Student Shot by Cops for Smoking Marijuana

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A Grand Valley State University student shot by an Ottawa County deputy told his parents he lifted his right arm to cover his eyes from a bright flashlight when the shot was fired.

He told them he didn't know it was a police officer shining the light.

He never even had a chance to see who was coming at him, because of the bright flashlight in his face. Sheryl Copp, the mother of Derek Copp, told 24 Hour News 8 he had no clue. He heard someone knock on his door, and he had no clue who it was.

The bullet entered the right side of Copps upper chest, broke ribs, ruptured his right lung and went through his liver, his parents said. It remained lodged in his lower back, nearly protruding through his skin.

Doctors, they said, were planning to remove the bullet Friday.

Student Shot by Cops for Smoking Marijuana part 1

Student Shot by Cops for Smoking Marijuana part 2

Thats fucking crazy. What a crazy world we live in. Shooting people for plants.
At the end of part one they say the police officer that shot isn't facing any criminal accusation... WTF!!!?!?!?!
To me this is no different than any ordinary citizen shooting another individual. The cop should face prison time just like any other criminal.

peace & love
wat da fuk

yep it is far worst wheno someone that should protect you shoot you instead- not like "anyone else" i think.
Next time someone points a flashlight in your face at your front door, don't make any sudden movements! It is your benevolent protectors, here to inspect and make sure you don't have anything you might be able to enjoy yourself with.

It doesn't help that all through his training this cop would have been fed propaganda about how dangerous 'pot junkies' are.
so what now, we have to wear bullet proof body armour in our own homes now? what can we do to make sure this never happens again>! the cops never get treated as equals. just because they "uphold" the law, they arent bound by it? we have been facing issues with crooked cops for years now. most of them involved with the violent drug trade (coke, heroin, etc). i mean, how many people have killed over pot. and i mean just pot, nothing else.

what would have happened if the kid had shot the cop out of fear and reflex cuz someone is shining a light in his face at his own front door. i would have shot him honestly not knowing he was a cop. would i go to jail? no, i would probably be put to death for assault on a federal officer with a deadly weapon.

this is all bullshit. and dont go praying to obama to fix anything.... he hasnt done anything yet but effectively distract america with piles of shit.

there has to be something that we ,as a worldwide culture, can do to defend ourselves. and prevent this backwards law enforcement, and favored treatment. why dont they drug test cops
every day.

meh.... disgusts me, sickens me. and there is nothing effective that can be done without being radical. we need to seriously organize protests... not wimpy parade ones either, i mean the classic anarchy flipping cop cars kind of "protest" i am sick of having such an inept generation of individuals call the shots. they keep placing such a value in money that it outweighs the human life. at this point in time, one human life is worth the price of well.... one bullet.
and that is disgusting that one can place a price tag on a life. now i am not talking about any kind of pre-birth pro life shit. im talking adult humans here.. the value of the homeless guy down the street, no, he has no value (because he doesnt send the gov't money) but bill gates however, he is valuable, because he gives us money. so why dont we take the money out of the equation. remove the generation from power that holds their grip over the globe right now. and take this planet for what is rightfully ours.

it starts with something relatively small. one person doing one stupid thing. and that starts it rolling. the media will demonize the kid simply for his use of a natural substance that grows right out of the ground. all the while the cop that shot him for no reason what so ever will get away without any issues. and that will tell the gov't that they can get away with it in the eyes of the public. just as long as they were "on drugs" and they will use that as an excuse to do as they please (or they actually have for quite some time now)

i dont even know where go to now, ive ranted myself into a corner here. someone help me out and add some kind of snappy conclusion to this pile of rant.
We wont live in democracy at least untill people in power like the police get tried in the same way a s the general public and also get punished more for abuses than the general public because of abuse of power . That means that we all get the same sentances but the pigs get more on top for abuse of power .