Heh. Slaughterhouse five. I stopped reading that half way through cuz it was too much like real life.
My spiritual mentor actually suggested i read it because she said that what I was describing to her about my life seemed to have a very strong resemblance to it.
A very strong resemblance to my life.
My life.
What the fuck?
Lol. Thats pretty normal for me. Going round in circles, winding up in strange places, having ongoing hallucinatory strange experiences which may or may not be real.
Sometimes I wonder if I am in a permanent state of psychosis except that according to my parents, my doctors, my wife, and my friends, I am perfectly fine! What do they know!
What the fuck?
I actually once had the thought that its possible that my life is one big hallucination and that actually right now I am locked up inside a mental ward and everything I am experiencing is actually going on inside my mind. I still like to go back to that experience just to see if maybe it really is real and I have finally figured out how to open the door or eat through the straps.
What the fuck?
You wanna know what my number one super power would be? The ability to spontaneously cause people to trip.
I think I am heading towards that already actually. I already have a tendency to set off the 'alarms' of people who are tripping in public and I have fun being a shmuck sometimes and walking up to people that I know are trippin and going "have a nice, trip, hope to soon you real see"
I also do stupid stuff like, penis, insert a word into a sentence like the word penis and have it have absolutely nothing to do with the sentence and then watch as people wonder if they actually heard the word or not.
Back in college people used to give me free drugs to get high because I was so much fun to play with. Didnt pay for a single chemical or herb in 5 years. Local chemist used to experiment on me lol.
I actually used to cause hallucinations. One guy that hadnt done anything said to me: "Whatever your doing, keep dong it, I see this glowing ball moving around in your hands."
You know somewhere in this world I have a follower? A disciple? This guy wigged out on LSD and I talked him down off his high by entering into his trip (I was sober) and accepting some of his psychedelic experience as my own, transferring it into my own mind and then dissipating it out into the environment. I talked him down off his high got a little high myself for a while and a couple days later he thanked me for saving his life and told me he was now my follower. Havnt seen the guy in years. Hope he isnt lost again.
And finally I used to be able to snap people out of their trips if I had to or they wanted me to. I could zone into their consciousness through a series of hand movements that would snap them back to reality for a period of time. A quazi, not nazi, ex-not-ex hippy saw me do this once and she was like OMG ive never seen that done before. I was like. Dont ask me. I just do what the cosmos tells me to do.
Go figure.
What the fuck?
Go read my trip reports on my daily escapades up a massive mountain inside a space ship.
Slaughterhouse five? Sounds like normalcy to me.