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Suitable Combination hydergin/nootropil)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrPatient
  • Date de début Date de début
ive just read that ayahuasca can cure these symptoms permanently...

dunno for sure tough...
OK, I've got some questions for you, if you would answer these:

Have your headaches increased in intensity or frequency since they started?
If yes, how much have they increased and over what period of time?
Does the ritalin relieve the headaches?

please answer these questions as soon as possible, I think there might be a serious problem...

For the synergy between the substances, try http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez. Although it is a US government organisation working together with the farmaceutic industry, it is the best medical database I know of.
Could you describe your symptoms more accurately please ? I think we may share the same problem...
By sleepy, you mean always tired without any reason ?
Hmml, the changing one-side headaches can indicate a brain tumor... sorry to tell you, but please get a EEG or alike as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, stay away from anything you think gets you bigger headaches or lessens the relieve afterwards.

If I were you I would talk to a neurologist first, if you need a psychiatrist or urologist, he will be able to give you the right letters.
Hydergin gives me a headache . I ask my doctor if i could have some to try and he wrote me a prescription . I wont try it again . Mixing prescription drugs and self medication can be very dangerous . Dont do it !