca cola when I'm up)

But what I really would like to experience again (and I know one should not long for it, hence it will not happen) is the following. In one of my previous experiences, I suddenly got to see the what I call 'life energy'. I saw lots of energy everywhere in many colours. I saw the aura's of people. When I am sober, it is pretty much hard to believe that I was not hallucinating. However, we were three people in the room, two saw, the third one not. So we did a test. I left the room, the second one who was seeing the energy manipulated it (you could take it in your hand and then it flowed away slowly), wrote down what he saw, I entered again, same manipulation was done and my description of what I saw was exactly the same as what was written down...

I never had the luck to experience it again. Any ideas how to enhance this kind of experience (without taking any additional chem)?
I do totally recognize the energy-play. It's what I've done the last 2 times I used MDMA in a home-setting. I can't say that I truely saw these energies, but I did clearly notice them; felt them. Also manipulating these and just have energie passing from person to person is an awesome feeling. It's what made me so interested in this fuzzy substance, because this feels so real and intens.

I also reconned being (way more) telepathic. It's hard to proove and conclude this, so I'd like to set up an experiment once. Creating some telepathic tests and executing these in sober states and in intoxicated states. I'm curious ..

In a home setting, I'd recomend crawling around on chillout music, hugging; sharing and playing with this energy and be open. Put some matrasses and couchens on the floor and just roll around :)
Judging on the doses people recommended here, they must have either weak MDMA or abused it and there tolerance increased dramatically.

Seriously, if you use MDMA with care, a dose of 120 mg Crystals with do it for a person weighting 80 tot 90 kilo's.

Tho, just assume you have a gram, make 9 or 10 lines, roll it in a skin (vloeitje van een joint) and swallow it.

Use X twice a year, and it'll never loses it's magic as you had with the first experience.
hi quellin- there are two tests you can do to determine if you have the real thing. (I am referring to mdma here as the 'real' thing)

a) a melting point test, as pure mdma gives a narrow, specific range. This assumes (and requires) technical ability.

b) Marquis reagent, which is what everyone is talking about that Dancesafe and some other organizations are/were using..marquis reagent is a water solution of sulfuric acid and formaldehyde, very weak, which will only indicate the prescence of the methylenedioxy bridge (the 'MD' part of MDA,MDMA,MDEA) it will not tell you whether or not you have mda or mdma,
and the effects are different enough where one finds a definite preference for one or the other.
