Taking LSD at four 'freed' Courtney Love's mind!

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Dr. Leospace

Alpiniste Kundalini
Taking LSD at four 'freed' Courtney Love's mind!

London, Nov 2: It seems there was something messing up rock queen, Courtney Love's mind right from the beginning, and it has now been revealed that she was given acid when she was just four-years-old.

Love, the former leader of the band Hole and widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain confess that having acid at such a young age had 'freed' her mind.

"Because I was given acid at four, I think my mind was freed," the Sun quoted her as saying.

Love's parents broke up when she was very young and during a child-custody case following their divorce, both her mother Linda and one of her girlfriends presented letters to the court implying her father had given 4-year-old Courtney LSD. Love's father however denied this allegation.

The 42-year-old has been sober for a year and three months and credits Buddhism for helping her get her life back on track. She insists her hard-partying days are behind her and claims her conversion to Buddhism helped her remain sober.

The wild blonde also spoke about selling her stake in Nirvana's music for 50 million dollars.

"Before that, I'd saved $4,000. We were almost ready to apply for food stamps," she said.

"I sold 25 percent of the music to a guy named Larry Mestel who's been great, f***ing great. Some of his ideas are a little cheesy. The last thing we want is Smells Like Teen Spirit selling Coca Cola.But if you look at my daughter - and that's who that music is for if it ends up having to f***ing be sugar water, that's what it ends up having to be," she said.

"I pray to God it doesn't, and I don't think it'd be appropriate. But no one's looking to sell Nirvana songs to Coca Cola, we're looking to the opposite eco-friendly green cars, anti-Apartheid, you know all the things we value," she added.

--- ANI

Source: NewKarala.com
Sorry but FUCK COURTNEY LOVE i still think she had something to do with kurt's death. She's probably lying about this . What kind of fuck head gives acid to a 4 year old. Kurt would be rolling over in his grave if his music is used to sell coca cola
No offence, but she is seriously messed up.
I really hope she has found happiness and balance, 'cause this was a serious case of psychedelics way to early.
Makes me think of a remark of some highly respected guy in the field of psychedelics in a high life years back:

'The problem with personality altering drugs like psychedelics is, that too many people start to use them before they actually developed a personality at all.'.
LATEST: COURTNEY LOVE's estranged father has hit out at her claims he is responsible for the drug deaths of music festival goers in 1969, insisting she is trying to discredit a book he is writing about the death of her late husband KURT COBAIN.
Love recently claimed she was given acid as a four-year-old and raised allegations HANK HARRISON made a bad batch of LSD that killed four revellers at California's Altamont Music Festival.
But Harrison is baffled by the claims.
He says, "Courtney is attempting to sully my reputation to nullify my credibility as a journalist and author. She has seen and read my book, LOVEKILLS: THE ASSASSINATION OF KURT COBAIN, and is petrified that it might come out by some major publisher, especially in the UK and Territories where she holds sway.
"How could any three year old (sic) child remember if she was given LSD or not? She wasn't.
"The deaths at Altamont are well documented in the film GIMME SHELTER. THE ROLLING STONES caused the riot, kept the crowd waiting four to five hours, and hired the Hells Angels to guard the stage - a certain formula for disaster.
"I was working as a technical documentation specialist and aerospace journalist at the time and had no contact with anyone even using LSD at that time.
"LSD, even bad LSD, is very difficult to make. I am a writer not a chemist. I wouldn't even attempt it."