interesting, i also thought that tantra had just to do with sex, but afterall it's like some kind of yoga, and this is what i found about tantra sex, even though i don't like it, here goes:
Sexual rites
According to Tantra one can go beyond the sexual plane of existence only by accepting it fully, utilising it and spiritualising ones innate sexual tendencies towards greater awareness. Several approaches are recognised as a way of conditioning aspirants prior to sexual meditation. Individual proclivties and spiritual achievement are taken into account by the guru from whom such training is sought. The path is usually considered appropriate only for certain individuals whose temperament and self control will enable them to forego sexual indulgence — a necessity, if the act is to serve as a tool to transcend identification with the mortal body. As with other tantric practices the presence of a guru is said to be a paramount and essential condition.
When done successfully as enjoined by the tantras it will culminate in an experience of infinite awareness. The Tantric texts specify that sex has three distinct and separate purposes — procreation, pleasure and liberation. Frictional orgasm is eschewed by those seeking liberation for a higher form of ecstasy, as the couples are locked in a static embrace. Several sexual rituals are recommended and practised. These involve elaborate and meticulous preparatory and purificatory rites. The act results in a balancing of ida and pingala energies in both participants. the sushumna nadi is awakened and kundalini rises up, resulting in an awesome cosmic awareness in which all residual individuality is completely disintegrated in the stream of samadhi consciousness. The act itself has several depths of meaning: the male and female partcipants are joined physically, representing Shiva and Shakti, the male and female principles. The act results in the subtle fusion of Shiva and Shakti energies resulting in an undivided energy field. In addition each participant expriences a fusion of their own Shiva and Shakti energies.