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Tesofensine has some serious side-effects

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 944
A New Miracle Diet Pill Causes Serious Concerns - Tesofensine is said to be the answer to all our weight loss prayers, but it also has some serious side-effects .

Tesofensine is hailed as a new miracle weight loss pill - but its side-effects may not be worth it . The already controversial diet pill market could very soon count a new and seemingly revolutionary addition: a "miraculous" weight loss drug called tesofensine, which is currently undergoing clinical trials and could be available on a wide scale in roughly three years. Tesofensine is designed to target the specific part of the brain responsible for controlling appetite and makes the user feel full very soon after starting a meal, while also suppresses the urge to snack constantly. Taken for half a year, tesofensine helps achieve an average weight loss of about 10 kilos which is twice the amount currently achieved by most anti-obesity drugs. Although it's hailed as the next major breakthrough in the ever-expanding and changing domain of weight loss drugs, boosting quality of life and slashing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer for obese patients, this miracle pill is already the subject of controversy in various medical circles. Its many proven side-effects include diarrhea, mood changes, constipation, mild nausea, insomnia and most worrisome of all an increased heart rate. Also, nutritionists have claimed that all tesofensine does is cut corners and offer lazy patients a quick fix for their ever-expanding waistlines, and have argued that the same affects could be obtained with healthy dieting and regular exercise. However, there are doctors who hail this drug as the answer to all their prayers: a drug that offers a quick weight loss of that magnitude is worth looking into. One Danish professor even argues that coupled with a sensible diet, the effects of tesofensine could double. "You could easily come up to 20 per cent weight loss which could offer an alternative to the surgical treatment of obesity which has become the only real cure or effective treatment that can provide a weight loss of that size", claims Professor Astrup, from the University of Copenhagen. A drug that offers rapid, effortless weight loss is bound to be a huge hit on the modern markets and it's quite likely that people will abuse it unless extreme caution is exercised.
Those are very common side effects for all the bullshit weight loss drugs too.

I don't see the huge concern, except for the inevitable complaint that people might be getting thin or whatever without work.

Maybe one day they'll make a pill that cures the brain dead consumer mentality which inspires the insufferable sedintarianism this fucked up society so widely accepts. Oh wait, it's called pscilocybin mushrooms and it's illegal as fuck.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why expect there is such a thing as free weight-loss?
No-Key a dit:
Those are very common side effects for all the bullshit weight loss drugs too.

I don't see the huge concern, except for the inevitable complaint that people might be getting thin or whatever without work.

Maybe one day they'll make a pill that cures the brain dead consumer mentality which inspires the insufferable sedintarianism this fucked up society so widely accepts. Oh wait, it's called pscilocybin mushrooms and it's illegal as fuck.

yeah like the pharmaceutical shit isn't a drug and doesn't have an effect on body and mind ..... :roll:

but even better... other drugs that don't have negative side effects if rightly used are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad ...

yeah.... for the good of humanity!!!!!!!! (??????)

f.... the law ...

but well .... maybe by silly-seeming laws greater danger is prevented, because of the deep-rooted dumbness and the need of the peoples for a leader (or leaders) that says what is alright and what is to be done...

yeah... what's it called??? the spirits that i called??
